I usually do not write about my professional experiences,
but here’s an interesting one that fits the topic.
Early in my career, I was offered a diplomatic post in apartheid South Africa, years before Nelson Mandela would be released from prison. The offer, however, came with quite a hitch -- that I would consent to being classified by the host country as ‘an honorary white person’. At that time, all ‘non-white’ diplomats assigned to South Africa had to be so classified. Congress had required all US aid to South Africa to support only legal, black-owned and operated entities that were addressing a wide range of development issues in black communities. The leaders of these private sector and NGO entities comprised South Africa’s ‘government-in-waiting’. While the prospect of playing a small role in that nation’s lengthy and arduous transition to democratic rule was very appealing, the notion of being classified as ‘an honorary white person’ was a major turn-off! I resolutely declined the offer.
Years later, I accepted a similar offer, one with no hitch. It came a few months before Mandela was to be released from prison. Without any hesitation, I embraced the chance to engage in the incredible transformation underway at the center of the world’s stage. Thus, I was blessed not only to help shape over a decade of US assistance strategy and programs in South Africa, but also to meet and work with top tier members of the USG and also of President Mandela’s government – members of his prior government-in-waiting.
For national level elections the world over, imagine the levels of effort that must go into searching for and proposing talented prospects for various tiers of government, thoroughly vetting candidates, selecting and then prepping preferred appointees as key parts of hopeful governments-in-waiting. This is typically required for each political party challenging an incumbent administration. This is also required for any incumbent administration proposing a change in top players. Imagine the levels of effort required to prepare for the chance to lead a national government for what typically is for just a few short years.
Now let’s s-t-r-e-t-c-h your imagination to perceive a much more massive government-in-waiting process, one that is not just national, but global in scope! What might the search for good prospects look like, given key differences in languages, cultures, educational systems, etc.? What kinds of vetting procedures must be developed and carefully implemented, per prospect? And what happens to prospects who fail the vetting process and are dropped from further consideration? Once qualified and politically acceptable candidates are decided upon, how on Earth could such a diverse mix of hopeful nominees be prepped for their proposed positions, should their political party win the election? This literally boggles the imagination! But now, try to wrap your imagination around the notion of a global, millennial (thousand-year) administration, not for just a few short years!!
Mind blown yet?
This is exactly what Jesus has been doing every day since Adam and Eve sinned in The Garden of Eden. On that day, He launched and began to orchestrate His government-in-waiting development process. With loyal support of holy angels, and steadfast resistance from both demonic angels and untoward humans, He has since made outstanding process! The keystone of progress to-date is the appointment of Himself, Jesus Christ, as pending, King-of-the-World, destined to succeed the wicked global leader who will govern the world during a pre-determined, 7-year period of rebellion.
But this election process is quite different from the norm. Jesus, Himself, is the electorate in this case. He elects us, quite literally, whom He fore-knows will elect Him! Got it? And trust me, there are no ‘hanging chads’ or Electoral College issues that can creep into this election. However, after He initiates His tailored vetting and preparation processes, unfortunately, some of us fail and drop out, or worse, are vomited out! 1 Yet, in Grace, He continues to move forward, applying His same general approach, generation-after-generation. We who pass His vetting and preparation processes, become part of The Lord's awesome government-in-waiting, waiting for our appointed leader to establish His long-predicted, global administration.
While He knows who will and will not be inclined to embrace Him, we don’t. So in light of that, I invite you to join our ranks. In fact, He effectively designed Christianity during this 3rd age of history, to be 'demonstration effects' of this offer! Christians' lifestyles are supposed to be His invitations. (Yeah, I know, I know what you might be thinking..) In our day, His offer is embraced by sincerely asking Father God to forgive you for your sins, and embracing His Son, Jesus Christ (i.e., His virgin birth, life, death, resurrection, and current role as interceding Savior), as God’s payment for your sins -- past, present and future. With this, you are spiritually born into His Kingdom, as a babe, just like physical births happen on Earth. His vetting and prepping processes then begin, with the objective of developing and growing you (spirit, soul and body) into a mature Christian, whom God calls ...His son, a saint. (Yep, in God’s view, we become saints in life, NOT in death by the decision of a man.) This is accomplished with help from a wide range of other maturing (not fake or Christianesque) saints, as you read and study The Bible to learn The Lord's nature, requirements and incredible plans for humankind.
To help you get started, please sincerely pray out loud this, or a similar Prayer of Salvation; then TELL SOMEBODY what you did. (Including me, please~) Look for, and connect with mature, real, sincere Christ-believers. 2 One day soon, we will receive our diplomatic appointments in The Kingdom of God on Earth. We will be fully prepared and equipped to perform our unique roles and assignments across the world, reporting up the ranks to Jesus Christ, headquartered in a significantly elevated and expanded Jerusalem (from the Nile River-to the-Euphrates River!!!), in a world fully at righteous peace for a thousand years.
Imagine that~ This is one of the culminating events of human history, iteratively promised throughout The Bible. Join me in believing and preparing for it by changing our lifestyles. 3 And trust me, by a long shot, this beats the alternative picture The Bible paints for all who reject this gracious invitation to join The Lord Jesus' ...Government-in-Waiting! ----------