
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding, general lukewarmness and outright apostasy among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Super-seeding Faith or Otherwise? (Poem)

Peter gave us good insights on how we should be thinking,

About how, with test and trails of this life, we will be syncing. 

He linked them to the Praise, Glory, Honor and Joy in Christ! 

Imagine that! Is that how You regard trials in your life?? 1


I’m guessing, on his insights, most of us might not be feeding.

Rather, much worldly advice, many of us might be heeding.

Were you ever taught, have you ever learned how to distinguish,

Trials and tests of faith, from temptations,

both of which cause anguish??


In haughty ignorance, I learned to rebuke and bind,

Any and everything that disturbed my peace of mind! 

As an adult, from hard lessons, I learned ‘…otherwise’,

To perceive how, long-term benefits, to optimize.


We all know trials and temptations catch us unaware.

They’re unique events that knock us on our derriere! 

Who among us takes the time to ponder, and try to unpack,

Whether they’re trails of faith, or enchanting, devilish attacks?!


Add to this mix, The Lord’s chastisements,

For sins for which we did not repent,

And we’re thrown off balance, spiritually,

While dealing with the impacts, physically!



If your conscience is pricked by such an event,

And you know for some sin, you need to repent,

Then, to God’s Throne, hasten without delay!!!

Then assess the event in coming days.


If repentance was sincere, and there’s no change

Then from your strong faith, do not become estranged!

Know that life’s events spring from spiritual seeds,

Sown by The Lord, or devils who plant seeds of weeds. 2


Trials and temptations may be ‘opposite sides of one event’.

Thus, it should be easy to assess from whom, each side was sent

Devils seek to corrupt what they perceive The Lord is planting.

The Lord extends Grace to negate what devils are …enchanting.


Moreover, here’s something we may not be taught to perceive.

As we keep it in mind during trials, GREAT JOY  it’ll conceive!

So please take time to inculcate this into what you believe:

In this life, faith, enhanced by tough trials, will this life supersede!!!

Read that again, …and again.


Trials and tests of faith are like fertilizers, malodorous.

They produce --fragrant flowers that, to The Lord, are Glorious,

--Then ‘super-sized harvests’ for faithful seed-faith cultivators. 3

Against such, temptations are mere devilish countermeasures! 


Harvests The Lord seeks to produce in abundance,

Aim to bless Him, us and people we influence.

Moreover, their successive seed generations,

Ensure Glorious, future remunerations! 


Stop! Think of your Millennial Reign roles and assignments.

With these in mind, The Lord prepares trials in accordance. 

So don’t just ‘rebuke and bind’ things that disturb your peace.

Stop! Muse and meditate how they might mold your ‘Master’s piece’. 4


In light of these insights, we have a choice to make,

From which The Lord will derive GREAT JOY ...or heartbreak:

Check if your faith is super-seeding or otherwise. 5

 Without testing trials, it will neverbe optimized!


1 Please take some quality time to read, then meditate on 1 Peter 1:3-7. Read it in several easy-to-understand versions of The Bible, on Biblegateway.com. Also see: Tests, Trials and Temptations (Poem).

2 See: Deed Seeds (Poem), and also The Weed and Sequoia Seed (Poem). Search this blog for ‘seeds’ for many more pivotal insights on this key topic.

3 See: Fruit from Beauty (Poem) and We ‘n Trees.

4 Your hierarchical role and assignments during the 'close-at-hand' Millennial Reign ageSee: The Master’s Piece (Poem).

5 Super-seeding -- being productively sown/planted, with abundant harvests;

  Super-ceding -- yielding, giving-in, close to giving-up and ‘throwing in the towel’;

  Super-ceasing -- stopped, totally inoperative, ‘dead in the water’.