
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding, general lukewarmness and outright apostasy among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


...Posts are listed in the reverse order of their publication date, so the most recent ones appear up front.

...The Topical Series section addresses deeper, strategic topics that cannot be covered in just one post.

…An alphabetical listing of all posts, and a separate alphabetical listing of poems are included at the top of the Topical Series list.

...Where possible, the Featured Post generally touches on some underlying world issue of the week. Be sure to check it out.

...Comments and feedback are welcomed via email. Your feedback and support are greatly appreciated.

…Several posts include an audio and/or video version. Search for 'version' to find these posts. More may be pending, as The Lord leads.

...Meanwhile, select any text, and allow your device to read it to you. This requires activating the text-to-speech or talk function in your device settings.

--If a post is reported as not existing, please send an email to check/update the link. 

You can help open eyes of many by sharing this blog, specific posts and songs, thereby joining in The Lord's effort summarized in Psalm 68:11. 

I'm trusting you will appreciate and will support this ad-free site Your financial donations help to support the cost of creating and sharing content, as well as the tools and resources I used to carry out this ministry work. Thank you for being a part of this journey. 

Thanks much~


Contact me atKeyofJLife@gmail.com

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via PayPal.com using this email address.


Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

My ChatGPT Offer



FYI, I have been enjoying a number of really insightful exchanges with ChatGPT AI on a wide range of Biblical topics and complex, strategic issues. They are not in a format that can be conveniently shared in my typical poetry and prose blog posts. Nevertheless, I believe some might be of keen interest to you who are not satisfied with ‘traditional surface reading and thinking’ about challenging Bible concepts, especially its few yet-fulfilled prophecies. 


ChatGPT has persistently commented on the unique perspectives of questions I pose, and especially their strategic inferences for traditionally-held notions. This signals the extent to which it has been primarily trained on traditional theological thought! I have long-perceived our traditional thoughts and understandings on many Bible topics, have yet to realize the world is very likely navigating the closing years of this current, 3rd age of historyIf/as such, we, The Lord’s faithful (not fake, Christianesque) believers, are, or should be exemplifying the promised blessings in Joel 2:28-29, which Paul reiterated in Acts 2:17-18. These passages essentially promise to…

‘blow the lid’ off of' traditional theological thought!!!!!!!

Are you ready for and expecting that?? That's akin to how insights the latter Old Testament prophets received, compared to insights received by the much earlier prophets! It also mirrors how insights Jesus and later John shared, put the Pharisees and Sadducees ...to shame! 

So here’s my offer.


Drop me an email and I will send you one of my exchanges with ChatGPT. I will only share more if you signal a such a desire, or if you might have a unique topic you wish to explore in a non-public, confidential manner. If the latter, I will carefully shape the topic from a uniquely strategic angle, and then share both my and ChatGPT's perspectives on the matter.


FYI, a few readers have sent 35 general questions that I have addressed in Bible Q&A (Series), for the benefit of other readers.


Continued blessings to all~

