
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Do You ‘See’ What I ‘See’? (Poem)

Jesus, Who Is, and never was not,

Star of Heaven’s cloaked ‘salvation plot’,

His Spirit planted His Seed in a womb He created,

Knowing by folks He created, He would be berated.

He Who has always been, created this world we all live in,

Destined Himself to die to save us from our ‘earned’, hellish end. 1

He became a babe, subjected to laws He ordained,

Unaware of the divine mission, He foreordained.

His birth was greatly hailed by beings He created,

Angels who before Him, as Lord God, had prostrated.

They are the ones who to Him remained loyal,

After a war in Heaven that was awful.

He sucked milk from breasts He designed,

As in arms He formed, He reclined.

He was raised by parents to whom He had given life, as babes,

With siblings who did not know, in their Creator’s eyes, they gazed!

He, the fount of ALL knowledge and wisdom, 2

Learned to learn, just as we are accustomed.

Though He designed the seed that produced every tree,

He had to toil to learn the trade of carpentry.

As into full adulthood He grew, with worldly success,

One day He was drawn to be tested in the wilderness.

There He perceived, then passed each test, resolutely!

Then hungry, He returned to start His ministry.

He was hungry for some food after weeks of fasting,

Yet more hungry to pursue a new kind of fishing! 3

Now FULLY AWARE of The Father’s grand strategic plan,

He ‘set His face like flint’ to create …a new kind of man! 4

Men fishing fish for food, that’s His design.

Men fishing men, sin skewed, new life to find,

That is His Father’s business He was about,

And why He chose 12 men with whom to hangout.

He designed the (first) Temple King Solomon built,

And catalyzed its re-building in Haggai’s script.

Then He Who will one day BE The Temple,

Scourged merchants in it for actions sinful. 5

He Who conceived, then designed grapes, sweetness to release,

Drew that same sweetness from water at a wedding feast.

He Who ordained death after living life,

Reversed that sequence to prove He is Christ! 6

He Who had taught Adam to live by faith, so long ago,

Demonstrated a faith-filled life to men He got to know.

Then, He was ready for His greatest test, un-afraid,

On Calvary, The Father’s price for sin, fully paid!!! 7

His Son, like a Lamb, planned to be slain before anything was,

Their pre-creational plan for us whom they would deeply love:

Mankind, created perfect, lost in sin, yet still esteemed,

Offered a free chance from ALL of their sins to be redeemed.

The foundation of this plan is …the freedom of choice,

A chance for us to express our …decisional voice’,

With a guarantee our decision will be respected,

And that by it, our eternal fate will be selected..

Friend, day-by-day, you are deciding …un-knowingly,

In words, actions and life-style choices …unwittingly.

Your choice, whether made appreciatively or viscerally, 8

Is written in or erased from Christ’s Book of Life …faithfully.

 That’s the quintessence of C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S.

and life~

So… do you ‘see’ what I ‘see’???


1 SeeHebrews 1,  Genesis 3:15 and Ezekiel 18:20Some may think it’s strange, and find it hard to believe, that Jesus, by His Spirit, literally planted His Own Seed into Mary’s womb. Yet absolutely nothing is impossible with/for Him. In Isaiah 42:6-9 (written some 700 years before Jesus was born), Jesus, as The Lord God, pre-incarnatedirectly prophesied about Himself, incarnateIs there any other book on Earth, especially religious/spiritual books, that demonstrates such a predictive quality, wherein predictions became true, historical facts?! This prophecy is just one among many proofs that He is The Lord God.

2 SeeColossians 1:1-3

3 SeeMatthew 4

4 SeeIsaiah 50:6-7 and John 3:1-18, referring to the spiritual 'new birth'

5 See1 Chronicles 28Haggai 1Revelation 21Matthew 21:12-17

6 SeeJohn 2:1-11 and John 11

7 See: Genesis 1:26-312:15-17 and 3:8-9, summary evidence of The Lord’s ‘instructional relationship building’ with our first parents. In John 19:28-30, Jesus announced to Heaven and Earth, His core assignment had been successfully completed.

8 Viscerally- characterized by or proceeding from instinct rather than intellect; characterized by or dealing with coarse or base emotions; earthy; crude


  1. Love it!  Very clever!!!

  2. Very clever! It’s a challenge to think of words that align with the target letters and make sense. That is always a challenge!


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