Many good and awesome lessons we could surely learn,
From trees that are more numerous on Earth than man.
What insights might they speak of The Lord’s grand plans,
If only we would listen, His lessons to discern?
When dissatisfied with fruits on the limbs and boughs of trees,
Arboriculturists focus on the trees’ roots, not their fruits,
To change different nutrient aspects soil contributes.
They do this until the trees produce fruits with which they’re pleased. 1
They also target fruits that, from flowers, have already sprung,
To preserve current crops, like with nets and fumigation.
This will only protect the current fruit generation.
Targeting roots and soils, serves fruits in generations to come.
When The Lord, through Moses, brought the Hebrew slaves
out of Egypt,
And recounted His laws to them …over and over again,
He was treating the current generations of fruits, Amen?,
Fruits that from Abraham’s, Isaac’s and Jacob’s ‘tree’
would soon be ripped.
Over thousands of generations, The Lord, in varied ways,
Continued in this same particular modus operandi,
And received the same ole results, verified historically:
Weak and meager fruits of righteousness by His people displayed! 2
Along the way, He planted many ‘seed promises’,
Of a pending, sustainable change in His approach,
To address their wicked ways that triggered His reproach:
On their hearts, in their minds, I will write My purposes. 3
Friends, since our heart and our mind are the clear equivalents,
To the roots of our ‘tripartite human experience,’ 4
It is in His amazing Grace and benevolence,
That this approach awaits Israel’s future residents!
Adding to His promises, a prototype or backup,
Today, He extends to the willing an offer that’s profound:
Rather than treating sin problems …from our lofty lifestyles, down,
In salvation, He treats our sin problems …from our roots, up! 5
Many good and awesome lessons we could surely learn,
From trees that are more numerous on Earth than man.
What insights might they speak of The Lord’s grand plans,
If only we would listen, His lessons to discern?
What if Earth is our classroom, and trees our teachers?
About them, what have you pondered,
and lessons have you discerned?
Since with trees, the Earth has been so abundantly adorned,
If we don’t go to church, might trees be …our preachers??
1 Arboriculturists - someone trained in forestry, tree farming, husbandry, etc. See: What is Arboriculture and Why is it Important?
2 This is not only the story of ancient Israel, as recorded in The Bible, but is also the current story of Israel in the news of our day.
3 See: Jeremiah 31:33 and Hebrews 10:16
4 Spirit, soul and body, in that proper order.
5 See: Ephesians 3:17 and Colossians 2:7, 11-14