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The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Letter to 3rd Age Christians (Poem)

See the Israel series here 
Listen to Siri audio version here

See the Letters series here

This is a letter addressed to Christians

in this current age of Grace, the 3rd age of human history.


Across our world, there may be issues among Christians,

Reconciling events in Israeli societies:

…Crumbled relationships with all her ‘non-citizens’,

…And moves that threaten her political stability.



We recognize Jews as ‘The Lord’s people’, pre-chosen,

As His kinfolk in His plan to be born as a man,

To become mankind’s ‘kinsman Redeemer’ from our sins.

Thus, we’ve been ‘grafted into’ His spiritual clan.


And yes…

We believe and now see how He’s slowly accomplishing,

What He showed to ‘prophets of His program’:

…ALL Jews from around the world, He would be regathering,

…To the land He promised to Abraham.



We well know the land He promised is so much bigger,

Than the sliver of land Israel now occupies, 1

And that their on-going regathering has triggered,

Competing ancestral land claims that can’t be denied!


Animus between folks competing for slivers of land,

Is disheartening to see, and to decide how to align.

Yet high above the fray, much more than most, we know the plan!

As it unfolds, and till it’s done, let’s keep these points in mind:


As a secular state, Israel was re-born; but soon won’t be,

When The Lord returns to start the 5th age of our history. 2

Until then, let us focus on the questions The Lord posed, quite aptly,

In Ezekiel’s vision, noted in Chapter 33.


‘Should you then possess the land?’, twice The Lord asked,

To Jewish remnants living in the ruins of Judah,

Remnants of folks who had long pridefully basked,

In thoughts they deserved the land, though they ignored The Torah!! 3



Both Israel and Judah expected The Lord’s protections,

But they both despised His covenant Lordship statues.

Their false sense of security, in these grave situations,

Became a set-up for The Lord’s just judgments pursuits.


Thus, dispersal judgment curses came upon both nations,

From The Lord, Who had long ago sworn to their patriarch,

‘I will bless or curse those who bless or curse you.’ Imagine!

Now today, thoughts of their remnants are in the same ball park!!! 4

And yes…
The Lord promised to punish nations that ‘divided’ His land,
Lands occupied by Abraham's and Ismael’s descendants,
In response to His first ‘multiply and fill the Earth’ command,
Because they (not The Lord, Himself?) scattered the Jewish remnants?? 5

In light of this, here’s what coming up…

…Pre-cursors attest these are the closing years of the 3rd age,

…Preparing for The Lord’s revealing of the anti-Christ man,

…Whose staunch hatred for Christians and Jews, many Scriptures presage.

…With 3rd age Christians gone, those in the 4th age, with Jews might band. 6


…As from Egypt and Europe, Jewish remnants fled hastily,

…The Bible predicts, from across the world, Jews will again flee,

…Some to nearby countries when Israel has no vacancies!

…Anti-Christian and Jews spirits will manifest globally!


…Their wealth and food concentrations will spark a first invasion.

…When in tribulation plagues, the world learns Jews were protected!

…This war will trigger an incredible response from Heaven,

…Since all Israel will have no defensive walls erected’! 7


…As The Lord’s tribulation plagues continue to churn,

…Global quakes will substantially reshape all lands,

…Preparing the Earth and folks alike for His return.

…All walls and mountains will fall down. None will withstand! 8


…The second invasion of Israel will then be triggered,

…The world’s remaining armies joined and rushing to attack,

…The Lord, with His army – all GLOWING, alien invaders!

…With a word, this fight will be over, the anti-Christ sacked! 9


…This will signal the start of The Lord’s Millennial Reign,

…Based in Jerusalem, which will then be raised up high,

…And the surrounding lands, and maybe everywhere, a plain.

…So for Jewish tribulation remnants, what and why?


…The Lord will command them all to migrate to Israel,

…Where He will reveal Himself as their rejected Messiah. 

…(Like Joseph’s family met him in Egypt, so regal???)

…That will be a time of mourning, but later, of EUREKA!!! 10


…The Lord ‘will remove from their midst’ the pridefully arrogant,

…Like He destroyed ancient Jews noted above, ‘covenant cheats.

…He’ll ‘seek to destroy’ nations that attacked Israel, peccant,

…Then summon their remnants to His yearly Tabernacle Feasts. 11


Finally brothers and sisters…

Pray earnestly as ‘3rd and 4th ages ending events’ unfold,

Notably in Israel, but across the whole world, at large.

Beware of secular policies and peoples you condole!!!

To Bible prophecies, hold tight, till The Lord and we …take charge!!!


Yours in Christ,

Brother J! Wooten, Jr.

Tucson, Arizona


1 See: Our Land-minded God

2 See: The Millennial Reign (Series)

3 This was after the last (of 3) Babylonian invasions that occurred over several years. Ezekiel was captured in an earlier invasion, and carried to Babylon. In his vision, The Lord informed him of developments back in Judah.

4 See: Ezekiel 33:23-25 then Zephaniah 3:11-13 for The Lord’s questions on this issue, and His promised responses (at the start of His Millennial Reign in the 5th age of history) to such prideful, presumptive behaviorJews in Israel today who are aggressively/forcefully settling in lands internationally earmarked and recognized for non-Jews, appear to exemplify the same/similar spirit of ancient Jews whom The Lord chided, then destroyed for their haughty pridefulness. This may appear to be ‘history repeating itself’. Spiritually speaking, that phrase or concept simply points to gullible, sinful humans biting the same devilish bait their ancestors bit! Thus, I wonder if these folks know and understand that?! With thousands of years of successful experience with humans, devils really don't need to change their tactics. They just patiently wait for spiritually ignorant folks in successive generations who are ...guaranteed to bite

5 Joel 3:2 is likely a key reason many Christians today do not support efforts to negotiate peaceful land solutions in Israel. Admittedly, understanding this verse is ‘well beyond my pay grade’, as the saying goesIf it refers to the Armageddon War at the end of the great tribulation, then The Lord has a host of reasons to punish the nations of the world. And if it’s about who scattered His people, recall, He dispatched His select ‘battle axe’ nations, Assyria and Babylon, to judge and scatter sinful Israel and Judah. Then He punished those ‘battle axe’ nations for going too far, and being too harsh. Thus I wondercould we today possibly be misunderstanding the true context of this verse in relation to current-day land issues across Israel??

6 See: Human History Ages (Series) and anti-Christ (Series). Just as oppressed peoples today find ways to band together, I intuit Christians and Jews, both oppressed by the anti-Christ, might find ways to join hands in order to resist and survive

7 See: A People un-Walled (Series), Booty, Pre/Post Millennial Reign (Series), and Revelation - Future Attacks in Israel

8 See: Global Earthquake (Series)

9 The anti-Christ man and his prophet/prime minister will apparently be the FIRST occupants in The Lord’s lake of fire, somewhere on the new Earth that He’s likely already created! They will be ALIVE, in their immortal bodies, in anguish forever. As the first occupants, they will be cast therein well over 1,000 years before satan, all his devils/demons, and every unrepented human sinner from across the 6 ages of human history on this current version of Earth. With your ‘strategic mind’, read Revelation 19 and 20.

10 See: Deuteronomy 30, Isaiah 10:20 - 23, 35, 60, Hosea 3, 14. Micah 2:12-14, Zephaniah 3, and Zechariah 10 - 14, especially chapter 12:10-14.

11 See: A Forced Reconciliation (Poem)

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