Jesus is The Lord God, in service to His Father God,
Who to His Son, delegated ALL things,
Both in and under Heaven, including Earth that’s sin-flawed. 1
One in spirit and purpose, They are and have always been.
One in ways you and I can’t possibly fathom!
One in Their love for righteousness, and Their disdain for sin. 2
So what exactly does ‘Lord’ infer, what might it mean,
Especially for those who limit ‘God’ to the number, one?
Here is my take, so let’s see what from it you might glean:
L —> Has Legal authority over everything, spiritually and physically.
O —>Has Ordained/allowed past things, ordered future predictions.
R —> Will Reign physically and spiritually on Earth 1,000 years.
D —>Has Delegated to you to discern/decide your eternal ‘So what?’
While true Christians discern the rational for shedding Christ’s blood,
(Which washes away the eternal stain of our sin),
Discerning His body might get lost in …carnality’s flood.
Adam’s sin made humans to bow to, and serve a new god,
Separating us from Father God and His Lord.
Our links to perceive, and desires to obey Them were flawed.
Living as a son of man, like a master builder, as it were,
Jesus laid the foundation to re-establish our links.
His whipping, crucifixion and resurrection finished His work.
Before His death, He learned obedience from His parents,
Respectful son to Mom, and understudy to Dad.
In His death, He displayed obedience to Providence.
In death, His spirit and soul continued to live,
Just like ours will do, when from this life we are gone.
Trust me, that’s the core point many Bible verses give!
In spirit, He preached His Gospel to folks who died,
While waiting, in faith, for His long-promised coming.
Though their bodies were long dead, their faith was revived!
Since by His death, He had paid the price for their sin,
From their temporary prison, they now would be set free.
Heaven’s gates now opened, The Lord said, ‘Come on in!’
Now to you, my Friend, He extends the same invitation,
And you need not wait until you die!
While alive, you can become a citizen of Heaven.
This you do when you embrace Him as ‘Lord, personal’,
And by faith, embrace His payment for your sin.
This is what that means, from the perspective, Biblical:
L —> Your Love for Him grows, encompassing everything in life.
O —> You Obey Him increasingly via learning His Word and ways.
R —> You Reign over evil in life, daily reaping righteous rewards.
D —> Will Delegate a special role for you in His Millennial Kingdom.
I don’t know about you, but this IS a GREAT offer!
There’s literally none greater available to mankind,
One that devils work hard at prompting us …to defer!
So throughout life, The Lord sends along folks who are …just like me,
To plant and water Gospel seeds in lives of folks …just like you,
To ponder His offer and ask, ‘What will your decision be?’
NB: Counterfeits can only follow that which is first real and TRUE!
1 The Book of Hebrews, chapters 1 and 2, attest to this. Uniquely, The Book of Ezekiel records The Lord's repeated phrase, ‘Then ___ will know I AM the LORD’, a whopping 57 of the 68 times this phrase appears in The Bible. (NKJV) Yet so many of us flat out refuse …to get the point.
2 See: Is Jesus God? (Series)