…From all sinful ways and means of ungodliness,
…Allowing our God-given, inward righteousness,
…To reflect outward lifestyle choices in sageness.
That’s holiness.
Without such separateness before The Lord and the world,
…To the world, we His disciples, would be indiscernible!
…The Lord’s nature, and our nature would be antithetical!
…His power displays in and through us would be impossible!
Every testimony would become …controvertible!
‘Be ye holy, for I AM Holy,’ period! 1
…Since then, we’ve all pondered it, enigmatically,
…Failed by applying it, egotistically,
…And declined to perceive it, spiritually.
…That maturing in holiness is now attainable.
…The Lord’s ‘Be holy!’ outcomes with ancient Jews were awful!
…His Grace today makes ‘pursuing holiness’ more hopeful.
Plus, His in-dwelling Spirit gives us His strong helping Hand.
‘Holy’… Why isn’t this word heard often in our day??
…Devalued, some think it means living in solitude.
…Attitudes toward it have largely been misconstrued.
…Unsubdued, folks seek to blend in with the multitudes!
How can we Christians, such perspectives, help to sway??
In this context…
A good way to explain holy, is to cite what it is not:
…Nor does it require wearing some religious apparel!
…It doesn’t mean side-lining reason for all things visceral!
…Nor does it mean always having one’s head in The Bible!
Deceptions about holy are merely a devilish plot!
In our day, ‘holy’ is bad, and ‘holiness’ is much worse!!!
…In days long gone, it’s use referred to a Godly mantle!
…On one Christian sect, devils worked hard to pin this label,
…And then to prompt some members therein to become boastful!
What will it take to put such corrupt notions, in reverse??
One way is to instill correct teachings in all churches.
…It is The Lord’s preferred way for us to be in-powered.
…It allows His in-dwelling Spirit to be un-fettered,
…So His ‘demonstration effects’ through us are 'transfigured'. 2
Holiness will soon be well understood by the masses!!! 3
The Day is coming when, by no one, will holiness be feigned,
…When parables, prophets and pride are not permitted,
…When perversions, protests, and pagans are precluded,
…When holiness is pursued, practiced and perfected!
That’s when ‘Paradise’ will be here in Christ’s Millennial Reign. 4
Until then, here are some tips to help ‘bridge us’ to that Day:
…As we allow, then respond to The Holy Spirit’s infusion.
…Trust The Lord’s Glory within, to refresh our thoughts/words/actions,
…And to attentive onlookers, reveal our lifestyle attractions.
With patient diligence, we will live …‘well above the fray’.
Holiness is clearly a ‘maturing Grace’.
Since The Lord’s ways are ‘higher’ than our ways,
Let’s allow His ways to be the object of our righteous race.
2 Transformative within us, and in those we encounter
3 During The Millennial Reign, all people will be forced to learn to live righteously, in holiness before The Lord and us, His (then) immortal saints. This is the meaning of the many Bible references to Him ruling all the Earth ‘with a rod of iron’. His holiness demand will equally apply:
(a) to the few ‘mark of the beast branded’ survivors of the apocalyptic plagues at the end of the 4th age of history, the tribulation age (see Revelation 8 – 19 and also Humans, Rare On Earth!!! (Poem), and
(b) to their much longer-living descendants who will be born during that age.
For more on this, the coming, golden, 5th age of history, see: The Millennial Reign (Series), Human History Ages (Series), and search this blog for 'lifespans'.
Ponder this pertinent question: Will you be there???
Your role as a participant in His Kingdom, both during this 5th age and throughout eternity, is a key benefit of salvation in Jesus as Lord and Savior. It starts here.
4 During The Millennial Reign, all devils will be locked away in a ‘bottomless pit’, per Revelation 20. With Jesus, The Lord God, then physically on Earth, there will literally be no need for prophets, parables, etc. Earth will be literally filled (click) ...with the knowledge of God, with His and His immortal saint’s Glory, and with the knowledge of their Glory. The Bible predicts our combined GLORY LIGHT will disgrace the moon and will make the sun ashamed! (See: Imminent Eminence (Poem)).
You don't want to miss that scene,
so make your reservation today to be a part of it all.
The alternative to missing this age is very clearly spelled-out in
dire warnings worth heeding.