
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Audacious Christians (Poem, Part 2)

See the series here


Here’s a question I perceive The Lord God, through me, is asking,

To all ‘Christians’, whether openly, or as such are masking:

‘If you know about the rapture, and if it happened today,

Would you be included when, from Earth,

My Church is swept away?’ 1

Sometime after that event, The Lord will move to uncloak,

Thousands of His anointed, commissioned Jewish kinfolk,

To end the job The Church started on The Day of Pentecost,

But, because of encroaching lukewarmness, she did not cap-off. 2

This fresh team, lean and agile, will be so highly successful,

In preaching The Gospel of Salvation in Christ, skeletal,

That many souls will be saved, even at the peril of death!

Shunning the mark of the beast, they’ll profess Christ

…‘til their last breath.

Its success might rival those of the first century Church,

When by most Jews in Judah, it was seriously besmirched.

Similarly, at that time, Christians witnessed audaciously,

And with their lives, they paid the heavy price, agonizingly!

While today’s Church will have worked at its job, 

for thousands of years,

The folks on this team will have very short …witnessing careers!!

In a few months, most of them and their converts will be dead,

Because the anti-Christ’s government will chop-off their heads!! 3

Ponder this with me: In a few very tense months,

And for Christians, the government is on the hunt,

How could this small team be so incredibly successful,

In global conditions that will then be so distressful?!

My first thoughts were about how The Lord’s twelve apostles,

Where turbo-charged by The Holy Spirit’s arrival.

But something Apostle Paul predicted fully changed my mind:

The anti-Christ’s rise and The Spirit’s leaving will be aligned! 4

So with no Bible indication,

Of The Spirit’s re-visitation,

How will this team be so successful???

It’ll be helped greatly …by two angels!! 5

And just like way back during the first century years,

Judeans knew The Lord promised blessings would appear.

If, when Jesus was alive, by them He was shunned,

By the time of Pentecost, some were …well-seasoned! 6

Thus, I believe another factor aiding this team’s success,

Might be those folks who, to my first question, did not answer, ‘YES!’

Though knowing a bit about the rapture, they will have MISSED IT.

They’ll repent when they see the anti-Christ is a counterfeit!!! 7

Yep, these folks will have a second chance to join The Lord’s ranks,

If to the mark of the beast body-brand they say, NO THANKS!!!

But because, before the rapture, to Christ they were lukewarm,

They will lose their heads for resisting the anti-Christ’s norms.

The Lord said, against His Church the gates of hell will not prevail!

Yet ‘falling away’ from the faith Paul foresaw, is now FULL-SCALE!!

So could ‘heat’ from the anti-Christ, be the ‘tool’ The Lord will use,

To re-recruit’ folks who’ll miss the rapture,

so hell’s gates …will lose?? 8


By this rhyme, I hope you can see, clearly,

Being lukewarm for Christ now, is risky!

For Him, now’s the time to be …somewhat audacious,

Even if it means being …a bit loquacious.


1 See: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

2 See: Revelation 3:14-22, and 7. See also: Laodicean Lackadaisicalness (Series) and Fresh Troops, Incoming (Poem).

3 See: Revelation 7:9-17 and 13:7The great tribulation plagues will last over a 42 month (3.5 year) period. SeeAnti-Christ (Series)

4 See: 2 Thessalonians 2

5 See: Revelation 14

6 Even Moses had long ago predicted God’s blessings would be visited upon Israel and the world, through a Prophet (Jesus). See: Deuteronomy 18Acts 3 and also 7. So when folks saw the miracles wrought by The Apostles on the Day of Pentecost, many were likely ripe to convert to Christianity, though a few weeks earlier, some might even have called for Jesus to be crucified.

7 PLEASE consider plausible links between 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Revelation 3:16, 13:7 and 20:3. I surmise there might be potential overlaps between these groups of people! If so, this should be a BIG WAKE-UP call to lukewarm Christian across the world! Many folks, especially Jews, will know for sure the anti-Christ is a counterfeit when he, standing in the 3rd Jewish temple, will claim to be God, and demand to be worshiped. Spiritually, this will simply be satan doing the same thing he tried to do in Heaven, i.e., replace Jesus as The Lord God. (For more, search this blog for ‘coup’.) Evil never learns critical lessons it needs to learn!

8 Could this scenario help to explain why so many folks, including some Bible teachers, erroneously think the entire Church will not escape the great tribulation? They fail to correctly perceive The Lord’s strategic plan, including His demonstrated and iteratively promised Goshen Effect in 1 Thessalonians 5:9, 3:13, Isaiah 26:20-21 and elsewhere. Plus, they may discount Zechariah 14:5. They also seem think ANY mention of ‘saints’ in Revelation, automatically means saints from this Church Age, the third age of history! If so, they fail to discern the SEVEN ages of humanity ‘revealed’ in The Bible (though not in any specific chapter and verse), and what The Lord is doing/will do iteratively in each stage. If interested, search this blog for that topic. For example, see: Anti-Christ: Summary Review (Part 5)


  1. Great scriptures. The apostasy or falling away had already begun before the apostles were killed--lack of communication, lack of scriptures, converts bringing in their own ideas, persecution, and the death of the apostles. When I was younger I read a lot of research about the Great Apostasy. Many good people tried to keep the church together even through the rise of the papacy and government intervention. Tyndale and many reformers were heroes.

  2. Your point is spot-on, especially if one believes ‘the last/latter days’, so often mentioned in both testaments, began on the Day of Pentecost. Some Bible scholars opine they began in the early 1900s. Either way, I firmly perceive we are in ‘the LAST of the last/latter dayzzzzzz’ - that relatively short, rather intense period just prior to the rapture, equivalent to the adage, ‘The darkest hour is the one just before dawn!’

    Search is blog for these posts that explain the key reasons for my opinion:
    Cascading Crises (Poem) and Ponder This… (Series)


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