See the series here
NB: Did you know the word, 'hell' is not found in The Book of Revelation?!
Echoing across all the ages of mankind,
Ponderings, wonderings and questionings:
Is the lake of fire real, a metaphor, a paradigm?
Doubters may ask, ‘Why all the quibbling?!’ 1
Is it…
Somewhere on or deep inside the Earth?
Or perhaps somewhere in outer space?
A destination for folks who’re cursed?
‘Hey, we heard God was a God of GRACE!’ 2
Here’s a key point I cannot overstate,
About how to read The Bible, strategically:
With The Mind of Christ let us satiate,
Then connect dots between verses, concomitantly. 3
To the key question, ‘Is that lake real?’,
I answer, ‘It isn’t, at least not yet!’
This is what The Bible reveals:
That doesn’t mean about it we shouldn’t fret!
To the questions, ‘So when, and where will it be?’,
This is what two key Bible verses reveal:
It’ll open for business in eternity,
When Earth is replaced with its …version ideal.
Breaking that down…
The lake will be wherever The Lord designates,
On the new Earth noted in Revelation 21,
Somewhere outside New Jerusalem’s pearl gates.
It’s His place for unrepentant folks and lying demons.
In his closing, Isaiah gives a gruesome hint,
That the lake of eternal fire will be …an open pit,
Where righteous saints can clearly see, no need to squint,
Sinners, folks who are still alive - body, soul and spirit!
This is what The Holy Bible declares:
The only way to avoid a hellish destination,
Is repentance of your sinful affairs,
And avail yourself of The Lord’s plan of salvation.
The full price of your sins, He has paid in full,
When on a rough cross, He bled to death.
God’s ‘sacrificial lamb’ for your acquittal,
So you can avoid that lake's fiery depths!
With predictions of this place, you’re now acquainted,
And how to avoid it, you’re now well-informed.
To you, this time to decide is allotted. 4
My prayer…
May your decision, with wisdom be adorned.
1 Paradigm - a typical or representative instance or example of something.
Quibbling - raising concerns about a trivial matter
2 He is, indeed. But folks who accentuate The Lord God as only Love and Grace, are in for a real shock when He introduces Himself as Judge Potentiate and Ultimate.
3 Concomitant - existing or occurring with something else, as a related feature. For example, connect the dots between Revelation 22:15 and Isaiah 66:24, both of which obviously occur ON the new Earth, and both refer to the residents of the lake of eternal fire ON the new Earth!
4 Within ‘the parentheses’ of your life…