
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Faith Author, Finisher and You (Poem, Part 2)

See the series here

(Be sure to read the important footnotes to this post.)

Author and finisher of our faith, that’s Jesus. 1

Authors establish a perspective view.

Finishers complete with a brilliant hue.

This leaves a gap in the middle that’s left for us.

God so loved the world, that He gave us His Son.

The Son, in turn, gave His love sequential:

That is Hisseed, time and harvest principle’.

He loves seeds so much, He even became one! 2

To meet our needs, He applies this principle.

He expects us to discern, plant and cultivate,

His seeds, in faith that does not fluctuate,

So He can finish with harvests plentiful.

So what are His seeds, so we can discern them?

He starts with Word promises on all aspects of life,

Backed up by The Holy Spirit to shine on them LIGHT.

We’ll miss these seeds if we don’t treat them as gems! 3

His book, The Bible, is literally chock full,

Of promises He expects us to believe,

So that, as we trust in Him, we can receive,

And thereby remain thankful, and in Him, joyful. 4

Ahhh, but many other kinds of seeds He will provide,

Seeds of relationships, right timings and things tangible,

Carefully provided at the right moments teachable,

All because with God, through faith in Christ, we are allied. 5

Once discerned, it is our job, not His, to plant His seeds.

But if in impatience we go and ‘fly off the handle’,

We may quickly end up in situations hurtful.

Before planting, consult Him, then follow as He leads.

While it’s easy to take seed-planting steps of faith.

The real work is ensuring our seed stays protected.

So to our seed, make sure our faith remains connected,

As for The Lord’s harvest we do patiently wait.

Like farmers, in great patience, we then must cultivate,

Tending aspects of our seed’s growth that are unique,

As we ponder plausible harvesting techniques.

That’s when more about Himself The Lord will inculcate. 

But from all the above, what good can come to us,

If we fail to perceive, and then gather-in the harvest?

Pardon me. About this, allow me to speak THE LOUDEST!!!

On this point, devils will push to make us anxious.

While God promises harvests to us who are faith-full,

He never did promise to gather it in.

So pray for faith to know when harvest begins,

And as you gather, give Him praise and remain thankful.

In this we see faith must not stay like a mustard seed.

It must be planted to activate God’s need-meeting system.

Faith is not a monolith. Rather it’s a spectrum:

There’s faith for A, B, C, and beyond X, Y and Z. 6

Just as our body has muscles for different functions,

So must our spirit develop faith of differing kinds.

This is what I see when reading between The Bible’s lines. 7

With this, may you perceive and follow The Spirit’s unctions. 


1 See: Hebrews 12:1-2

2 Jesus became God’s Seed, planted in Mary’s womb by the Holy Spirit. See: Isaiah 53:10 and Matthew 1:18

3 There are literally thousands of promises in The Bible, including promises to us whom God calls ‘righteous’, and also to the wicked. There are historical as well as futuristic promises, each designed and presented in ways to build our faith in Him Who promises. Careful study reveals they also literally cover every aspect of life, from birth-to-eternity. Do you know any other book that comes remotely close to that?! 

4 Trust manifested as sustainable belief and patience

5 Consider the untold number of different seeds with which God populated Earth! Let this thought convince you of His unlimited ability to fashion and deliver to you any kind of seed required to accomplish His good works in and through you. 

6 Just like God’s wide-ranging promises, the faith spectrum covers every aspect of life, from birth-to-eternity. How is your faith, not only for salvation, but also for supply, healing, witnessing, spiritual growth, giving, receiving, forgiving, sleep, work, family, friends, etc., etc., etc. Get the point? Faith is not a monolith, like many may believe; something so tiny that remains like a seed. Hum-bug! A lie from the pit.

TIP: As you read through The Bible, practice identifying the kinds of faith the actors are or apparently are not, but should be exercising. This will enhance your ability to gage your own faith in those areas.

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