‘Hey! It’s the economy, stupid!’
Is that all for which life is suited??
Across our world today, lives stunted.
Our quest for money makes life shunted.
Money. A mere figment of our imagination.
Lies we tell ourselves; mind and heart insemination.
Governments’ age-old policy instrumentation.
Our quest for it is now …social inebriation.
For the love of money, is there no limit what we will do??
Any and everything imaginable. You know that’s true!
When will we assess those money lies we collectively spew?
How can we take a look at life from our collective hearts’ view?
‘It’s the economy, stupid!’
For ignorance this is suited.
Thinking justice we’ve slaughtered,
It’s really Grace we’ve squandered.
‘Profits on steroids. Let’s celebrate!’
But there’s something we don’t correlate:
As profits for few accumulate,
Lives of most others depreciate.
As money begets more, to greed we succumb,
Giving birth to pride, which to God is loathsome.
Police become ‘soldiers of profit sanctums’,
And governments scorn the poverty spectrum.
A soft or hard re-set, which is better?
Tell me your opinion on this matter :
For nations to re-set economies, themselves,
Or to wait for The Lord God to do it, Himself?
Both help balance the economic playing field,
And give time and space for deep divisions to heal.
Folks who reject governments’ re-balancing moves,
Push their nations further down roads God disapproves.
So take you pick, for your nation, which one shall it be?
In The Bible, take a peek at human history:
--Various forms of economic re-distribution,
--Or God’s eventual …judgment annihilation??