Ask the average person, whether Jew or Gentile,
This question: Why was Israel established?
Likely answers might be, ‘To end the Jews’ long exile,’
Or ‘It’s because the holocaust astonished!’
Other likely answers might be, ’Because The Lord chose it.’
Or, ‘The Lord wanted a people through whom to reveal Himself.’
Why to Israel, nation status He chose to commit??
That’s a pertinent question you really should ponder …yourself.
Ask Christians, Why are Jews re-gathering to Palestine?
And they might reply, ‘Because The Lord promised to do so.’
Ask, What is His strategic rationale for doing so?
And they might likely be stumped, with eyes glazed, for quite a time.
In both groups, would anyone imagine, or connect the dots,
To why The Lord sent Moses to free Hebrews from Egypt’s grip?
Or why they selected a lamb, free of defects or bad spots,
And under the protection of its blood, they all fellowshipped? 1
Ponder this…
Slaughtering a lamb to use its blood, ceremonially,
Is, without a doubt, a ‘priestly function’, conventionally!
Until Christ died for our sins, such acts served, temporarily,
Instituting The Lord’s Passover, commemoratively!! 2
This one, pre-exodus act of faith by Egypt’s Hebrews slaves,
Signaled The Lord’s purpose for all ‘righteous’ Jews, eternally.
In their wilderness sojourn, He affirmed this to the ex-slaves,
Singled, from other people groups, as His priests, nationally. 3
With this important point settled, definitively,
Let’s ponder it in light of history, contextually,
So we can perceive The Lord’s plan, strategically,
So Jews across the world can ‘get on board’ with it, hopefully.
Though He has untold numbers of angels who minister to Him,
The Lord desired ‘a special treasure’ above all peoples,
A people, treasured, anointed, and appointed by and for Him.
Through whom He would be born as a man. People, not angels!! 4
But rather than acting like His ‘special treasure’, sacrosanct,
Down through the ages, Jews desired to be …just regular folks.
Thus, they acted accordingly, and attracted The Lord’s angst!
So He ‘sowed’ them among the thorns -- among the world’s sinful folks!!
Nevertheless, His desire and intention for them remained.
So, as He promised to do, and is doing among Gentiles,
He’s marking those who, as His treasure, will and will not be named!
In the last resurrection, the latter group, He might revile!! 5
All righteous Jews who, as The Lord’s special treasure will be marked,
Will be that nation who will serve Him as priests on two Earths:
In New Jerusalem, seat of the Millennial Monarch,
Then in His ‘cubed Jerusalem’ on the eternal Earth. 6
Apostle John referred to The Lord’s saints as ‘kings and priests’.
These have always been, and might always be …separate roles.
His priests are personal fonctionnaires, who’re close to His ‘seat’.
His kings will be in nations, to achieve appointed goals. 7
All Jews who’ll survive the apocalypse, per The Bible script,
Will know and embrace Jesus as The Messiah,
As Jacob’s family knew and embraced Joseph in Egypt.
First, they’ll mourn and grieve. Then that’ll turn to …eureka!!! 8
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1 This is the climax of the epic exodus from Egypt – institution of The Passover. See: Exodus 12.
2 Before His crucifixion, Jesus affirmed The Passover ritual was all about Him, as the spotless (i.e., sinless), sacrificial lamb, whose shed blood on Calvary’s cross would pay the price for the sins of Israel, and of anyone who would, by faith, personally embrace His sacrificial death as ‘for me and my sins’. Have you…?? (See: Prayer of Salvation (Poem)).
3 See: Exodus 19:3-6 and also Revelation 1:4-6.
4 Do you know humans, unlike angels, are in the ‘god class’?? For sure, satan and every devil KNOWS this. If you don’t know it, they have a major advantage over you, to deceive you at will. See: Ye Are gods (Series) and also Lost Angels Not for Like-Angels. How can this Bible insight impact …your lifestyle choices??
5 Please/please see and study: Ezekiel 8 and 9, and Revelation 20:7-15. See also: For You, Which Resurrection? (Poem). I believe Jews in the Great White Throne Judgment might receive, and will have earned The Lord’s special focus attention, having persistently rejected the incredible offer to be ‘His special treasure’. Form your own opinion on this point.
6 See: Earth’s Next Versions (Series). What the shape of this eternal site might be is a very controversial issue. I hope to address this in a separate post. Also, see The Bride of Christ series, another highly controversial topic.
7 In The Millennial Reign, we immortal Gentile saints will very likely be The Lord’s ‘vassal kings’ over every level of governance in gentile nations that will survive the apocalypse. We will initially be His ‘iron rod’ fonctionnaires in governing roles, over mortal survivors of the apocalypse – people who will have received the ‘mark of the beast’, and who, in the last resurrection, will be among those damned in the Great White Throne judgment. As time progresses, we will rule over their descendants. To them, we will be powerful, glowing, alien beings! See my exhaustive Millennial Reign series, and especially what I imagine could possibly be our job description in these roles.
Ponder this: Depending upon the timing of the next rapture, you could possibly be in the group over which The Lord’s saints will rule! Here’s why: This scene is predicted to begin ~7 years after the next resurrection/rapture event! See: Bible Raptures (Q&A)).
In the eternal Earth, The Bible only affirms we (likely all non-Jewish saints) will be ‘in nations’. No clear insights are given regarding our roles. Curious??
8 Their initial reactions will be deep-seated mourning and grief! See: Zechariah 12:10-14.