There are innumerable, deeply strategic insights we miss across the pages and ages of The Bible. This is true, though the mysteries of The Lord are hidden for, not from us who sustainably become His faithful saints. We might miss these insights because we tend to read and understand it principally as ‘just another book written by a bunch of guys, and that has little consequence to our modern lifestyles. Nothing could be further from the Truth!!!
Moreover, reading it as ‘a religious book’, rather than as a multi-millennial strategic plan, will pretty much guarantee we will miss its deeply strategic insights!! But that’s the BIG LIE devils need us to believe in order to achieve their own strategic goals. Their goals are to wreak havoc on our lives all across the Earth, and to deceive us into joining them in The Lord’s ultimate punishment for them, namely, eternity with them, in immortal bodies, in The Lord’s eternal, brimstone-lit lake of fire. Knowing their time is short to achieve their goals, they significantly ramp-up their efforts toward the close of the ages of human history, as revealed in The Bible. 1 The largest number of missed insights may well be in The Book of Revelation. One reason is our typical proclivity to AVOID this highly mystical book, full of incomprehensible symbolisms and images that blow our minds.
This series exposits my easy-to-apply, 2-step approach to understand this pivotal book -- the glorious conclusion of The Lord’s Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity:
Step 1: Read Revelation FIRST, and often thereafter as you read and re-read other books of
The Bible.
Step 2: Sharply and sustainably perceive its 7-key revelations.
Let’s get started…
Step 1: Read Revelation FIRST and Often
In reading most books, I prefer to scan the last chapter FIRST. With a notion of the conclusion, I am better able to intuit and track the unfolding storyline. If I find the culmination to be untoward, reading the book would be of little value to me. This approach can be helpful to understand any really complex, strategic, storyline book.
Just like a masterful author, The Lord God’s applies an easily identifiable tactic in revealing everything He has revealed to humanity, including things we decided to use to sin against Him and His righteous requirements. Here is His apparent tactic:
Precept upon precept,
Line upon line,
Here a little, there a little.
(Isaiah 28:10 & 13)
By His Spirit, He applied this tactic to inspire, orchestrate, then preserve the writing of each ‘book’ of The Bible, from Genesis-to-Revelation. His purpose is to ‘reveal’ to us who are spiritually-minded, ‘puzzle-like’ pieces of His Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity, and thereby trigger our sustainable faith in Him, and it. In ‘light’ of that, it is safe to conclude Revelation is the culmination of His written revelations, just like the final chapter in any book. 2 Inspired by the most complex, strategic mind in existence, The Mind of Christ, Revelation could well be the most complex book ever written! So we only fool ourselves if we think we can approach and understand it with our typical religious mindset! 3
According to Colossians 2:3, in Him reside ‘…ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.’ (See also Romans 11:33.) Imagine that! Ergo, reading Revelation, the CLIMAX of His storyline, first and often, would obviously be an immense help and guide to comprehend His entire strategic plan, in light of its conclusions. Reading Revelation first won’t trigger an immediate, full understanding of it. Rather, doing so will provide successively deeper insight into The Lord’s final plans and destination for humanity. Moreover, periodically re-reading it:
A. Helps to sharpen our ability to correlate other books, with this climax; and
B. Helps to ensure we receive the blessings promised in Revelation 3:1 and 22:7-9.
Please try this approach and let me know how it works for you. Thanks in advance~
Be sure to see Part 2 of this series,
Revelation’s 7-key revelations.
1 This is true, with one exception, namely The Millennial Reign age – the 5th Biblical age of human history. Revelation 20 twice confirms that, for the full duration of that age, all devils will be locked away in a bottomless pit. See: Mid-ages Musings (Part 5) for what I intuit was likely an age-ending pattern during the close of the first two Biblical ages of human history – the pre-flood age, and the post-flood/pre-cross age. Given human sinful nature, and Heaven’s promised responses, I intuit this same pattern will likely also apply during the close of the next 4 ages of our history, even The Millennial Reign age!
2 The Lord promised to ‘download’ other, unwritten revelations during the close of this current, 3rd age of human history – the post-cross age, otherwise known as the age of Grace and the church age. Heads-up: That’s NoW! See: Joel 2:28-29 and Acts 2:17-18.
Ponder this: Are you prepared and spiritually-positioned to be on the receiving end of some of His promised, un-written insights??
3 Amos 5:12-23 are excellent reminders that The Lord hates religion, e.g., vain recitations and rituals that have no demonstrated, faith-filled foundation of a personal relationship with Him, and intimate knowledge of, or respect for His Word, The Bible.