. Destine Himself to die on a criminal’s cross; who would
. Despise the shame of it all, yet would
. Dedicate to ‘go through the fire’ (for you and me); to
. Defeat satan's crew on their own turf; then be
. Delivered from the pangs of death and hell, and
. Display Himself as resurrected to over 5,000; then
. Delegate trampling power and authority to us, and finally
. Depart "in a new style" to sit as Heaven's High Priest!
This same, hard-working Christmas seed, is now:
. Defending His legacy as Christ, The Anointed One
. Defeating/destroying the works of satan & company
. Divulging butt-kicking Kingdom laws and principles
. Delivering sin-bound captives the world over
. Developing righteous stewards in the earth
. Diversifying immortal citizens of God's Kingdom
. Despairing forces of evil, destined to eternal flames
. Diverting earthly wealth to Kingdom purposes
. Delivering fruitful worship, praise and adoration
For more on Christmas, please see:
Christmas Reflections