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The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Sleeping Giant on the Earth?

Could the Church possibly be the biggest sleeping giant the world has ever ‘not known’? As the representative of Almighty God on Earth, does it appear to us and to the un-churched that we are fully awake and up to or capable of significantly impacting for good the rampant challenges, moral decay and disillusionment facing mankind? Could the steady deterioration in moral and civil life on Earth simply be preparatory to world events foretold in the Book of Revelation -- the unstoppable winding down of this age, in preparation for the next millennium? Or might it be more related to our collective need to accomplish what God outlined to King Solomon in 2 Chronicles 7:14, ‘..if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.’  Lord knows our land -- the whole planet, needs healing!

Perhaps such questions have been posed ever since Christ ascended to Heaven. Either way, it is beneficial to review the four pivotal personal and corporate disciplines that will ensure we are playing our God-intended roles in the Earth. Though they are all familiar, they warrant a succinct review.

Repentance and Forgiveness. These two Christian disciplines are fundamental and should be practiced daily or even more often, as needed. Have you ever noticed the so-called Lord’s Prayer is perfectly balanced on the two center petitions:

‘Give us this day …and forgive us …as we forgive.’
(Matthew 6:11 – 12)

The perceptive reader will see and understand how closely Jesus associated the practice of forgiveness to the frequency of our eating. Repentance signals our recognition that, though beneficiaries of salvation, our life in the flesh remains prone to sin and falling short of God’s requirements. It ensures the continued flow of God’s Grace of forgiveness to us, and it demands our onward forgiveness of those who offend and sin against us. ‘Grace received’ thus becomes ‘Grace extended’.

Thanksgiving. Regularly practicing this discipline radically shifts our magnifying focus away from our problems, to a laser-like focus on our Problem Solver. The highest expression of thanksgiving and love is giving – giving of our substance and ourselves to God and others. Only as we ‘see’ (perceive) our problems safely in the hands of our Chief Problem Solver, are we able to give ourselves more to God, and to help meet somebody else’s needs. In seeing our own problems like the faint mirror reflection of somebody else’s more intense, more immediate problems, we are enabled to respond selflessly.

Obedience. This is likely the most challenging and comprehensive of all Christian disciplines. It is the quintessential test of denial of self, faith-led trust in God, and Christ-motivated love for others. Much of what to obey is very clearly specified in The Bible for the ‘black and white’ areas of our walk. This is not so clear in the gray areas of life, where The Bible provides no clear, black and white guidance or instructions. Only by daily feeding (not just nibbling) on The Word, and being continually filled with The Spirit can we accumulate an adequate ‘stock’ of knowledge, understanding and wisdom of Kingdom laws and principles to cultivate the skill of hearing God’s still quiet voice saying, ‘This is the way. Walk in it.’  This is like being on the edge of a still, quiet and deep lake, where the whisper of someone on one side is easily echoed and heard by someone on the other side of the lake. Like me, have you learned how impossible it is to hear this voice clearly in the din of life’s challenges? These challenges are magnified by innumerable ungodly cultural choices that consume our time and energy, and that saturate our gluttonous, fleshy (carnal) desires. We can hear more easily in quiet, meditative solitude where we can muse the daily Word content downloaded into our spirit, and perceive the messages, guidance and instructions cloaked therein. 

Jesus did this regularly. In John 5:19, He gave us insight into the results He received. As He practiced this discipline, He ‘saw and heard’, in the imaginations of His heart, exactly what The Father was doing en avance, in the world of spirit, which things would soon manifest physically as Jesus spoke and acted on what He saw and heard. Read that again. This is because everything that happens physically is but the manifestation or after-birth of that which has already occurred (been born) spiritually. (For example, Ezekiel 9 occurred prior to 2 Chronicles 36:15-21! Check it out.) With this insight, it was easy for Him simply to step into the pictures (or videos) He saw, and to do what He saw/heard The Father doing.

Then Jesus said to them, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you,
the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do;
for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.’
(John 5:19)

May this review be helpful in checking yourself against these pivotal disciplines, and in playing your personal role in awakening the corporate Church. Without a doubt, the world needs us to play our God-assigned role in this day and age. What awaits the many of us who will refuse to ‘step-up’, is very likely the same, exact fate of the Church at Laodicea, that The Lord promised in Revelation 3:14-22. (See: Laodicean Lackadaisicalness (Series) and Audacious Christians (Series))


  1. Good write-up John!!!!

    We have to remember, "Many are called, but few are chosen." Some are called and some just went.

    That is why we have some that are determined to obey the voice of the Lord and His Word. Especially to preach the Word and to be instant in season and out of season. Some will preach the Word of God, but live opposite of what they have preached.

    I know one who told me to do what he tell me to do and not as he do. I had a nice talk with him and left the church. I considered him as a "Sleeping Giant."

    I also know of some that start off wonderfully in proclaiming God's Word. But when things don't go as they think they should, they give up altogether (just went).

    I know some that say if they don't get a certain amount of money after giving a sermon, they will not preach at that church again.

    How are they helping to win souls for the Kingdom of God acting this way? What about the seeds that were planted? Do they have any concern at all for the soul! I meet people often who are confused by actions of God's "chosen people." It is sad and leave me heart broken sometimes.

    I try to watch myself and pray that I will not be a stumbling block to those that don't know and don't understand the goodness of the Lord.

    1. Thanks for reading this post and especially for your comment. We, The Church, have quite a ways to 'grow' before achieving "without spot or wrinkle" status. That is what Christ will be returning to claim in us. I personally think His purifying arrival is effectively the only thing that will achieve this, not anything we can do on our own! Bless you!

  2. Hi J! Thank you, for getting me in the Word, which is what I need, hope I am on topic.
    “Could it be possible that the church is the largest sleeping giant the world has ever seen”?
    That is a great question to Answer? If all of us were doing what we are called to do in this world,
    Truly, the church would not be a sleeping giant. But if we will, all awake, doing the will and work of God
    Without making excuses, asking the question? O’LORD what is my true calling. What is your plan and
    Purpose for our lives. Give us the courage to utilize all the strength and abilities that you have
    Given us to be about doing what it is you want us to do; help me/us to awake out of sleep as in
    Romans 13:11 “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now
    Is our salvation nearer than when we believed”. Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but
    Be ye transformed by the renewing of our mind, that ye may prove what that is good, and acceptable,
    And perfect, will of God. Also another point is, that sometime we are awake and are doing the will/work
    Of God, yet we might get weary or be very jealous for the things of God and think that the Church is
    Sleeping. Like Elijah, who did mighty work in the name of the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac and of Israel
    Yet he” requested that he might die”. He searched for the LORD and found Him in a still small voice. See
    1Kings chapter 18 &19:12. The LORD reminded Elijah that He always have those who are serving Him
    and have not bowed to Baal, seven thousand. See 1Kings 19: 15-19. There are many people in the
    world who are not, sleeping but are faithful serving God. My prayer is LORD; help me to awake out of
    sleep and to be in you Perfect will. Forgive me for slumbering and sleeping when I should be in prayer.
    Teach me how to be a doer and not just a hearer of the word. Amen! see St. John 6:28-29.

    1. My, my, have you ever said it all, covering a lot of good ground! Thanks for reading and for this extensive commentary. Bless you!


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