
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

The Lord's Strategic Bifurcations (Poem)

Christians may generally be aware that The Lord,

Promises His bona fide saints, He would be on guard,

To protect them from full impacts of His judgments,

On sinners who, to His Grace, show no penitence. 1

While to His real saints, He applies corrective chastisements

To us, His Grace promise is exceptionally eternal. 2

This may be the foundation of a broader 2-tiered system,

A type of ‘strategic bifurcation’, leveraging wisdom

The Bible says The Lord is ‘no respecter of persons’. 

Strategic bifurcation affirms He respects unions,

Personal relationships with Him that testify,

To onlookers that, with Him, we are closely allied.

His strategic bifurcation is quite broadly applied. 

To segregate sinners from saints who with Him are allied.

About this, I’ll share some ways that I see,

And hope what you see, you will share with me. 

His Bifurcated Will - Direct and Permissive

‘Thy will be done’, we have been taught to pray.

But The Bible shows two wills on display.

About perceiving The Lord God’s ‘will and intentions’,

Across the world, there’s now evidence of confusion.

About The Bible, here is one thing I can confirm:

It’s a long-term strategy, and we’re past its mid-term.

Thus, perceiving His will now is critically important,

To avoid an understanding of it that is …fraudulent. 

Early in the 2nd age of human history, 

To Moses, The Lord revealed His will succinctly,

Then, over time, various points He elaborated.

Scholars added their views, until Jews were inundated!

That was bad, but then things took a turn for the worse,

When, to every tongue and people, Grace was dispersed!

The Lord dispatched Paul to help sharpen folks’ perception,

Of His will in history’s 3rd age dispensation.

Here is a strategic point I hope you can see.

Moses and Paul had many commonalities.

Early in successive ages, these two were fingered,

To sharpen perceptions, so folks would not be flustered. 3

Toward the close of each of these ages, I hypothesize,

Perceiving The Lord’s will was, and is beingpersonalized.


At the ends of 5 ages, Biblically indicated,

Devils, knowing their time is short, are then most motivated! 4

Thus, right on schedule, in closing years of this epoch,

Deceptions about The Lord’s will have been running amok,

To the point that ‘…whatever happens, ‘must be His will!’ 

So let’s pause and take a moment, His will to distill.

Think of The 10 Commandments as the core foundation,

And Levitical laws as an elaboration.

The latter were targeted to test and prepare Jews alone,

To produce a people and culture in which Christ would be grown.

For ‘sustainably righteous’ Jews, The Lord’s plan is of GREAT worth:

A patent, pious, priestly people on this version of Earth,

Then as servants in the New Jerusalem, on a brand new Earth!

Since He told Moses of this plan, devils schemed to make it 

...still birthed!

The Lord’s resurrection expanded this paradigm,

Extending Grace to everyone for very long times.

Grace released His permissive will to give everyone ‘cover’,

The time to learn, then decide about His salvation offer.

But just as The Lord’s Grace to most Jews was abused,

Devils deceived most Gentiles to ‘light the same fuse’.

Discounting/ignoring The Lord’s warning shots,

They will have signed-up for His harsh judgments plots.

Both groups fail(ed) to distinguish The Lord’s will, bifurcated.

His direct and permissive wills, that’s what’s indicated.

When His Grace fails to achieve its long-term assignment,

These folks, will know His final judgments.

Other Bifurcated Points...


The Lord hears and answers ALL prayers of the righteous,

But only hears one prayer of those who are bogus.

Devils hear sinners’ other prayers, by which The Lord isn’t swayed.

So they deceive these folks to think, with Him, they must be ok! 5

...Spiritual Companions

For bona fide saints, The Lord’s Spirit is inwardly preserved.

Him Who is within us, we and His angels outwardly serve.

For sinners, an analogous framework exists,

Thus, to let sinners become saints, satan resists!!!

...Our End Story

The most stark aspect of strategic bifurcation,

Is our differential, eternal compensations:

--On a new, eternal Earth, all saints in two GLORIFIED zones.

--In a brimstone fiery lake, all sinners whom The Lord disowns. 


In this life, strategic bifurcations may be nebulous.

On the new Earth, at one point, their results will be OBVIOUS!!

The Lord says saints will see sinners writhing in that fiery lake!!!

Ponder this: In The Bible, seeing and knowingcorrelate!!!


From different view-points, both groups may shudder,

 When one day we will see and know each other!

Reader, in which of these groups are you planning to be???

I pray you'll be on that lake's edge, with The Lord and me.


1 Why only from full impacts? Saints live in sinful contexts, and cannot always be fully protected from some effects of The Lord’s broad judgments on sinners. Think of collateral impacts Noah and his family suffered from the global flood; and what Daniel, Ezekiel and countless others righteous Judeans suffered from the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem, etc. If you’re a saint, ponder the collateral impacts you may have suffered during The Lord’s judgments on sinners within your context.

2 This excludes backslidden, apostate and fake Christians.

3 See: Human History Ages (Series), and Is Jesus God? (Part 3) for 15 insightful characteristics Moses and Paul shared.

4 During 5 (of the planned 6) ages of human history on this current version of Earth (possibly except the 5th age), The Lord is ‘harvesting’ a small remnant of humans as saints, to whom He will show everlasting Grace. Similarly, satan is ‘harvesting’ a HUGE remnant of humans who will join him and his devils in The Lord’s promised brimstone-lit lake of fire on the new Earth. This competition is fierce!

5 Do not be deceived into believing devils cannot work miracles! See: Mid-Ages Musings (Part 4).

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