
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding, general lukewarmness and outright apostasy among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


...Posts are listed in the reverse order of their publication date, so the most recent ones appear up front.

...The Topical Series section addresses deeper, strategic topics that cannot be covered in just one post.

…An alphabetical listing of all posts, and a separate alphabetical listing of poems are included at the top of the Topical Series list.

...Where possible, the Featured Post generally touches on some underlying world issue of the week. Be sure to check it out.

...Comments and feedback are welcomed via email. Your feedback and support are greatly appreciated.

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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

The Power's Points (Poem, Part 2)

See the series here

Concurrent Powers

Seeing history as ‘PowerPoint presentations’,

To us who’re living in subsequent generations,

Might seem somewhat strange to some of you. 

Yet we know, in life, not much is new.

We who’re attuned can now perceive,

Patterns in history most can’t conceive.

Aligning our lives to what we ‘see’,

Gives us an edge to live life fear-free.

What other books exceed The Bible’s ability,

To demonstrate a core, consistent theme so clearly,

Spanning from creation’s birth, to its predicted demise,

With powerful, repeating patterns, readers to advise?!

Its 66 books, each in chapters and verses,

Into one thematic presentation merges:

Jesus created us, with Him to fellowship,

Yet we yield to forces who bucked His stewardship.

Though they rebelled, their judgment has been delayed

Time to see whom among us, they will have swayed,

To join in their protracted rebellion,

And share in their eternal revulsion.

In The Old Testament, apart from the first book written,

These forces are concealed, but in The New, the plot thickens! *

There, they are revealed, their vile game plan is exposed!

There, we learn of their judgment The Lord has imposed!


The Bible’s core points are clear and formidable, 

With clear demonstration effects, historical.

Its patterns are intended to be predictive,

Though our responses to them is so dismissive. 

See Part 3A Closer Look


* The New Testament reveals what the Old Testament conceals -- except for the Book of Job, the oldest book of Scripture. What is first concealed, and later revealed, is the presence and relentless workings of satan and his crew of demons and devils, who ceaselessly pursue humanity. Their ultimate objective: To ensnare as many souls as possible, condemning them to share in the extreme judgment The Lord has decreed upon them for their rebellion, namely, eternity as fully sentient, immortal beings, trapped in an inescapable lake of fire, burning with brimstone (sulfur’s stench included!).

If satan and his crew are fully aware of their inevitable fate -- as confirmed in Revelation 20, 21, and 22, shouldn’t YOU be, too?? And more importantly… shouldn’t you take every step possible to AVOID sharing in their end?!

Shocking Reversals! (Part 1)

The Lord promised tests and trials for His saints, to drive us to repentance and revival. He promised judgments to shake and spiritually-awaken the un-saved. But on both sides, we are increasingly witnessing the opposite effects! His tests and trials have driven countless erstwhile saints to abandon their faith entirely. And his judgments have been fully explained away with the sciences, leaving in their wake, no moves toward righteousness among the unsaved!! Many once-devout believers have drifted into spiritual darkness, compromise, complacency, and even apostasy!! With far less ‘spiritual saltiness and light’, sinfulness across the Earth is abounding. Moreover, exploding technological progress gives us steadily-increasing ways and means by which we can multiply the spread and impacts of our sins. Friends, we are undoubtedly navigating the ‘upside-down/inside-out’, last days of this 3rd age of history, just as Jesus and Paul both predicted.

Through Paul, The Lord said His Grace is intended to lead us to repentance and a turn toward righteousness. (Romans 2:4) But when Grace fails, He promised judgments, specifically famines, wild beast attacks, warfare and pestilence. (Deuteronomy 32 and especially Ezekiel 14:12-23) Each judgment can trigger derivative impacts. Acting together, they would produce cascading, overwhelming impacts. 

Note how pestilence is rather unique from the othersPestilence spreads invisibly, lingers beyond the initial strike, and mutates unpredictably, making it a self-perpetuating judgment that can escalate on its own, unlike famine, wild beasts attacks and warfare. As such, GLOBAL pestilence might potentially be the apex of The Lord’s judgments upon our un-hearing, un-responsive world. 

In this light, could the Covid-19 pandemic have been a global shaking, meant to realign hearts of saints and sinners alike across the world? Though many believers did 'wake-up, spiritually', it seems to have exposed the fragility of western Christianity -- the church, comfortable, wealthy, spiritually powerless, whose shallow faith was easily discarded by many. The result? Millions of previous Christians, now wear a different label: Nones. No faith. No belief. No conviction. *

The Lord is watching. His heart is grieved. Can you hear His warning to the Laodicean church, echoing across the landscape of our post-pandemic lives today??


* SeeIn U.S., Decline of Christianity Continues at Rapid Pace, and also The Great De-churching. See also: 2 Thessalonians 2:3 and Revelation 3:16.

The Power’s Points (Poem, Part 1)

See the series here


Undoubtedly, PowerPoint is an outstanding invention,

A flexible aid to facilitate a speaker’s intention.

The quite catchy name triggers this question:

Pray tell, what’s the ‘power’ in PowerPoint?? 1

Ages before that app was developed,

There was a live version, points to bring-up.

Just for us, that version was well backed-up!

‘A live version of PowerPoint??’, you may be asking.

Yep, that’s right. And now, we’re the subjects who are acting. 2

Ponder that. You will see what I will be extracting.

Admittedly, it’s quite a novel concept to explore!

Viewing history as a live version of PowerPoint,

Might reshape insights about both the Power and the point!

Hang-in there with me. I’ll do my best not to disappoint.

First, let’s reframe the word, history, as a portmanteau.

That merges words or sounds, into a word that’s nouveau.

The word, history, clearly merges His and story. Ergo…

That sets the stage for a concept I hope you’ll grasp:

Jesus is The Subject of the 'portmanteau', History’,

And He’s The Power behind the points being made. Compris?

Human life unfolding across the Earth is His story. 3

We’re not absolved of liabilities, as His ‘conscripts’

Conscripts?? In a sense, we’ve all been drafted into life’s trip.

Foreknowing us, HE picked THE sperm that into Mom’s egg slipped!

If that surprises you, ponder the meaning of ‘ALMIGHTY’.

His conscripts in life are to learn, then follow His script.

So in His Power’s Point script for us, here’s the first tip:

On these two requirements, we ALL need to …‘get a grip!’

So pray tell, what are The Power’s Points??

They are to view life from His viewpoints,

Making sure Him we won’t disappoint.

He desires us to walk with Him Who sees what we cannot. 

On His stage, we are to follow His ...life manuscript,

Applying His Grace and resources with which we’re all equipped. 4

Yet, on all of His requirements, we’ve seriously slipped. 

His slides highlight the right and wrong decisions of ancient lives.

His points are in His Bible, and they echo across the skies.

There, we see parallels between us, and what skies advertise5

They all reveal orderly circuits, birth, growth, death and chaos,

From birds and winged insects, to what the universe testifies.

Yet, among all these actors, we’ve been Graced to be the most wise. 

Thus, from us, The Power has made sure

...His points are not disguised!


Un-woke to The Power’s Points, we shun warnings sent to us.

When warnings cease, and judgments come, everyone is anxious.

Though we’re anxious, to Him, our hearts mostly remain calloused.

As judgments ramp-up, ‘That’s apocalyptic!’, we ignorantly cry! 6

Politically, in some quarters, it’s cool to be ‘un-woke.’

Spiritually, The Power says, ‘It’s fools who stay ‘un-woke!!’

Fools deny and reject the matchless Wisdom in Words ...He coached. 7

See Part 2: Concurrent Powers


1 The name of this app infers an aid to convey points, powerfully, with effect.

2 See: An Audience of One (Poem).

3 The Bible iteratively affirms Jesus is The Creator and Sustainer of everything, both physical and spiritual. Ergo, He designed life to achieve His declared, strategic objectives, purposes, and desired outcomes. The Bible also affirms we are the apex of His creation. Imagine that, especially as you observe how we/you ACT. In Human History Ages (Series), I summarize, then delve into The Lord’s apparent overarching strategic objective for humanity, and identify where in His Multi-millennial Strategy, we are currently. Here's the video version.

4 The clear bottom line: All of creation, including you, is for and about Jesus, The Lord God Almighty. All beings, most of all we, the apex of creation, are to respond to the boundless Grace, Mercy and provisions He desires us to receive forever from Him. Period! But Scripture affirms, "The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, and have done abominable iniquity; there is none who does good." (Psalm 53:1)

5  Have you ever considered the many ways and extent to which what's happening across the universe, in seems to mirror what's happening across the Earth?? Ask ChatGPT. You'll be surprised!

6 I intend to address this point later in the series.

7 See: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and 2 Peter 1:19-21.

The Sound of Silence (Part 2)


In my exploration of The Lord’s Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for us (The Bible), I’ve been reflecting on the fascinating periods of silence in/from Heaven. Such moments often precede periods of powerful punishments! When applied globally, they appear to signal pending age-transitioning judgments. Three such silent events are noted in Scripture, two of which are historical:


1. Two are historical -- in Genesis 6:21–7:1, during Noah’s preparation for the flood; and in Matthew 27:46, as Christ hung on the cross.

2. One is predicted in Revelation 8:1, when silence in Heaven occurs before the 7th, final seal on The Lord's scroll is opened, heralding the predicted 14 apocalyptic judgments.


While the notion of Divine stillness - a ‘calm before the storm’ - resonates with localized events throughout Scripture, its possible application to the end of the Millennial Reign (MR) age raises intriguing possibilities. This excerpt from Mid-ages Musings (Part 5), reflects my initial perspectives:


#4. Silence from Heaven (Dreaded or Welcomed) 

Logically, silence from Heaven cannot occur when all or most of Heaven will then be on Earth. I intuit two scenarios where ‘silence from Heaven’ might apply during the lead-up to satan’s kingdom being released back on Earth, at the end of The MR age.


1. Tolerating Growing Unrighteousness

The Lord’s gracious and merciful nature might allow unrighteousness to increase temporarily, much as He does today.


2. Strategic Withdrawal

There may be an interim period of silence as The Lord, His saints, and His angels depart Earth, preceding satan’s release. This could parallel the pause between Jesus’ 2nd, post-resurrection ascension, and the arrival of The Holy Spirit on The Day of Pentecost, or the silence during Noah’s ark-building in Genesis 6:21–7:1.

Misinterpretations About the End of the MR Age

A search for articles on the end of the MR age reveals a common assumption: that the release of satan’s kingdom is part of this ending. However, these interpretations seem flawed. Here's why:

Timing of Satan’s ReleaseRevelation 20:1–9 clearly state satan’s kingdom will not be released until the end of The Lord’s thousand-year reign, not during its closing years or decades.

Uncertain Duration of the 6th AgeThe Bible provides no clear timeline for how long the 6th age will last, or when the final rebellion (Revelation 20:7–9) will occur. After a millennium of peace with no mass protests tolerated under The Lord’s iron rod, global rule, and no military institutions or structures on Earth, satan’s forces might require significant time to take advantage of people's pent-up frustrations, and then muster a significant attack on Jerusalem.

A Quiet, Strategic Withdrawal


Approximately 90% of empires and kingdoms throughout history have ended violently, per ChatGPT. That's a sad testament about human nature, and especially the stubbornness of national leaders. How might this insight apply to the end of The MR age? Not for a moment would I suggest it might end in defeat. Instead, I now envision the following scenarios:

The Lord’s Strategic Rationale

The Bible indicates The Lord’s overarching objective isTo harvest small remnants of saints from each age, to whom He will show everlasting Grace. If/IF salvation as we know it ceases during the MR age, it might follow that believers during that age will need to have their faith tested and proven. What if the strategic purpose of releasing satan’s kingdom back onto Earth might be intended to provide this testing, and ergo facilitate The Lord’s separation of true saints from sinners during the final resurrection and rapture event?  Ponder why else would He reference His Book of [Eternal] Life if folks who will be resurrected and raptured to appear before Him at that time, are ALL sinners?? (See: Revelation 20: 11-15, and also Bible Raptures – Types and Timings (Series).)


Bait for the Final Rebellion
Isaiah 60 describes the wealth in, and glory of Jerusalem shortly after the start of the MR age. Over a millennium, this wealth will very likely increase dramatically, as people the world over seek to curry favors from Jesus. It may eventually become a lure for people whom satan’s forces will catalyze for the final rebellion noted in Revelation 20: 7-9. Ezekiel 38 and the respective invasions of ancient Israel and Judah by Assyria and Babylon, provide clear precedents for how The Lord baits/lures His enemies, both for their well-deserved judgments, and judgments of nations that are invaded.

Silence and Withdrawal
Silence predicted in Revelation 8 may mirror the calm before Armageddon, which will result in the end the anti-Christ’s reign during the tribulation age, and begin Christ’s reign in The MR age. Similarly, I envision a quiet, protracted withdrawal of The Lord’s erstwhile conquering forces as 'we' re-populate Heaven. * Our withdrawal might coincide with growing global frustrations, as humanity casts off The Lord’s restraints.


Divine Patience Perceived as Defeat?

If there will be silence from The Lord’s government, whether prior to, or after our departure from Earth, how might global populations perceive such silence?? Good riddance?! Humanity’s sinful nature has not changed since Adam. I intuit suppressed, pent-up frustrations from a long period of forced, iron rod righteousness, might erupt, and people might equate our departure as their win, our defeat, even before satan’s kingdom is released. Feel free to send me an email to share your thoughts on this point.


Biblical accounts of silence from Heaven often precede some kind of judgments. If/when perceived, they invite us to marvel at The Lord’s meticulous planning and exceptional patience with humanity. Every pause, every action, and every reset aligns perfectly with His strategic purposes, which will ultimately be fulfilled. Though silence may infer activity or inactivity, it often heralds The Lord’s most transformative handiworks.

Ponder this:

When do you/we typically sing the song, Amazing Grace?

I perceive it's sung mostly ...in tragedies,

as if that's when we think of it mostly.

Might that infer a type of abuse of His Awesome Grace?

How might He view such?


* Matthew 25:31, Mark 8:38, 2 Thessalonians 1:7, and Zechariah 14:5, 1 Thessalonians 3:13, and 2 Thessalonians 1:10, iteratively appear to affirm/confirm Heaven will be emptied onto Earth! If so, imagine that! Revelation 19 illustrates what these above verses predict. Some believers reportedly think Christ’s return to this current version of Earth will be forever. This is clearly contrary to Revelation 20, and also to The Lord’s promises (in Isaiah 65:17, 66:22, and Revelation 21 and 22) of a new, eternal Earth and universe. To be clear, this current version of Earth is temporary, folks. It wasn't created to be eternal. Ergo, as Heaven will apparently be de-populated to start the MR age, it will logically be re-populated to end of the MR age.