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The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding and general lukewarmness among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Missed Insights About Revelation (Part 3)

See the Missed Insights About Revelation series here

See the Missed Insights series here


Here are the last 3-of-7-key points I perceive Jesus, The Lord God, apparently intends to reveal to humanity in His Book of Revelation.

#5. The Lord’s consequential, age-transitioning judgments The Bible uniquely reveals 6 global judgments that apparently will serve as transition triggers between 7 ages of human history. Written during the 2nd and 3rd ages of human history, it principally and strategically targets us in this current, 3rd age, with pivotal insights about the last 5 of these judgments. Revelation highlights the last 3 of them: Armageddon at the end of the 4th age; the release of satan's kingdom after The Millennial Reign age; and The Great White Throne Judgment at the end of the post-Millennial Reign age. 

But why such a heavy focus on us in this current (3rd) age of human history??  Here's why!


This 3rd age represents at least two pivotal points in The Lord’s Multi-millennial Strategic Plan:


A. During this age, Heaven turned its focused attention away from the ancient nations of Israel and Judah, to THE WHOLE WORLD, mostly comprised of Gentiles. For centuries, Jews had overwhelmingly rejected The Lord and His righteous requirements. So He turned them over to their vile passions, and His assigned judgments. Ergo, this current age represents Heaven’s BEST opportunity to recruit candidates, Jews and Gentiles alike, for The Lord’s long-promised, exceedingly gracious offer of eternal salvation. All who will sustainably embrace it by faith in Him, will join His innumerable saints from the first 2 ages of history, who died in faith toward The Unseen Lord God, Whom they did not know was Jesus, as we know in this current age.


B. As noted in the Mid-ages Musings series and video, Historical Countdown - 7 Biblical Ages of Human History, The Bible predicts the remaining 3 ages of human history on this current version of Earth, will be much shorter than our initial 3 ages. You can bet every devil and demon realizes this! They ‘know their time is short’.  Ergo, they are ‘at their best game’ in this age, to deceive anyone they can, to DENY and REJECT The Lord’s gracious offer of salvation! Thus far, they have succeeded, exceedingly!!! 


The pending human kingpins in their game will be the anti-Christ man and his prophet (prime minister?) during the 4th age. Read about them here. For their distinguished service to the kingdom of satan, these men will receive the UNIQUE distinction of being the first humans whom The Lord will cast, as immortal beings, into His brimstone-lit lake of fire, likely on the new eternal Earth! They will be cast therein at the end of the Armageddon War, the global judgment that will transition the world to The Millennial Reign Age. 


Ponder this: Given devils’ apparent rate of success, the overwhelming majority of people who will have been born during this 3rd age of history, are/will eventually join these men, as resurrected, immortal humans, in the lake of fire! Sadly, we have mostly been out-smarted by devils, at every turn. And since this age is lasting much longer than the 1st age of history (the pre-flood age), the likely aggregate number of 3rd age people who will reject The Lord’s offer might very well be much bigger than the people who were killed in the global flood. These will be the fruits of ill-conceived, personal choices. But, bless The Lord, a few of us have seriously caught on to their game!!!

Have you??

#6. His innumerable redeemed saints – Revelation reveals two relatively small, yet innumerable multitudes of saints will be graciously, and eternally rewarded for our sustainable, though imperfect faithfulness in re-ordering our lifestyles to The Lord’s righteous requirements.


The first multitude is pictured in Revelation 7, as saints who will have been martyred/beheaded by the anti-Christ’s global regime, during the 4th, 7-year age of history – the tribulation age. They will be martyred for rejecting his command to receive what Revelation calls his mark (brand) of the beast. 1 These saints will be resurrected and raptured at the end of the great tribulation – the last half of the tribulation age. Revelation 19 and 20 picture a much larger multitude comprising the first group of saints pictured in chapter 7, and a much bigger group of saints who will have been resurrected and raptured into Heaven at the ends of the 2nd and 3rd ages of history. 2 


#7. His GLORIOUS Strategic Plan’s Climax – The most glorious (eternally shining) aspect of Revelation is the MASSIVE New Jerusalem, a cubed city of over 2.7 billion cubic miles, which The Lord will personally inhabit; and nations that will surround this city. In these two glorified/eternally lit, geographic zones, The Lord’s immortal, glowing saints will enjoy life and serve Him forever. 3


Biblically, I intuit the residents in that city might be Jewish saints, serving as priests unto The Lord, eternally4 Residents in the surrounding nations will have freewill access to the city. They (we) might be The Lord’s Gentile saints, with some of us serving as kings over nations, cities and other sub-regions. I intuit this arrangement might possibly parallel The Lord’s plan during The Millennial Reign age on this current version of Earth, distinguishing between His declared plans for Jewish, and for Gentile saints, namely:


A. Immortal Jewish saints in a then GREATLY expanded Israel, serving as priests and overseeing Jewish apocalypse survivors and their descendants; and 

B. Immortal Gentile saints serving as kings over nations, cities and other sub-regions, ruling over apocalypse survivors and their descendants across the Gentile world.




I trust this series will trigger your interest in The Book of Revelation. I pray you will (a) perceptively derive the promised blessings for anyone ‘…who reads, hears and keeps those things which are written therein…’ (Revelation 1:3) Moreover, I earnestly desire and hope this series will serve as a solid foundation to broaden and deepen your comprehension of the other 65 books of The Bible. Reading and understanding them ‘in the light from Revelation, has greatly magnified my strategic insights into and about The Lord’s Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity.


1 Revelation refers to the anti-Christ (and his regime) as the beast. This typology comports with how wicked kings/national leaders are pictured in futuristic visions in Daniel 7.

2 See: Missed Insights from Matthew 27 (Series).

3 See: What If? (Subsequent Creations), Look at Me …Then (Poem), and Daniel 12:3.

4 See: Exodus 19:6.

5 See: Tips to Understand The Bible.

Missed Insights About Revelation (Part 2)

See the Missed Insights About Revelation series here

See the Missed Insights series here



There are innumerable, deeply strategic insights we miss across the pages and ages of The Bible. The absolute largest number of missed insights may well be in The Book of Revelation. One clear reason is our typical proclivity to AVOID this highly mystical book, full of incomprehensible symbolisms and images that blow our minds. In this series, I share an easy 2-step approach to understand this mysterious book. 


For you who may have bristled at my tip in Part 1 about reading Revelation FIRST and often, consider this: have or would you ever consider assembling a large puzzle without first and often thereafter …studying the picture of the completed puzzle?? If not, why deny your brain and spirit the same benefits when reading and studying possibly the most complex book ever written, by the most complex Mind that exists, The Mind of Christ?!


Step 2: Sharply/Sustainably Perceive its 7-Key Revelations


The word, revelation, is a noun. The related verb is to reveal. So the key objective of The Book of Revelation is to reveal some climactic (and climatic!) insights to us, that Jesus wants us all, especially His saints, to know, believe and understand. This fact may be quickly forgotten as our minds are blown trying to comprehend that book! Ergo, it would be helpful to bring and keep into sharp focus 7-key revelations in Revelation. Why 7? Spiritually, 7 is widely regarded as the number of perfection and completion. As I perceive/intuit them, here are the 7-key points Jesus, The Lord God, intends to reveal to humanity, especially to His saints, in this book. My list is based on thematic points accentuated across the other 65 books of The Bible. 




The book principally reveals Jesus. It’s ‘The Revelation of Jesus Christ’. But since most of the book is not directly about Him, per se, I understand it is a combination of revelations of, about, and from Him – key insights He passionately desires us all, especially His saints, to know, believe and understand. 1


The phrase, ‘…know I am The Lord’, reverberates across the pages of The Bible. A total of 48-times, in The Book of Ezekiel, The Lord predicted of evil kings and their sinful nations, ‘…THEN they will/shall know I AM The Lord!!!’ (emphasis added) That was the climax of His pronounced severe judgments on these peoples. In light of this, it is safe to conclude the #1 revelation in The Book of Revelation is …Jesus as/is The Lord God Almighty! 


Revelation gives us the ultimate, written-word-picture of Jesus as an immortal man, Who has always existed, and is appointed and anointed by Father God (Who is Spirit) with FULL God-head responsibility for ALL things related to creation, both in/across Heaven and the physical universe. This includes:


     a. Establishment of His required set of standards, He calls,


     b. Deviations from these standards, He calls sinfulness; and

     c. Both temporary and eternal rewards and judgments He

         apportioned to His sets of  standards and deviations.


In 65 books of The Bible, major aspects of His nature and character are revealed from an earth-centric perspective, by His proclamations, predictions, and performances (works). Revelation ‘pans the camera’ to give us His Throne Room-centric perspective. wOw!! From there, He:


 (i) orchestrates transitions to, and the endings of the final 4 ages of

     human history on this current version of Earth He created, and then

(ii) reveals/uncloaks the new, eternal Earth He promised Isaiah He 

     would create. 2


My, my, my! What other so-called deity has done or can do such things?! NONE!!!


2. His visceral hatred of sinfulness – The Lord hates sin, not sinners, but as our Ultimate Judge, He must and will judge both sin and unrepentant sinners. He knows the full measures of the temporary and eternal consequences of sin. Across human history, and our world today, we have seen, and are currently experiencing the temporary consequences of our sinful lifestyles. Revelation 20:11-15 bring into sharp focus, His determined, eternal consequences of unrepented, unconfessed, unforgiven sin. Reading and understand this, brings into sharp focus His prescribed Way to receive His forgiveness: experiential, Godly repentance that results in sustained lifestyle changes on His righteous pathway. Every book of The Bible accentuates this point, in various ways, and emphatically demonstrates both the rewards and punishments therefrom.


You might wonder, ‘Since He hates sin so viscerally, why even allow it to exist?’ The clear answer is He also loves the freedom of choice, apparently given to ALL living beings He created.


3. His angels who obey His commands – I find it strange that some people don’t believe in angels at all; and some who do, don’t believe in Jesus, The Lord God and Heaven’s General over all angels. Revelation is The Lord’s clear answer to such errant beliefs. Ponder this: Invisible angels will launch The Lord’s worst ever visible judgments on Earth – the apocalypse at the end of the 4th age of history, the tribulation age. 3


4. His adversary’s invisible earthly kingdom - I find it strange that some people believe angels exist, but don’t believe devils/fallen angels exist. And, as noted above, others don’t believe in Jesus, The Lord God and Heaven’s General over all angels – holy and fallen, alike. Revelation is The Lord’s clear answer to such devilish deceptions. The works of invisible devils have been apparent in human history since The Garden of Eden. Knowing their time is short, The Bible reveals they significantly ramp-up their deceptions against humans, toward the close of each of age of history, except The Millennial Reign age during which they will all be locked away in a bottomless pit. The Bible also hints they will all become visible, immortal beings to be cast into the brimstone-lit, eternal lake of fire on the new, eternal Earth, as judgment for their wickedness against The Lord and humanity! 4


You might wonder, ‘Since devils are His adversaries, why even allow them to exist?’ Again, the clear answer is He loves the freedom of choice. The Bible reveals satan abused his choice by leading a third of all holy angels to rebel against The Lord before the creation of humans. They became devils/demons, still hierarchically organized as all angels are; were excommunicated from Heaven; fell to Earth; and most of them remain here to give us the same choice all angels have – to live righteously or sinfully, and reap The Lord’s declared rewards or judgments thereof. 5

Please meditate on these insights

as you stay tuned for Part 3 of this series.


1  See: Why It Matters that We Call the Final Book of the Bible Revelation, not Revelations.

2 See: Isaiah 65:17 and 66:22.

3 See: Human History Ages (Series). In many respects, the apocalypse will be much worse than the global flood. One example: in the flood, every person and land animal who was not in the ark, died quickly.

4 See: The Lake of Fire: Is THIS the Man?! (Poem).

5 To understand why I say, ‘most of them’, see Humans’ DNA Hacked (Poem).

An Unpredicted Tribulation Age Precursor? (Poem)


 This poem addresses babes and toddlers in the tribulation age.

See the Tribulation Age Precursors series here


The Lord, The Lord God,

merciful and graciouslongsuffering,

and abounding in goodness and truth,

keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin,

by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers

upon the children, and the children’s children

to the third and the fourth generations.

(Exodus 33:18-23)


In response to Moses’ bold request, ‘Show me Your GLORY.’

With no herald to announce Him, The Lord pronounced Himself.

His first 7 pronounced traits accentuate His mercy.

In revealing mercy to us, He has never been stealth.


But in many cases, to such, we have not been attuned,

Typically taking His merciful Grace …for granted.

That is, until our sinfulness against Him has BALOONED,

And we find ourselves in His stark responses, warranted.


Such will be the case in during the close of the next age.

When it’ll seem The Lord’s mercy will have been exhausted.

In preparation for that time on history’s page,

I ask, ‘What of kids who to parents are then trusted??’ 1


Kids in the apocalypse?? What a disturbing thought,

Especially those kids who will not have learned ‘right from wrong’.

In The Lord’s judgments on sinners, why should they be caught?!

Will kids have to get the anti-Christ brand, to show he’s strong?? 2


Thinking on these points, I saw an updated report,

On global, current and projected birthrates.

We know there’s been a disquieting decline of note,

And projections are this trend …will not abate.


Pondering this report, I recalled The Lord’s GREAT mercy.

What might such stark, global, declining birthrates infer,

As we approache the close of the 3rd age of history,

Might they be un-predicted age-ending precursors? 3


Stretching your imaginations, ponder this, ‘What if?’

Could The Lord’s magnanimous Grace, help to ensure,

Greatly fewer, innocent kids in the global grip,

Of His judgments during the anti-Christ’s tenure??


That’s a pertinent point since He has changed His policy:

No longer judging children to 3rd and 4th generations,

For the unrepented sinfulness of their ancestry.

‘The soul who sins, shall die.’ That’s individualization!! 4


Kids who will yet have learn right from wrong,

Are the most to benefit from this policy shift.

Unless they’ll be in the next rapture throng,

It may be best they’re not yet born, when The Lord is …is miffed! 5

 He said,
I’m exercising Grace, Judgment and Righteousness in Earth.6
Nothing escapes His gaze, or His direct/indirect influence.
So don’t think for a moment that excludes our global rates of birth,
Or that everything on Earth can be clearly explained …by science.


1 The Bible affirms the last half of the 7-year tribulation age will be the great tribulation, otherwise called the apocalypse, when The Lord pours out His great wrath on unrepentant, sinful humans, land and sea animals, and the environment, in preparation for His long-promised Millennial Reign. See: Human History Ages (Series).

 2 The Bible affirms the anti-Christ man, full of satanic, miracle-working powers, will rise to global power and influence during the tribulation age. See: anti-Christ (Series). It also affirms his rise will be after the next, global ‘first resurrection and rapture’ event. See: The Rapture (Series), Missed Insights from Matthew 27 (Series), and Ponder This… (First Resurrection, Second Death, Hell).

3 See: Birth Rate, in Wikipedia. The Bible predicts several direct/indirect, age-ending precursors of the end of this current 3rd age of human history. Most, if not all, are now evident across the world. See: Tribulation Age Precursors (Series).

4 See: Ezekiel 18: 4 & 20. Since it was made all children under The Lord’s ‘age of accountability’ have obviously benefitted the most from this policy shift. Ezekiel likely received this proclamation as a captive sometime after the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem in the late 500s BC. 

5 See: Christians in the Great Tribulation (Series).

6 See: Jeremiah 9:24 and also Missed Insights from Jeremiah 9 (Poem, Part 1).