
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding, general lukewarmness and outright apostasy among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Pick Your ‘666’ (Letter)

See the Letter series here

Dear Readers,

I trust all of you are well and enjoying life as you continue in The Lord’s Grace. 

For me, a pivotal aspect of His Grace is deepening my insights into His Word, His ‘multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity, comprising 7 ages of human history. I count it as unique and special blessings to be able to share with you what I am learning. I deeply appreciate and honor those who have followed The Spirit’s leading to contribute financially to show your appreciation and support for what I do. Thank you all. Please stay tuned, as I perceive The Lord is aggressively doing exactly what He promised in Joel 2:28-29 and Acts 2:17-18. 

I usually am NoT into Bible numerology. Yet I want to share with you 6 points that came into clear focus in my spirit:

1. The global flood (end of the first age of history) occurred around 1,656 years after Adam was created

2. There were about 2,344 years between the flood and Pentecost (start of the third age of history, typically regarded as the Church age). Calculate this based on data in the Answers in Genesis website.

3. There have been 2,023 years (our current year) since Pentecost (50 days after Jesus ascended).

4. The tribulation age is predicted to last 7 years (per Daniel 9).

5. The Millennial Reign age will last 1,000 years (w/Jesus, not satan, as God in this world)

6. The post-Millennial Reign will last ‘a little while’, per Rev. 20 (X years). Connect the dots!

These add to approximately 7 millennia (7,037 years).

Any of you who have visited my blog and listened to some of my music (145 songs on 9 albums) know my emphasis and intuitions go far beyond the rapture, which many Bible teachers accentuate. As noted, my recent blog posts accentuate The Lord’s appointed 7 ages of human history:

(1) pre-flood, (2) post-flood/pre-cross, (3) post-cross/church age (now!), (4) tribulation, (5) Millennial Reign, (6) post-Millennial Reign, and (7) eternity on a promised, new, eternal Earth per Isaiah 65:17 and 66:24.

I have long pondered how long the first 6 ages of human history might last before eternity, and I suspected satan’s godship authority over Earth and mankind might not last more than 6 millennia (6,000 years). Add in the Millennial Reign, and I now intuit these first 6 ages of human history might last about 7 millennia, before The Great White Throne Judgment event. Twice The Bible infers a ‘day’ with The Lord is as a thousand years and vice versa. And we know He has a strong proclivity to ‘rest’ in the 7th day, right? I once thought His Millennial Reign might be that day, but then I quickly realized, ruling Earth with a rod of iron will be anything but rest, even though we, His then immortal saints from the first 4 ages of history will be here to facilitate His iron rod reign! 

Re. the rapture, The Lord once said no one but The Father knows ‘the day and hour’ of His return at the end of the 4th age of our history, the tribulation age, to end the apocalypse with the Armageddon slaughter, per Revelation 19. Mind you, He strategically used the present tense of the verb, to know (just as He used the present tense of the verb, to create, in both Isaiah 65:17 and 66:22, Young’s Literal Translation). By now, long back in His glorified state, He might very well know the day and hour of the next group resurrection/rapture event, i.e., that of all 3rd age saints. And, re. the above verse, I intuit, by now the new Earth, new Jerusalem, and new heavens (alt-universe) also exist, and may well have been completed in time for the resurrection and rapture of all first and second ages saints (not only those in and around Jerusalem) from the bosom of Abraham (upper region of hades),into this ‘planet, Heaven’. (See: Matthew 27:51-53, Luke 16 and also Missed Insights from Matthew 27 (Series) and  Your Heaven IQ (Series))

By the way, not knowing ‘the day and hour’ of the rapture leaves out a lot, like the general time, year, month, etc. Well, re. the end of the first 6 ages of human history, The Lord gives us just one phrase: ‘Surely I am coming quickly.’ (Revelation 22:20) While many, if not most believers might think this relates to the next group rapture event (as I was taught, and long believed), the context reveals it clearly does not. Contextually, it relates to the end of the 6th age of humanity, and the start of eternity. Conceptually, it could relate to both. For you who may be so inclined, do a dive into deeper meanings of the word, quickly. You might learn something new and relevant to my points above.

By the way, did you know 6 global judgments events trigger the transitions between the 7 ages of human history? (See: Ages Transitions Global Judgments (Poem). See also: Mid-ages Musings (Series)).

Lastly, ponder this:

~6 ages of human history during which satan is the ‘god’ *

~6 global ‘age transition’ judgments The Lord has appointed to satan and mankind!

~6 millennia, possible duration of satan’s ‘godship’, interrupted by The Millennial Reign!

~6 points above to guesstimate the length of the 6 ages of our history, before eternity!

So excerpt ‘666’,

Taking your pick …of which! 

Rich blessings to all~ Keep reading!



Anybody wondering why I say in 6 ages satan will be ‘the god’, when on this side of eternity, it may only be for 5 ages covering 6 millennia?? Here’s why. In Heaven, he attempted a coup d’etat, desirous of replacing Jesus. In Eden, he successfully tricked Eve, and thus Adam, who was NoT deceived, decided to sin, effectively giving his God-given authority over to satan. Since then, consider the trillions of people over whom satan has been/is their god. Well, with that incredible history and success rate, I imagine even in the hellish, anguishing lake of fire, this fool’s innate nature might not change, and he STILL might try to find a way to be worshiped! I know, I know, that is quite a stretch. See what The Lord predicted long ago about the kind of greeting ‘this man’ will receive in the lake of fire! (Isaiah 14:12-17) Yep, I interpret those verses as relating to ex-Lucifer! It appears he and ALL demons might become immortal men, just like some of their cohorts did in Genesis 6:1-2. Guess what? The Bible never says those who became human men ever changed back to being angels in spirit form only. Imagine that! See: Hell: Is THIS the Man? (Poem)

Here’s another insightful point to consider about satan’s time as a god on Earth. He was present and featured in Eden, spiritually possessing the serpent through which he tempted Eve. I surmise devils witnessed The Lord’s creation of Adam and Eve. If so, they were likely on Earth prior to man’s creation. We don’t know when they fell to Earth after their rebellion in Heaven, but if it was indeed long prior to Adam and Eve, ahhhh…, whom do you think was ‘the god on Earth’ at that time??

NB: Eternity, whether spent in the heavenly part of the new Earth, or the hellish lake of fire on that SAME Earth (Isaiah 66:22) IS part of human history. Revelation 19:20 (at the end of the tribulation age) reveals the anti-Christ and his prophet will be cast into the lake of fire on the new Earth long before satan and his demons! I intuit this to signify they will likely be the FIRST residents in this awful place. Imagine the greeting they might have for satan and his crew just after the Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:10, at the end of the post-Millennial Reign age). Don’t believe the lake of fire will be on the new heavenly Earth? Take a peek at Isaiah 66:24 and Revelation 22:15. The clear, strategic indication is that the righteous, immortal saints, on the new Earth (Heaven), from across the ages of history, will see every unrighteousness sinner who will have ever reached The Lord’s ‘age of accountability’, in their hellish anguish in the eternal lake of fire that burns with sulfur. Both groups (every human ever conceived) will then be immortal.

Ponder thisIn Isaiah’s day, folks had no notions of the modern day expressions, ‘zombies’ and the ‘un-dead’. Thus, I intuit, to convey this notion, in the prophecy given to Isiah, The Lord used the expression, ‘…their worm does not die’, used four times in The Bible, three of which are The Lord’s direct quotes of what He had earlier said through Isaiah. Caveat~

Imagine Their Meeting (Poem)

See the Artificial Intelligence series here
See the anti-Christ series here

After what has long been, and that which currently is --

(Warsfaminespestilences and beast attacks), 1

Will be the time of the man, who will be satan’s wiz.

With him in charge, righteousness will then be sacked! 2

Imagine …the sum of man’s intelligence in his hands,

And satan at the controls of his pride-filled heart and soul,

Preparing the entire world for his ‘mark of the beast’ brand.

Next will be The Lord’s judgments sent via trumpets and bowls. 3

Who among us can honestly deny or doubt,

That The Lord God has LONG opened the first four seals

on His scroll?!?

 When the fifth seal is opened, the anti-Christ’s clout, 

Will have nations across the worldunder his ruthless control!

No one knows the time between opening the fourth and fifth seals,

But ‘signs of the time’ suggest the clock on history’s third age, 4

Has little time left before this man brings the whole world‘to heel’.

We in Christ won’t be ‘left behind’, since we’re both

righteous and sage. 5

Get ready, get ready, stay  r-e-a-d-y!


1 See: Ezekiel 14:12-23

2 The anti-Christ will be fully possessed by satan, himself!  See: Anti-Christ (Series)

3 See: Revelation – Unsealing the Scroll (Series), Revelation – Seven Trumpets Sounds (Series) and Revelation – Seven Bowls Poured (Series)

4 The Bible reveals to us The Lord’s multi-millennial strategy for humanity, comprising seven ages: (1) pre-flood, (2) post-flood/pre-cross, (3) post-cross (Church Age), (4) tribulation/great tribulation, (5) Millennial Reign, (6) post-Millennial Reign, and (7) eternity. We are now nearing the end of the third age, and predictions regarding its end have been lining up at an alarming rate. Transitions between each age are triggered by some form of global judgment event. See: Ages Transitions Global Judgments (Poem)

5 Based on The Lord’s long-practiced and promised ‘Goshen Effect’, I believe the rapture of 3rd age saints will occur before the anti-Christ man is revealed. In fact, this is exactly what Apostle Paul was inspired to write in 2 Thessalonians 2. Folks who disbelieve this prediction do all sorts of ‘Bible gymnastics’ to get around it. Most importantly, they fail to perceive The Lord’s strategy ‘to harvest’ a small remnant of saints from five of the six pre-eternity ages of history. Thus, they assume references to ‘saints’ during the Revelation plagues refer to 3rd age believers. Rather, these references are to ‘tribulation age saints’, as explained in Audacious Christians (Poem, Part 2).

Ye Are gods! (Poem, Part 3)

See the series here

Listen to Siri audio version here

I have said, ‘Ye are gods;

and all of you are children of the Most High...’

(Psalm 82:6)

Continued from Part 2...

4. What parts of The Godhead do we now lack?

5. Will what we lack be temporary or permanent?

6. What happens if, to this notion, we’re impertinent.

Skeptics might love to flag their favorite Bible assertions,

Like Psalm 8:5 and 82:6, as justifications,

That, ‘It’s just a book written by a bunch of Jewish guys!’

They simply believe this soundbite that devils advertise.

If they would open their minds, and challenge their assumptions,

They’d likely form drastically different opinions. 1

While it takes some faith to believe The Bible is God-inspired,

To see its amazing consistency, no faith is required!

Written over many millennia and cultures,

The Lord’s consistent message to humans, it captures.

No honest reading of this Book can deny these central themes:

The Lord created us righteous. By Him, we’re highly esteemed

There are two aspects of The Godhead that we lack at birth:

-God-like righteousness in our spirit and soul, a huge dearth!

-An immortal body, that’s physical;

And two aspects we have, that are eternal:

-An immortal spirit and soul,

The parts that all devils cajole!

Some might think our aptitude to imagine, then create,

Is a ‘god-part’, yet other species these skills demonstrate.

Via a tailored set of Grace, trials and tests,

The Lord plans to reconcile these sets of aspects,

For us to complete a unique human experience.

Among all species on Earth, there is no equivalence!

Yet because to sinfulness we’re all allured,

From our righteous state, we’re on a l-o-n-g detour!

To shorten it, when our spirit and soul are made righteous in Christ,

Then our mortal and both immortal parts become a god-man’ type’.

Saints thus made righteous, will be raptured in bodies immortal.

And sinners, still un-righteous, will rise in bodies immortal. 2

In the astute reader’s mind, this question might arise,

‘What about our immortal soul does this signify?’

To complement saints’ spirits, by salvation made righteous,

The Lord says, Renew your soul, so it won’t remain reinless’.

Thus, He saves our spirit. With righteousness it’s equipped!

But He requires us to renew (‘save’) our soul to His Scripts. 3

Clearly, it’s only the immortal aspects of our being,

That make every human a god, as The Lord God is deeming.

Not only to ancient Jewish judges or Christ believers,

Does The Bible convey this stature. It’s even to sinners.

Man was created a bit lower than God, and above angels.

When we worship and obey them, we make angels ‘gods’!!!

That’s EVIL! 4

Without Father God’s salvation that is extended by Christ,

With sin, the spirits and souls of sinners, remain stained in life.

When they die in this unrighteous state,

They will have sealed their eternal fate.

For The Lord’s Great White Throne judgment,

as immortals they will be raised,

Then in lake of fire be cast. In His Book, their names are erased. 5

Since to their ‘god-man’ stature they are impertinent,

Lacking Godly righteousness, they’ll be ‘gods in torment’.

Thank The Lord that what we lack of the Godhead at birth,

Is temporary until His salvation of GREAT worth!

Righteousness now, and full immortality in the rapture?!

That’s a GREAT offer now, and throughout life’s eternal chapter!


1 You may have heard this and similar opinions about The Bible. A neighbor recently said this, then quickly changed the subject to …anything but The Bible.

2 Adam and Eve, our prototypes, were created as immortal beings, never to die physically or spiritually. Into the Earth, sin ushered temporary death – both physical (mortal) and spiritual (separation from Father God). Sin never changed The Lord’s strategic plan for every human who will have ever been conceived (i.e., endowed with spirit) to also be endowed with an immortal body. This core strategic message echoes throughout The Bible. Disbelieve it at your own peril. The Lord’s free gift of salvation, combined with our personal efforts to renew our soul (see #3 below), makes the spirit and soul of true saints righteous in His sight. Saints’ immortal bodies will be Glory-lit, both physically and spiritually. Sinners’ immortal bodies will be deeply darkened spiritually, to join the dark kingdom of satan in the eternal lake of fire on The Lord’s promised new, eternal Earth. BIG DIFFERENCES! Read Revelation 20

3 Reinless - unchecked, unrestrained, having no reins, ungoverned by reins, lacking control or guidance. This quote is my poetic paraphrasing of Romans 12:1-2, Ephesians 5:25-27 and James 1:21. See: Tale of Two Saviors. In His substitutionary death, Jesus restored our spiritual link to Father God, but He leaves to us the responsibility to renew our soul (i.e., our sinful reasoning mind, strong will, undisciplined emotions, contrary imagination and carnally-trained intellect). This can only be accomplished via a continuously maturing relationship with Him via His Spirit and Word, The Bible. How are you progressing re. this command? Folks made righteous in their spirit, but who remain unrighteous in their soul, risk becoming lukewarm, then backsliding into serious sinfulness, and eventually, becoming fully apostate, and having their names blotted out of The Lord’s Book of [Eternal] Life. (See: Revelation 3:12-23)

4 Though angels were not created in the god clan, The Bible refers to satan as ‘the god of this world’ because in his sin, Adam ceded his God-given authority to satan. Moreover, since then, it is devils and demons whom we unknowingly worship and obey every time we sin against ourselves, against others, and especially against The Lord. Remember, only redeemed humans are invited to sit with The Lord on His Throne. Angels who supported satan’s attempt to do that, were defeated, and became devils and demons on Earth.

5 See: Hell: A Preview (Series). This refers to The Lord’s Book of [Eternal] Life

Ye Are gods! (Poem, Part 2)

See the series here
Listen to Siri audio version here

I have said, ‘Ye are gods;

and all of you are children of the Most High...’

(Psalm 82:6)

Continued from Part 1...

2. How are human beings ‘god-like’, conditionally?

3. In what ways is mankind on ‘the god track?

I hope you clearly perceive the strategic complementarity,

Between Psalm 8:5 and 82:6.

Just in case you don’t, here’s an interesting perplexity.

There seems to be an internal conflict,

In the Hebrews 2 reference to Psalm 8:5. Check, you’ll see.

That's based on which Hebrew text Greek scribes picked. 1


In defense of His true claim to be The Son of God,

Jesus noted Psalm 82:6 to folks who scolded Him. 

Angels aren’t mentioned in versions I checked. That’s not odd,

Because the words Asaph, the psalmist, wrote, were inspired by Him!

Thus we can conclude The Lord’s ‘Ye are gods’ quote

wasn’t flawed. 2

Now, let’s examine the subjects of these two verses from Him.


Versions of Psalm 8:5 compare man with The Godhead or angels.

If all angels should be the accurate comparison,

Then mankind would be lower than both holy and fallen angels, 

We would not resist those angels who from grace have fallen,

And holy angel assignments would be higher than messengers!

That would confuse The Lord’s strategic organization! 3


Conventional wisdoms is that ancient Israel’s judges,

Are the subjects of Psalm 82:6, not righteous adherents.

Yet as ‘The Righteous Judge’, He encourages and challenges:

‘Judge righteous judgment, not according to the outside appearance.’ 

Moreover, for us, the righteous...

Life is our testing ground for judging future injustices,

In His Millennial Reign, and judging angels’ performances! 4


Imagine this…

To the few folks who will survive the great tribulation,

And their descendants who’ll be born in the new millennium,

We will be as gods in our (then) immortal transformation,

Serving as ‘iron rod agents’ in The Lord’s global kingdom!

Take time to imagine what might be the correlations,

Between our righteous lives now, and our assignments in His system.


There’s nothing better to perceive our ‘god-likeness’ in this life,

Than meditating on that pending 5th age of history.

We’re now to be versions of Christ’ to be righteous in His sight,

So in His Millennial Reign and throughout eternity,

We can all sit with Him on His Throne, in His GLORIOUS LIGHT.

That promise isn’t to angels, but to us, emphatically!!! 5


1 There are several Hebrew language versions of The Old Testament. Irrespective of the minor variations among the Hebrew, Greek and English versions of both testaments, I believe the overall consistency of The Lord’s spiritual Word to us is remarkably preserved and consistent.

2 See: John 10:24

3 See: James 4:7 and 1 Peter 5:8-9

4 Paul attests we will someday judge, not only the whole world, but also angels. I do not perceive why we would judge holy angels. See: 1 Corinthians 6:2-3, 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6. The latter verses indicate devils who became humans and corrupted the human race (pre-flood) have been taken out of commission, and are being reserved for judgment, possibly the judgment of  us, The Lord’s (then) immortal saints. SeeHumans’ DNA Hacked (Poem) Indeed, it would be ‘poetic justice’ if The Lord would turn their judgment over to us, His resurrected, immortal saints just before He implements Revelation 20:10! Agree? See my notion of our possible Millennial Reign Job Description

5 See: Christ-i-am (Poem), Hebrews 1:13 and Revelation 3:21. His promise is not to inauthentic, fake, ‘Christians in name only’ (CINOs), but to those of us who faithfully remain righteous in His sight until we die, or are raptured.

Ye Are gods! (Poem, Part 1)

See the series here
Listen to Siri audio version here

I have said, ‘Ye are gods;

and all of you are children of the Most High...’

(Psalm 82:6)

There are two verses in Psalms around which folks tread carefully,

Namely Psalm 8:5 and 82:6.

We ‘bend over backwards’ to deny the full agency,

Jesus, The Lord God, gave to Adam and his progeny.

Yet what He intended, cannot be nixed!

Imagine life on Earth if we embraced His intent, fully. 1

The literal version of Psalm 8:5 is very clear:

‘And [Thou] causest him [man] to lack a little of Godhead’.

The clarity of this verse refutes the errant opinion,

That man is ‘a little lower than angels’ in creation.

Sadly, in many Bible versions, this view is widespread!

Imagine what this errant view sounds like in …Heaven’s sphere. 2

We extend, and then compound our errant thinking,

When we seriously misinterpret Psalm 82:6:

I have said, `Gods ye [are], and sons of the Most High -- all of you…’

Denying the truth of Psalm 8:5, this verse we misconstrue!

Resorting to our ‘escape responsibility’ tactics,

It’s only ourselves, not The Lord, we’re hoodwinking! 3

Here’s why…

These two verses are …strategically complementary.

‘Connecting the dots’ between them reveals The Lord’s intent,

To enhance insights into our place in His strategic plan,

So we'll know, mankind is irrefutably‘in the god clan',

Uniquely distinct in His creation. That’s what He meant.

Yet in many ways, to this notion, we behave contrary!

In the god clan, Adam and Eve were featured and vestured.

In ‘the spitting image’ of Jesus, Creator, they were formed.

Adam’s sin extinguished their god-nature, temporarily.

Until, with Christ’s death, it could be instilled, spiritually,

And later, in our being, tripartite, be made …uniform.

These are the purposes of salvation and the rapture. 4

Let’s break this down…

Some pivotal questions these two verses raise are:

1. What do ‘god’ and ‘Godhead’ mean, definitionally?

2. How are human beings ‘god-like’, conditionally?

3. In what ways is mankind on ‘the god track?

4. What parts of The Godhead do we now lack?

5. Will what we lack be temporary or permanent?

6. What happens if, to this notion, we’re impertinent.

Let’s ponder these so we can raise our ‘thinking bar’. 5

1. So what does ‘god’ and ‘godhead’ mean, definitionally?


--A person/thing of supreme value; a powerful ruler,

--One controlling some aspect(s) or part(s) of reality.

From The Lord’s perspective, is this our actuality?

Adam was appointed ‘Earth’s lord god; authoritative leader’.

His sin didn’t revoke his appointment, strategically. 6

This appointment was passed on to Adam’s male progeny,

Though in our indolence, to this challenge, females rose.

I believe for it, now we’re all accountable,

And to The Lord, we will all be answerable,

For what in our lives, families and the Earth we chose.

Of all things on Earth, we alone have this authority. 7


--The fullness of Deity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

‘God in Three Persons’. One purpose, strategic plan, and nature,

With The God-Man, Jesus, sitting on The Godhead’s Throne.

On this, some religions stumble because they are prone,

To limit The Almighty narrowly to …just a number!!! 8

To ‘lack a little of Godhead’, pray tell, what is implicit??? 


See Part 2 in the above-noted series


1 Agency  –  the capacity, condition, or state of acting or of exerting power.

  Progeny – descendants, which includes YoU! 

2 ‘And causest him to lack a little of Godhead, and with honour and majesty compassest him.’ (Psalm 8:5, Young’s Literal Translation, YLT)

  ‘Yet You have made him a little lower than God, and You have crowned him with glory and honor.’ (Psalm 8:5, Amplified Bible)

   Browse through Biblegateway.com for several other versions that accurately capture the intent of this verse.

3 Our understandings of these verses are highly controversial, possibly representing mankind’s reluctance to ‘see and understand them for what they actually say’, and thus escape responsibility for acting accordingly. They must be interpreted and understood in the broadest possible context of The Lord God’s strategic plan for humanity, across His appointed 7 ages of human history. To do otherwise is to short-change His intent.

4 Vestured – covered, clothed. Adam and Eve were originally vestured in GLORY LIGHT, which is the reason they only realized they were naked after they had sinned. Sin extinguished their light, and we all inherited their ‘lightless’ (sinful) condition and nature. Compare: Genesis 2:25 with 3:9-12. Our tripartite being comprises our spirit, soul and body, just as Jesus is.

5 Impertinent – showing contempt concerning, boldly rude or disrespectful.

  These questions will be addressed in subsequent parts of this controversial series.

6 See Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Adam’s sin effectively transferred his God-given authority to satan. It did not transfer The Lord’s expectations and requirements of mankind to exercise righteousness over his life, his family, and the righteous management of the Earth.

7 Indolence – laziness, slothfulness. 

  No other beings on Earth were ever given this ‘stewardship’ responsibility.

8 Both the Jewish and Muslim religions tie themselves in knots over their assertion that God is ‘ONE’, numerically. In their myopic mindsets, they fail to comprehend the many broad definitions of the word, ‘one’. Take time to check various dictionaries to see what else this term signifies. The closing chapter of Revelation attests and confirms the ONENESS of The Godhead by twice referring to Their Throne as The ONE on which Jesus, The Lord God, sits.