
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding, general lukewarmness and outright apostasy among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


...Posts are listed in the reverse order of their publication date, so the most recent ones appear up front.

...The Topical Series section addresses deeper, strategic topics that cannot be covered in just one post.

…An alphabetical listing of all posts, and a separate alphabetical listing of poems are included at the top of the Topical Series list.

...Where possible, the Featured Post generally touches on some underlying world issue of the week. Be sure to check it out.

...Comments and feedback are welcomed via email. Your feedback and support are greatly appreciated.

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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Ten Steps to GREAT Christian Faith

See the Faith and Pride series here

Best wishes as you seek to develop, plant, receive and enjoy fruits from GREAT Faith seeds.

1. Compassion for others acts as a faith turbo boost! Got a need? Intercede!

2. Recognize and resist paralyzing fear that fights against planting seed faith.

3. Recognize and resist contempt that is still bred from familiarity, with anything, including Scripture and the Christian walk. Avoid being contemptuous toward those who may have contempt for you.

4. Seed faith, when planted, still sparks initiative to speak, so SAY what you believe, thus planting faith-filled word seeds.

5. Be timely in planting and growing seed faith. Don’t despise small beginnings.

6. Recognize and resist heady pride. Remain humble, sincere and worshipful before God.

7. Ignore your forgiven sinful background, and your descendants.

8. Watch your word seeds. They reveal your faith, and will not belie your heart.

9. Testify often and widely of God’s works in your life. A personal prayer log is a great tool.

10. For sure, God still tests hearts and minds, to verify and uncloak our faith, our willingness to believe, speak, and then act on what He says. Slow down. Pray to recognize, and to obtain Grace to pass His tests. (Jeremiah 17:10)

Excerpted from Two Outsiders Speak, Greatly (poem)

Tribulation Age Precursors: Degrading Militaries (Poem)

There will be NO militaries during The Millennial Reign age! 

Still active is an age-old military planning tactic:

Covertly degrading an enemy‘s army, pre-attack.

Today’s armies are developing surreptitious tech help:

AI technology to facilitate pre-attack preps!


But since AI development is still underway,

Older technologies remain very much in play.

AI will soon leap from an only pre-attack focus,

To its full integration in a battle-field locus.


Unbeknownst to those military planners across the world,

The Lord is using these innovations, His plans to unfurl!

Since from Him, ALL knowledge, wisdom and understanding derive, 1

Then, on every wave of our innovation, just know …‘He rides!’


I perceive the waves on which He may be …‘currently riding,’

Relate to on-going conflicts and wars that are widening.

--Israel’s war in Gaza, and strikes Hezbollah ordained.

--Russia’s David and Goliath-type war against Ukraine.


When into Lebanon and Jordan, Jews will spill,

We’ll know Zechariah 10:10will be fulfilled!

>>Might Israel’s plan for a buffer zone in Lebanon,<<

Seed this verse to be fulfilled, like a ‘…prophetic pre-dawn’??<<


Similarly, the swipe-force of Russia, the mighty bear’,

>>Must be diminished before, into Israel, it’ll tear!!! <<

Only then will it need help from Iran and other nations,

Per Ezekiel 38, Gog’s Russia-led invasion!! 2


They are two of The Lord’s strategic plans I perceived now.

 But what about Gaza?? What has He …prophetically vowed??

In 5 Bible books, borders of the promise land are described.

They differ! To this I intuitstrategy is ascribed! 3


Though they differ, one thing about which we shouldn’t be deluded,

Is that, in The Lord’s FIRST description, Gaza is INCLUDED!

Jews’ obedience and population shifts,

Might explain all those promise land ‘border drifts’. 4


After many centuries of The Lord’s Grace plan,

For Ammonites and Canaanites across that land,

He planned a genocide as, from Egypt, Hebrews first returned.

More Grace from The Lord, the Amorites and Canaanites

hadn’t earned! 5

There was no prophetic plan at all for genocide,

As in that land, a third time, Israel would abide.

The global community failed to follow-through, 

On plans for people in that land who were not new! 6


Since to the land, Israel has returned,

Many wars and gross conflicts have upturned,

The land, the region and lo, the whole world!!!

In spite of it all, strategy unfurls.


The world is transiting the silent space between,

Two key chapters in Ezekiel’s …vision book scenes:

1. Between re-establishment of the Jewish nation,

2. And that nation, defenseless, under an invasion. 7


Regarding this interim, here’s what The Lord has declared:

‘Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall happen, in that day, that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the Earth are gathered against it.’ (Zechariah 12:2-3)


Check  ...A prophecy being fulfilled in our midst!!!

Yet to believe The Lord’s Word, most folks still resist!

‘Ok, be blind to what’s right under your nose.’

That’s what I hear from Him, as He prepares …His woes. 8


1 See: Colossians 2:3.

2 See: Israel (Series), and especially In the Days of These Kings (Series).

3 See: Genesis 15:18, Numbers 34,  Deuteronomy 1:7 and 11:24, Joshua 1:4, 13 – 21, and Ezekiel 47:13 – 47:29.

4 For example, see: Deuteronomy 7:22-23 and Exodus 23:29-30.

5 See: Genesis 15:16, Deuteronomy 7 and 20. Tribes who inhabited the land before Abraham arrived there were the Canaanites, Amorites, Amalekites, Hittites, Hivites, Jebusites, and Perizzites.

6 See: Palestinian Immigration (Series).

7 See: Missed Insights in Ezekiel (Series), and also A People, Un-walled (Series). Did you know Ezekiel 37 predicted the establishment of the nation of Israel, and the very next chapter, Ezekiel 38, is a prophetic inference about the dissolution of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and a multi-nation invasion?? Back-to-back prophecies from The Lord are strategic signals to the world that we MISS!

8 See: Revelation (Series of Series).

An Earth's Age War (Part 2)

See the series here

Therefore, just as through one man [Adam], sin entered the world,

and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men [all people],

because all sinned… (Romans 5:12)


In Part 1, I raised the prospect of whether radiometric dating, a popular, scientific fossil dating technique, might yield substantially erroneous results if two ‘ifs’ occurred:


1. if/IF the continents were formed during the global flood; and 

2. If/IF fossils from the flood might have been exposed, to varying degrees, directly and indirectly, to molten lava. (See Part 1 for two AI responses to my molten lava query.)


Following is a response I received from a creation scientist whom I was blessed to meet years ago in Tucson, AZ:


Hi J!,

I agree that the dynamics of the Global Flood are a conundrum for modern science, largely due to their erroneous starting presupposition. 

2 Peter 3:3-6 foretold, and I will paraphrase, that last days non-believers would claim processes observed today are uniform with past processes, as they deny God made the heavens mature, and as they deny the global deluge. Secular geologists adherence to, and fulfillment of, this last days prophecy, reveals The Bible is God's inspired Word, and is why they cannot correctly interpret our planet's geology.

                       Russ Miller, Creation, Evolution and Science Ministries

(Note my core query about molten lava was not addressed.)


Romans 5:12 may be a favorite Scripture of creation scientists in their admirable efforts to prove the Bible-based ‘young Earth’ perspective. This contradicts conclusions of secular scientists that the Earth is billions of years old. The real age of the Earth will only be settled when Jesus Christ, The Lord God, returns here for His long-promised Millennial Reign. Until then, both sides of this issue remain solidly within the realm, not of science, but ‘belief-based religion’.  Here’s why…


On one hand, secular science uses various fossil and rock dating techniques to support their religious belief’, a principle one of which is radiometric dating, including carbon 14 dating. Applying these and other techniques, they conclude the bones they analyze must be of animals who died at least several millions ago. Yet secular science likely fails to take into consideration whether Earth’s molten lava might have been seriously disturbed as The Lord catalyzed the global flood by opening the fountains of the deep, and if so, how that might have impacted the fossils they date. (See Part 1)


On the other hand, creation scientists embrace Romans 5:12 as the basis for their religious belief that there could not have been any death on Earth millions of years ago, because Apostle Paul asserts that death only entered the world after Adam sinned. I firmly believe what Paul wrote. Yet I perceived creation scientists might not be correctly interpreting Paul’s strategic meaning. 


Paul and Moses were likely the most deeply strategic thinkers among all writers in The Bible. The Lord uniquely chose them for the highly complex, spiritual, intellectually demanding tasks of birthing/shaping two of His church-types – the ancient nation of Israel, and the worldwide, Grace/faith-based church of today. (Click here to see my comparisons of these two Bible GIANTS. Imagine their assignments during The Millennial Reign!!!) 


The Lord led me to asked 2 AI sources whether there are significant differences between the Earth and world. Their responses identified several differences that are not typically captured in dictionaries. (See their responses at the end of this post.)


Creation scientists assert there could not have been any kind of death on Earth prior to Adam’s sin, because death (presumably any/all kinds) ONLY entered the world AFTER Adam sinned. If so, that is clearly an obviously errant assertion. Here’s why. 


satan is the personification of sin, which is disobedience that results in spiritual separation from God, i.e.,  spiritual death. For us humans, The Bible reveals there are THREE kinds of death: 


1. Spiritual death, as we are all born in sin, separated from God,

2. Temporary physical death because of our sin, 1

3. Eternal second death, IMMORTALLY ALIVE in the brimstone-lit lake of fire (the second  death). 2


When Adam and Eve sinned, they immediately died spiritually, and in sin, their physical deaths were assured. They died centuries later. 


Isaiah 14:12-17 and Ezekiel 28:11-19  provide accounts of Lucifer’s sin, and by inference, those of his angel cohorts whom he corrupted. 3 They all were all cast out of Heaven, streaked like lightning across the universe (Luke 10:17-18), and were cast down to Earth’s ground. (Ezekiel 28:17). We don’t know when that happened relative to the creation of man, nor the physical impact, if any. But irrespective of these, it is clear that satan, the personification of sin and spiritual death, was in Eden BEFORE Eve, and later Adam, sinned. (Ezekiel 28:13) satan was the spirit who possessed the serpent who spoke to Eve. 


Since satan and his cohorts were apparently already on Earth in order to be in Eden to tempt Eve, ergo both sin AND spiritual death must have been on/in Earth BEFORE Eve, then Adam, sinned. Devils’ sins in Heaven preceded man’s sin, and their presence on Earth signified spiritual death on Earth before man’s sin,  Eve’s sin did not/could not corrupt the whole ‘world of humanity’, because she did not ‘carry the seed’ of humanity. Adam carried that seed. Ergo, HIS sin was the sin that corrupted the whole of humanity, and ushered into our ‘world’ (on the planet) each of the 3 deaths outlined in The Bible. 


Conclusion: There are BIG differences between ‘sin and spiritual death in/on the Earth’ vs. ‘sin and all kinds of death in the world of humanity’. I intuit creation scientists may not strategically distinguish between these two, clearly different  concepts, and therefore embrace a rather narrow interpretation of Romans 5:12. We have no indications of what spiritual death in the Earth, before Adam, might have inferred. But we can reasonably believe it was nothing good. Not wanting spiritual death to persist there, Heaven cast it out! Yet that is exactly what all things on Earth is subject to, until Christ threw humans His salvation lifeline. Unfortunately, most of us are too blind to see it, believe it, and by faith, embrace it.


Paul knew full well that spiritual death was in the Earth before Adam’s sin. Ergo, a  qualified understanding of Romans 5:12, will recognize he was referring, not to planet Earth, per se, but to the ‘world of humanity’ that our planet hosts. They are clearly not the same.  


Here are AI responses to my query: Are there significant differences between the words, ‘Earth’ and ‘world’?


Google’s Gemini:

The terms "Earth" and "the world" can often be used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings: Earth Refers specifically to the planet itself, including its physical components like land, water, and atmosphere. Scientific discussions about geology, geography, and ecology typically use ‘Earth’ - the third planet from the sun in our solar system. ‘World’ often refers to human experiences, societies, and ecosystems within the planet, encompassing cultural, social, and political aspects of life. ‘World’ can be used in a philosophical or metaphorical sense, such as ‘the world of ideas’ or ‘he world we live in’. In summary, while ‘Earth’ focuses on the physical planet, ‘world’ incorporates human experiences and cultures.



The terms, ‘earth’ and ‘world’, have distinct meanings, particularly when viewed strategically or Biblically:


1. ‘Earth’ refers primarily to the physical planet - the land, water, atmosphere, and everything related to its material existence. Strategically, ‘Earth’ can represent the created realm, with an emphasis on its geography, resources, and natural systems. In The Bible, ‘Earth’ is often used to describe the literal, tangible creation that God made in Genesis.


2. ‘World’ often carries a broader, more abstract meaning. While it can refer to the Earth's inhabitants, it frequently denotes the social, cultural, political, and spiritual systems that shape human life. The ‘world’ is more aligned with human affairs, ideologies, and even moral dynamics. Biblically, it is sometimes used in opposition to God’s kingdom (e.g., 1 John 2:15-17 speaks of the ‘world’ as something to be wary of, referring to worldly desires and systems).


1 NB: For the one-third of angels who rebelled against Jesus, point #2 does not apply, including the subset those who ‘left their proper domain’, became men, married women, and thus, corrupted human DNA, per Genesis 6 and Jude 6. (See: Humans’ DNA Hacked (Poem)

2 The notion, ‘once dead, forever dead’, is a flat-out devilish lie that countless people believe(d). They will be SHOCKED when:

(a) they realize their eternal spirit and soul remain CONSCIOUS in physical death, and (b) they are later resurrected in an IMMORTAL body, raptured to be judged by Jesus (possibly on the new, eternal Earth), then cast FOREVER ALIVE into the brimstone-lit lake of fire (possibly also on that new Earth)! The Bible iteratively confirms these points.

3 These references are ‘embedded prophecies that explain the origins of Lucifer, who became satan after leading a massive, failed coup d’état in Heaven. Embedding these verses within broader prophecies about ancient evil king, suggests the spirit of satan was possessing those kings, in the same manner satan’s spirit possessed the serpent in a conversation with Eve in the Garden of Eden. 

NB: In Ezekiel 38, The Lord proclaims He is against Gog. While many people believe Gog is/will be a man who will control Russia at that time, I believe Gog is a chief demon spirit who will possess the leader of Russia. Note how this demon shows up over a thousand years later in Revelation 20, to inspire the final rebellion against everything Godly. 

Ponder this: Might Gog be the spirit who is inspiring the current leader of Russia??