
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding, general lukewarmness and outright apostasy among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

Humans Rare on Earth? (Relative to the anti-Christ) (Q&A)

Q: Where in Scripture does it say, 'The Lord plans to make humans on Earth ‘as rare as the gold of Ophir’ a few years after the anti-Christ is revealed?'

A: Thanks for your clear, short question. My answer requires an explanation of how I read and interpret Scripture.


Based on my professional background as an international strategic planner, I read The Bible, not as a collection of 66 books, nor as a religious book, but as The Lord’s multi-millennial, strategic plan for humanity. Moreover, I endeavor to ‘interpret Scripture with Scripture’, allowing The Bible largely to ‘interpret itself’. Thus, The Holy Spirit significantly broadens and enlightens my understandings of The Mind of Christ, complete with His iteratively-stated prescriptions, proscriptions, predictions, retributions, and promises, all backed-up with several positive and negative examples that help to convey His intentions. (See: The Bible, So Unique (Poem))

I apply at least three pivotal keys in this regard:

1. Be alert to recognize when The Lord is doing what some folks might call ‘double-speak’. That occurs when, in the midst of speaking about, or in context of a (past) current, immediate issue, He transitions to speaking about a broader, future issue that was/is deeply on His Mind, as is later confirmed elsewhere, often in several places in Scripture. These are 'embedded prophecies'. Connecting the dots between such occurrences builds a framework within which we can more broadly understand His incredibly broad and complex strategy. There is no other keener strategic thinker than He. 

2. Understand His references to specific versus non-specific geographic locations on Earth. When, in the midst of citing a specific location, He segues to referencing a much broader location, we can perceive His broader intent, especially when what is said is echoed, often in several places in Scripture.

3. Discern the various meanings of the phrase, ‘Day of The Lord’. It is typically referred to as a specific day or time of His judgments on a particular people, nation or group of nations. The Millennial Reign is often cited as the Day of The Lord. I interpret it in the broadest possible sense, as being the second, generic point in His declared three-point strategy for dealing with humans, as summarized in Jeremiah 9:23-26. This generic point is any and all of His judgments to anyone at any time He directs, even to the ends of the Earth, at any time of His choosing after His first generic point, long-term Grace/loving kindness, has expired without repentance from offender(s).

Typically, questions about ‘Where exactly in The Bible does it say x, y or z,’ might signify a search for a clear, neat chapter and verse quotation, which cannot be satisfied from a strictly narrow reading of The Bible as a religious text. Such questions may seek to understand ‘the strict letterof the text, while not perceiving ‘the spiritof the text. Both are important within their differential contexts.

My Answer

The notion that The Lord intends to make mankind on Earth as rare as the gold of Ophir shortly after the anti-Christ is revealed is strategically derived from the broadest possible understanding of His strategic plan. I was brought-up in an ole fashioned Pentecostal church in which members very narrowly focused on specific verses, often missing or ignoring the prior or the very next verse(s). This taught me to use my highest mind and level of thinking in order to derive the highest point The Lord was making. Why? While The Bible is indeed Heaven’s multi-millennial strategic plan, it clearly is NoT laid out as such, based on my experience developing and working with a complex 5-10 year USG international strategic plans. Ergo, this signals The Lord’s intent for us to rely on His Spirit to ‘see through’ the narrow foci of historical stories, poems, prophecies, etc., to perceive His Mind. His strategy is ‘hidden for, not from us’ who are redeemed. Yet the typical ways in which we read The Bible may not lead the average readers to discover His broadest Mind because they may not perceive and connect key, strategic dots.

Isaiah 13:11-13 are my starting point in answering your question. These verses are nestled into a very specific prophecy of judgment against ancient Babylon, yet these three verses seem to target a significantly broader area. Babylon reportedly once ruled the world, if Daniel 2:38 is to be understood, literally. This point aside, apart from the global flood that only eight people survived, these verses raise the obvious questions:

o When, since the flood, was mankind so rare on the entire Earth, and if never, when does The Bible signal humans will indeed one day be very rare on Earth?

o When in human history have the heavens been shaken so severely that [planet] Earth ‘moved out of her place’?

Yes, there have been meteor showers and asteroids hitting Earth, and of course, in quakes and volcanoes, earth (not the planet) does ‘move out of its place'. Ergo, these questions inspire my ‘strategic hunt’ for other similar references across the pages and ages of The Bible. If found, and especially if they are iterated, this points to a much broader set of planned judgments than the narrow one mentioned in the first part of Isaiah 13.

Voila! References to exceedingly violent earthquakes are repeated across Scripture. Indeed, most related to geo-specific judgments. Yet others are clear in their much broader target areas, including ALL the Earth. This raises the question:

 o When in human history have there been truly simultaneous GLOBAL earthquakes, and if none, when does Scripture predict such will occur. (SeeGlobal Earthquake Confirmed (Poem))

Voila! Such are predicted during the run-up to The Millennial Reign. (SeeRevelation Earthquakes, especially the worst quakes ever since humans were created. See also: Ezekiel 38:18-20 and Revelation 16:18)

Finally, back to humans being rare on the entire Earth. If your knowledge of history leads you to agree humans have not been extremely rare on Earth since the flood, then ponder the normal ways lands have been conquered in history. Ancient invaders seized lands via massive wars, killing as many people as possible, leaving a relatively small, pacified remnant over whom they would rule in absentia, through appointed lords across the lands. Now let’s ramp-up this view to The Lord’s extremely oft repeated, strategic vision and plan to conquer the WHOLE planet!!! 

He began His invasion plan in Revelation 6, a picturesque view of Him opening an ancient scroll with seven seals and writing on both sides, possibly representing His title deed to Earth that Adam’s sin effectively transferred to the kingdom of satan. History demonstrates the first FOUR seals have long been opened! The FIFTH seal represents the pending FOURTH age of human history, the tribulation age, during which the anti-Christ’ government will slaughter countless new Christ-believers. (SeeAudacious Christians (Series) and also Revelation - The 6th Seal (Poem, Part 3))

If the 5th seal points to the slaughter of tribulation age believers, the 6th seal seems to point to the FIRST War of Gog and Magog, described in Ezekiel 38. Opening of this seal appears to correlate very closely with Ezekiel 38, a geographically-confined war in Israel that will be triggered when the starving, desperate world realizes Israel is being protected in the upturned, post-rapture world. Once this war is ended in such a dramatically manner as described in Zechariah 14:12 and Matthew 24, The Lord, with His army of resurrected saints from across the first FOUR ages of human history, will initiate His strategy to conquer the entire world, starting with the trumpet judgments (Revelation 8 - 11), and concluding with the bowl judgments (Revelation 16), and the dramatic end of the Armageddon War. (Revelation 19:7-21)


By the time of the last (7th) bowl judgment, humans will be extremely rare on Earth. If the tribulation age will only last about 7 years (two halves of 42 months each), then this rarity will manifest shortly after the anti-Christ is revealed’. His reign won’t be long at all. Similarly, I suspect the ‘little while’ post-Millennial Reign age (Revelation 20:3, 7), might similarly be very short, though on the surface it seems a long time could be required to mount the last war after a thousand years of no warfare and no military industrial complex on Earth, unless that war will not involve a formal military structure.


People in the pre-Millennial Reign remnant group will have the anti-Christ’s brand (mark of the beast) on their bodies, and will, therefore, be destined for the lake of fire (likely on the new, eternal Earth I refer to as Earth 5.0) into which the anti-Christ and his prophet (prime minister?) will be cast, eternally ALIVE, at the end of the 2nd War of Gog and Magog, over a thousand years before any other unrepentant sinners will be cast therein. (Revelation 19:7-21) But before people in this pre-Millennial Reign remnant group die, they will have a special role to play in the first few decades of The Millennial Reign, namely to sow seeds to repopulate Earth with mortal humans who will very likely live exceptionally long lives, perhaps similar to lifespans during the first age of human history! (See: Salvation in the Millennium (Series))


Yours is a good, short question. My answer is ANYTHING but short… ;o) I hope and trust this lengthy reply answers your question, and much more….





Additional references for deeply curious minds:

--Humans, Rare on Earth!!! (Poem)

--Revelation – Unsealing The Scroll (Series)

--Revelation – Seven Trumpets Sound (Series)

--Revelation – Seven Bowls Poured (Series)

Do You Know This??? (Knowing Each Other)

The Bible, So Unique (Poem)

It’s so unique among ALL the books ever written!

That’s The Bible, of inimitable distinction!

It foretold, then shapes and records world history,

To prove that our history is …The Lord’s story! 

Let’s ponder these five qualities that make this Book so unique:

Prescriptive, proscriptive, predictive, retributive mystiques,

And its exhaustive promises, exemplified.

May your regard for this Book be revivified. 1


The Bible is prescriptive for all core areas of life,

Laying down for us key principles Heaven regards as ‘right’.

It takes discernment to distinguish between what’s prescriptive,

Versus what, regarding past situations, is descriptive. 2


A key is, ‘In the mouths of two or three witnesses’,

Its prescriptions are repeated, thus Truth emerges.

‘Precept upon precept, line upon line’, Truth is perceived,
‘Here a little, there a little’, principles are conceived. 3


The Lord well knows prescriptions alone are not adequate.

Thus, with prescriptions, He specifies what He prohibits.

This may or may not be cited contextually,

But it won’t be missed when reading strategically.

While some Old and New proscriptions are in ‘black and white clearly’,

The in-dwelling Holy Spirit’s job is, very gracefully,

To develop and sharpen our perceptions of sin,

And to instill within us …‘disciple’s discipline’.


No other books have matched The Bible’s predictive quality.

Of its predictions that are now facts, study the quantity!

Moments, days, weeks, months, years, centuries and millennia,

It correctly predicted events in advance! Voila!

Of incredible future promises it’s choc full,

And each one is backed-up with good and bad examples.

Connecting dots between its predictions-to-facts, historically,

Prompts us to ponder yet-fulfilled predictions, futuristically. 4


When we decide to see or not to see,

The Holy Bible’s first three qualities,

We’ve set our course, and made our reservations,

To encounter it’s promised retributions.

Whether in this mortal life, or the next one, immortal,

Each of us shall reap our rewards or judgments infernal.

Here’s my suggestion: Pray that you will reap some NOW,

And for The Lord’s corrective adjustments know-how. 5

Promises, exemplified

Each promise is The Lord’s holy seed,

Stuffed with His faith, to meet His saints’ needs.

They’re designed to germinate and produce their fruit,

When they encounter His faith vibrating in you.

That is why He says, ‘Have the God-kind of faith’. 6

That’s what’s required to put His fruits on your plate.

So if, of His fruits, your life’s plate is empty,

Devils have stolen your faith in moves, preemptive.

Each promise is backed-up with The Lord’s examples,

Good or bad picture stories of life principles.

Right next to His promises, His examples are not aligned.

Thus, ask Him to direct your eyes before my point you malign. 7


Ahhhh, The Bible

The Lord’s views of our past and future history,

Reflecting His Heart and Mind to humanity.

He inspired, then preserved it to show us what He ‘sees’,

In us collectively, and in you, personally!!!

Do you know

It’s His key resource for our knowledge of Him and Him of us,

So that, in this life, we will pass His tests, and fulfill His ‘MUSTs’,

So He won’t say, after we’ve gone askew,

‘Depart from Me, for I never knew you!!!’ 8


1 Prescriptive – that which guides or gives directions, rules or injunctions with authority

  Proscriptive – that which imposes restraints, restrictions or limits

  Predictive – that which declares, foretells or indicates in advance

  Retributive – that which gives rewards or punishments

  Exemplify – to show or illustrate by example(s)

  Revivify – to give new life to, invigorate, brighten or sharpen

See: Five Reasons Why The Bible Is the Most Important Book On Earth

2 In most cases, common sense helps us to discern what is meant for a particular person/people in a particular context, versus what is a general life principle for all time. In challenging cases, The Holy Spirit’s mission is to lead us into His Truth, so we won’t be deceived. He is faithful to do this, as we are faithful and diligent in our study. See: How Do We Know If a Biblical Passage is Prescriptive or Descriptive?

3 See: ‘in the mouths of two or three witnesses’, and Isaiah 28: 10-13

4 See: Prophecies Prove It’s Me! (Poem), and Bible Prophecies, Seeds of History (Poem). ‘Approximately 2,500 prophecies appear in the pages of the Bible, about 2,000 of which already have been fulfilled to the letterno errors.See: Fulfilled Prophecy: Evidence for the Reliability of the Bible

5 See: Early Warning System (Series)

6 See: Mark 11:22, Young’s Literal Translation, the Complete Jewish Bible and the Wycliff Bible versions. This is another critical verse that many Bible versions get wrong, with their emphasis on having faith in God. The essence of this verse, and the lesson in which Jesus mentions it, is to have and apply our faith as an effective, efficient tool just as He, Himself, did in the encounter with the fig tree in Mark 11.

7 While the examples of many Biblical principles are easy to detect, it takes a perceptive, Holy Spirit-directed mind to perceive the examples of some deeper, conceptual principles. This comes with maturity in your walk with The Lord, and your hunger to know Him more intimately. It simply won’t come with a cursory, chapter and verse study of Scripture. Rather, learn to read The Bible as ONE Book, written by ONE Mind, The Mind of Christ, not 66 books divided into chapters and verses to be read ‘religiously’.

8 See: Matthew 7:23, Matthew 25:41, Luke 13:27, and especially Revelation 20:11-15, the point in our history in which these verses will be fulfilled. Caveat~

The Sinflammation - Sinflation Tailspin (Poem, Part 2)

See the series here

First, here are some key points on which I trust we can all agree:

Inflammation is deeply personal.

Acute and chronic, one heals, the other kills gradually.

Inflation is broadly societal.

Whether basic or hypereveryone is hurt adversely.

These states couldn’t be more incomparable!


True! Yet I perceive there are some unique correlations.

So let’s take some time to enhance your imagination.

Inflammation signifies ‘bodily heat inflation’.

Inflation signifies ‘economic inflammation’.

With sin as their root word, sinflammation and sinflation,

Epitomize our global, post-pandemic condition.


Let’s explore the links…


Inflammation – Sinflammation Links

At the onset of any injury or disease,

Our immune system dispatches inflammatory cells,

To encase and warm the target area with ease.

Thus starts the complex healing process (on which I can’t dwell).

Lifestyles today cause chronic inflammation worries:

Immune responses to un-injured cells cannot be quelled!


Sin wounds our spirit, and impacts our God-connection.

The Lord’s first line of defense is conscience conviction. 1

When we repent, and then embrace lifestyle revisions,

Our spirit is healed, and we avoid His afflictions.

But, if our conscience is seared from righteous intentions,

Sinflammation kicks in, followed by reprobation! 2


When The Lord’s Grace to unrepentant folks expires,

Like chronic inflammationHis judgments are dispatched.

They target wounded spiritsLives becomes quite dire.

Between folks’ lifestyles and His desiresthere’s a mismatch!!

Devils add to the mix, more evil to inspire.

If these folks press on, by judgments they’re …severely whacked!!! 3


Those who repent are very likely to be included,

Among remnants who live to rememberregret, then retell,

Future generations how, by sins, they were deluded,

How, in repentance, they found Grace, and The Lord’s judgments were quelled.

But in us humans, there’s a trait that can’t be extruded:

To learning from others folks’ mistakes, we’ve mostly bid farewell!


Thus righteousness sinks…


Inflation – Sinflation Links

When capital and labor markets both refuse to respond,

To central banks’ inflation policy adjustments,

With growing inflation, higher interest rates must correspond,

With risks of recession and growing unemployment.

Worse case scenarios: depression or hyper-inflation.

Could inflation be the fruits of The Lord’s sin judgments?? 4


When to The Lord’s amazing Grace, sinful people are flagrant,

His judgments of famines, warspestilence, and beastly attacks,

Aim to change lifestyle choices among a surviving remnant.

Climate change, droughts, floods, wars, the pandemic, and ALL their impacts,

Fit well into His declared strategic response, congruent!

We’re the surviving remnant, yet gross sinfulness we unpack!!! 5


Concurrent with post-pandemic inflation,

There is now a …pandemic of sinflation!!!

It’s deepening The Lord’s administration,

Of His four, preferred judgment applications!!!


We’re like teens refusing to learn sage lessons,

Denying worse consequent devastations!


Crimes, from street-to-high-level white collar,

Judges, national and religious leaders, etc.,

Folks have put on their ‘sin catch-up’ armor,

And are, therefore, more unabashedly audacious, by far.

With no ability to self-censure,

Hyper-sinflation is the next stop for our world, so bizarre!


Thus, across all societies, generationally,

Sin becomes more hyper, and then chronic,

And it explodes as we advance technologically.

With repentance then much more anemic,

And Christians with much less ‘salty spirituality’,

The Lord’s judgments make our tailspin ..TRAGIC! 6


Personal sins will trigger repentance via conviction,

Or The Lord’s personal judgments and ruination,

With chronic, personal spiritual inflammation.

Across societies, they then spread like infections.

Unchecked, this cycle triggers societal sinflation.

What’s next when judgments don’t trigger lifestyle revisions?!


To this global conundrum, in which we’re captive,

What answers can we find to these issues so adverse??

To search for, and apply them, let’s be proactive.

Before you search, take time to ponder my pictures first.

Ask yourself, ‘To that, how can I be responsive,

And do my part to help avoid The Lord’s …global curse?!’


Don’t let your personal sinflammation,

trigger societal, then global sinflation…


1 See: John 8:1-11 and Romans 1:28 (KJV).

2 Reprobation - disapproval, condemnation, censure, rejection. SeeTitus:15-16.

3 Jeremiah 9:23-24 succinctly summarize The Lord’s strategy in the Earth. Ezekiel:12-23 summarize His preferred judgment tactics, once His Grace/loving-kindness expires without sinners’ repentance. This strategy is evidenced in humanity since Adam, and remains heavily operational TODAY. Look for it in your own life, family, society and nation.

4 Ponder the extent to which The Lord’s four judgment henchmen, promised in Ezekiel 14:12-23, can easily trigger inflation and even hyper-inflation across a land! Wars especially trigger inflation because increasing amounts of labor and capital are engaged in producing goods that are quickly BLOWN UP, and services that support the war effort rather than normal lifestyles. Yet, in all our ‘smartness’, we humans TOTALLY discount and then ignore ANY connections at all between our sinfulness, on one hand, and The Lord’s promised sin-judgments (wars, pestilence, famine and wild beast attacks), He declared in Ezekiel 14. See: Four Judgment Henchmen, Explained.

5 Welcome! You're among the surviving remnant of the global Covid pandemic. The word, remnant, is found 85 times in the Bible (NKJV), a whopping 36 times are in the books of Isaiah and Jeremiah that cover a pivotal times of judgment in ancient Israel’s history! Search the links to understand what was so heavily on The Lord’s mind, and why, even in judgments, He planned for a remnant.

6 SeeMatthew 5:13-16

The Sinflammation - Sinflation Tailspin (Poem, Part 1)

  See the series here

Nope, the title isn’t a typo, as you may have suspected. ;o)

It cites ‘portmanteaux’, like retirity and eterniment1

Blended words to help to convey unique concepts exposited.

Here is another‘Godagement’, blending God and management.

That happens when folks are infected by sins, unrestricted,

And The Lord’s Amazing Grace, they have completely exhausted!

That’s akin to normal inflation and its hyper cousin, 2

Also acute inflammation and it’s chronic relative. 3

When these get a foothold, watch out for a fast, downward tailspin,

Leading to difficult times that are sure to be repressive.

Do you doubt there are correlations between these and sins,

When, toward The Lord, folks are persistently …transgressive??


With inflammation, the whole world has long been impacted.

Especially chronic inflammation that never quits!

Some experts say it’s because from Earth, we’re disconnected,

From wearing shoes that block the Earth’s electrical circuit.

Thus, by ‘free radicals’, we’re negatively affected.

By obesity and major dis-eases, we’re unfit! 4

The Lord designed inflammation as our first line of defense,

Against any and all forms of ill health.

Acute inflammation is timely, and it has …quitting sense!

But chronic inflammation is more stealth,

Acting like a leaking faucet, an unhealthy consequence.

Thus, our first line of defense …steals our health!!!


With inflation, the post-Covid pandemic world was blasted,

As global supply chains geared-up to meet surging demands.

Though root causes are well-known, politicians are lambasted,

As impatience for ‘normality’ rapidly expands.

Thereforeinterest rates were raised, and employment was impacted.

Yet business and labor markets don’t cool down …‘on command’! 5

When poorly managed economies suffer a crisis,

Every measure of ‘normality’ spins out of control.

To print more money, many governments become fearless,

Which is akin to turning a fire into a hellhole!

The Bible predicts/records LOTS of financial distress.

That may be what inspired Revelation 6:6, I’m told.


Within this context, let’s explore my new portmanteaux,

To see how with these two evils, they correlate.

Keep an open mind about what you think you may know.

With open minds, more wisdom we accumulate.

Share your portmanteaux that capture the scenario,

Of righteousness today, in global tailspin fate.

Stay tuned for Part 2


1 Portmanteau – a blended word that results from blending two or more words, or parts of words, to expresses some combination of the meaning of their parts. See: Portmanteau Word. See also: On ‘Retirity’ and ‘Eterniment’ (poem).

2 Zimbabwe is the best example of hyperinflation.

3 SeeSigns of Chronic Inflammation You May Not Expect.

4 This refers to Earth grounding, which is proven to reduce body inflammation by reducing free radicals, the cause of many dis-eases and poor health, leading to premature death. SeeIntuition Physicianand alsoPractical Applications of Grounding to Support Health. Learning about this, I now safely practice regular Earth grounding, also called ‘earthing’. See also: Two Earths, Two Songs (Poem)

5 Governments’ economic stimulus initiatives during the pandemic poured money into national economies to help folks who were out of work, but still had bills to pay. These initiatives also contributed to inflation. Post-pandemic increases in national interest rates might threaten economic recession, or worse yet, depression.

Two Earths, Two Songs (Poem)

Folks now are more aware of ‘Earth grounding’ benefits,

After decades of suffering from ignoring ‘her songs’.

Were they thinking original peoples were dimwits,

For walking barefoot, and about Earth, being so headstrong?? 1


Even astronauts have learned the key lessons,

From spending lengthy missions in space,

Unable to receive the Earth’s pulsations,

Her frequencies that set our life’s pace. 2


Now, too few of us are playing the game of catch-up,

On how to be much better Earth stewards,

And of the ‘Schumann frequencies’, how to develop,

Insights to prevent future health hazards. 3


Just as a musical song is a set of patterns,

Earth’s songs are sets of vibrating frequencies,

Some designed to set bio-rhythms, like a baton.

Yet we can choose to ignore her cadencies! 4


Physics teaches us that everything physical,

‘Sings’ it’s designated frequency song,

Vibrations on Earth, and also universal,

And that with Earth, we need to sing along’.


To us serious Bible students, this should be no surprise,

Since we learned Jesus created all things by His spoken Word.

Words are vibrating sounds, and by His Words, all things ‘normalize’. 5

But what about His written Word? Does it have

frequencies ‘heard’??


We all know of its awesome predictive qualities,

With many major predictions that have become facts.

In history, there are no comparable rivalries,

And no other so-called deities that match His acts.


His Book, The Bible, has been strategically designed,

To serve as the equivalent of Heaven’s tuning forks,

To help ensure that, with Heaven’s frequencies, we’re aligned,

Spirit, soul and body, down to our elemental quarks!


As we read, study and meditate Bible concepts,

In our spirit and soul, we ‘hear’ The Holy Spirit’s voice.

When we translate its concepts into our life’s precepts,

To others, we resonate His frequencies as our choice. 6

When tuning forks are struck, they naturally activate,

‘Sympathetic resonance’ response in some nearby objects.

With no direct contact, those objects begin to vibrate.

The original frequency ‘heard’, is the one they respect!


Sympathetic resonance is what The Lord desires from us,

Such closeness with His Spirit, that we ‘hear and sing’ His songs,

Yet to our ‘my way’ songs we lean. To His, we have animus.

Frustrating His purpose, we choose to vibrate to life’s gongs!


Just as Earth ‘sings’ her frequency songs to, and through all things,

And to her songs, most of us do not align,

The Lord’s promised new Earth is now created, and it ‘sings’,

Frequencies that vibrate in His Word, divine. 7


They are calling us to prepare for eternity there,

For life in heavenly bliss, or in the hellish lake of fire.

Frequencies we vibrate the day when, by death, we’re ensnared,

Will ‘sing’ the place, for all eternity, to which we aspire.


1 See: Earth grounding or ‘earthing’, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD. See also: The Sinflammation - Sinflation Tailspin (Series)

2 See: Tuning in to the Earth’s Natural Rhythm and also: Earthing: Why Even Astronauts Need to Do It.

3 See: Schumann Resonances, Wikipedia.

4 Medical science has proven the deleterious personal health and societal effects from ignoring the natural rhythms and cadencies of life, including those of Earth’s frequencies. So why do many, if not most Christians seem to ‘roll their eyes’ at the very mention of Earth frequencies? Why are we so ‘spiritually alert’, yet fail to ‘connect pivotal dots’ across The Lord’s multi-millennial, multi-faceted strategy for humanity?? I suspect it may be the tendency to shun all things that sound like ‘new agism’. Yet consider how much of our daily lives today includes things once regarded as …‘new age’. Caveat~

5 Hebrews 1 declares God, for and through Jesus, created all things, and Jesus upholds/sustains all things by The Word of His Power. 

See: Concept vs. Precept.

7 See: Your Heaven IQ (Series).