
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding, general lukewarmness and outright apostasy among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


...Posts are listed in the reverse order of their publication date, so the most recent ones appear up front.

...The Topical Series section addresses deeper, strategic topics that cannot be covered in just one post.

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...Where possible, the Featured Post generally touches on some underlying world issue of the week. Be sure to check it out.

...Comments and feedback are welcomed via email. Your feedback and support are greatly appreciated.

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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

The Seat of Wickedness (Part 2)

See the series here

The seat or throne of wickedness or iniquity. What imaginations does this notion provoke? What exactly does it mean? Is there really such a thing, or is it purely notional?

All human governments with significant international influence have (a) a headquarters, a capital seat, (b) regional seats across its nation, and (c) strategically placed ambassadorial seats across the world. They also tend to beautify their national seats.

In establishing his global governance system, The Bible reveals satan effectively:
     1. Locked-down the heavenlies around Earth, in and above the atmosphere;
     2. Assigned his ranks of demons over territories; and
     3. Established his governing seat on Earth.

This is exactly what conquering rulers have done throughout human history, and is also exactly what Jesus has promised to do when He conquers Earth for/in His pending Millennial Reign.

Part 1 discusses how satan accomplished the first and second steps above.

3. Established his governing seat on Earth.

Did satan, the mimicking deceiver, have, and does he now have a governing seat on Earth? The answer to this question is indicated in whether The Lord Jesus had, currently has, or will have a ‘Kingdom seat’ on Earth. Let’s think ‘Location, location, location!’, and allow this real estate mantra to echo in our minds as we progress. 1

God created man and strategically placed him in a preferred, prepared, pleasant land - The Garden of Eden. Informed opinions today are literally all over the map concerning where it may have been, presuming it was not mythical. Later, The Lord drew out Abram (a would-be champion for Godly faith and righteousness) from Ur in the land of Shinar (in modern day Iraq) to a preferred, prepared, pleasant, and also eternally promised land for a selected line of his lineage -- the line of Jacob. In this land, The Lord later designated a particular spot on Mt. Moriah for David to build an alter for sacrifices to God as part of David’s repentance for one of his offensive, nation-wide sins. This later became the same spot in Jerusalem where first two Jewish temples were built. Known as The Temple Mount, today this spot is the location of structures revered in both the Muslim and Jewish faiths. This is also the desired and designated spot for construction of a pending, third Jewish temple in the context of the promised, global, Millennial Reign of Jesus, headquartered in Jerusalem – His pending seat of global governance.

Rather than mimicking God and drawing out to a particular location some ‘would-be human champions for wickedness’, I believe the great deceiver and Christ-mimicker may have effectively inverted God’s pattern. History hints his seat of wickedness likely followed humans as our populations grew, and as human governments evolved into more complex structures over time. Genesis 3:23-24 hints Adam and Eve headed eastward when they were expelled from Eden. Later, Genesis 11 reveals the relatively small post-flood population journeyed eastward and settled in the land of Shinar, in modern day Iraq, Middle East. Here, a prideful, mighty (global) leader named Nimrod emerged, and inspired people to make a name for themselves by building a city and a tower to the heavens. The city was Babylon, and tower was The Tower of Babel. You know the story well. But most of us may not perceive this story as God’s first Bible hint that satan’s primarily modus operandi would be to target and puff-up national leaders as an efficient way to (1) spread sinfulness among humans, and (2) continue his rebellion against God2

Perhaps the most prominent of such leaders was King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon (possibly the first of a line of Babylonian kings with that name) whom God appears to have allowed to become the leader of possibly the first major, significant global hegemon nation. The epic story of this king and of subsequent early kings of this nation is summarized in The Book of Daniel, with supplementary insights in The Books of Isiah and especially Ezekiel. Centuries later, the prophet, Zechariah (in 5:11), saw in a vision a holy angel pointing to spiritual wickednessfiguratively in a basket with a lead cover, to be carried to the land of Shinar. This picture may represent evil traits the Jewish remnants from the 2-tribe nation of Judah had embraced during their 70 years of exile in Babylon. 3

Thus the land of Shinar and especially the city of Babylon have had a prominent place in both world, and in Jewish history. The plain of Shinar was ‘the cradle of post-flood humanity’ - the place where the action was, in terms of satan’s ability to influence significant elements of humans …to grow in wicked sinfulness. What an obviously great place for the possible post-flood seat of his world governance system, that is until… 4
1 This real estate mantra signifies the criticality of location in determining the value of land and properties.
2 See: Genesis 10 and 11
3 See: Daniel 2, Jeremiah 27, and Zechariah 5. See also: Two Visions Regarding the Cleansing of God’s People
4 Of course, no one down here knows for sure.

The Seat of Wickedness (Part 1)

See the series here

The seat or throne of wickedness or iniquity. What imaginations does this notion provoke?Something horribly ugly and dark, as it does in mine? What exactly does it mean? Is there really such a thing, or is it purely notional?

Let’s consider it from the perspective of any national government with a global reach and some degree of international influence, not necessarily a global hegemon nation, per se. That government would clearly have (a) a headquarters, a capital seat, (b) regional seats around the nation to extend its effectiveness, and (c) select, strategically-placed, ambassadorial seats across the world. Also, governments the world over tend to beautify their national seats, and some even move their capitals. Consider the breathtaking world capitals you may have visited.

Transitioning this picture to the title, The Seat of Wickedness, the kingdom or government of satan operates on the same concept, though on a much different plane. Why? First, satan is the great deceiver and mimicker who apparently uses his knowledge of, and experience in Heaven to devise evil outcomes, that are either just like, or totally opposite of what he experienced in Heaven. Recall, he wanted to replace The Almighty, but failed. Instead, he deceived Eve, and she led Adam to sin. The Bible reveals Adam’s sin spiritually transferred godship authority over Earth from-man-to-satan. Since then, we have suffered the consequences of this planetary power transfer.

In establishing his global governance system, The Bible reveals satan effectively:
     1. Locked-down the heavenlies around Earth, in the second heaven above the atmosphere;
     2. Assigned his ranks of demons over territories; and
     3. Established his governing seat on Earth.

This is exactly what conquering rulers have done throughout human history, and is also exactly what Jesus has promised to do when He conquers Earth for/during His pending Millennial Reign. So let’s unpack this sequence, especially the intriguing third point.

1. Locked-down the heavenlies. Conquer the previous headquarters, then define and secure territorial borders. Isn’t that what you would do as a conqueror? Daniel 10:13 is a noteworthy verse that indicated the existence of some type of spiritual barricade between Heaven and Earth, serving to block God’s strategic answers to Daniel’s prayers. How this barricade may have been impacted by the resurrection of Jesus from the dead is open to speculation and debate. It is clear, however, that Paul, in Ephesians 3:10, reveals there is much more strewn across Earth’s atmosphere than we might imagine, to include spiritual principalities and powers. *

2. Assigned his ranks of demons. In Ephesians 6:12, Paul signals his reference to principalities and powers includes: (a) rulers of the darkness of this age, and (b) spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. The Bible includes 272 references to ‘The Lord of Hosts’. Mimicking this, satan is the lord of demonic hosts. Paul’s reference to principalities and powers clearly indicates a well-organized and capable rank and file – a governmental structure, the strata of demons of various ranks and powers who joined in satan’s rebellion against God.

Early Warning System (Poem, Part 2)

For every major aspect of our lives,
There is some kind of early warning system(s).
Life’s good when, in response to them, we’re wise.
When we or they fail, to problems we succumb.

Saints and sinners alike all benefit from Grace.
So to ensure it is free of schisms,
God ensures in it, there’s an incredible ace.
It’s His gracious early warning system. (EWS)

First, he sends prophets, commissioned to sound,
His alarms when judgments or chastisements are near.
But when prophets’ alarms are met with frowns,
They must persist; frowns give way to our stopped-up ear.

Next He sends foretastes of disruptions to come,
Unless grossly sinful ways we abandon.
When to these foretastes we remain deaf and dumb,
He’ll not relent from harsh judgment intention.

When judgments and chastisements
on our doorsteps arrive,
We ponder, then loudly sing of His Grace amazing.
We huff and puff, changing circumstances to survive,
Forgetting all the times when Grace we were abusing.

Battered and bruised, discouraged and confused,
To all listening ears, we pine and wail.
But to praise The Lord, we are not enthused.
That’s when faith that’s frail will begin to fail.
Aren’t we smart enough to turn this thing around,
To figure out how to sustain Grace that’s so awesome??
Imagine life on which God will smile, not frown.
Let’s learn, then respond to His early warning system.

The best way to learn is in His Holy Book,
Lessons of folks who got it, and those who didn’t.
In it, when was the last time you took a look?
Trust me, for these lessons, you won’t have to hunt!

The best way to respond is also in His Book,
How to tune your mind, heart and ear,
To His voice and moves – your spiritual outlook,
Until what He’s saying is clear.
‘This ain’t rocket science’, as the ole saying goes.
Let’s decide to make it God’s ace that we chase.
To keep us out of judgment and chastisement throes,
Ahhh... better reasons to sing Amazing Grace. 1
1 How sad that, rather than by His Grace, it is much more by God’s judgment that we sinful humans learn to know Him. (Psalm 9:16)

Early Warning System (Part 1)

Of His announced three-legged strategy for dealing with humans, God’s Grace is the most pronounced and longest lasting. 1 Given our human nature, it is also the one we both understand and need most. The remaining two legs, judgment and righteousness, are much shorter, timewise, and may be our least appreciated. However, these latter two may well be a type of lever for the first, Grace. Like me, have you noticed how much we hear and even sing much more about Grace during what may be His times of judgment and chastisement? Isn’t it best to appreciate and embrace Grace when He lavishes it upon us, apart from any judgments or chastisements? Go figure! We seriously need to re-think our posture and responses vis-à-vis Grace. But how?

A major aspect of Grace on which we need to focus our attention is God’s early warning system (EWS). It is steps He takes to signal to us when Grace, to unrepentant sinners and saints alike, is about to give way to judgment (for sinners) or chastisement (for saints). Both of these are meant to trigger repentance and a more righteous walk. But historically, individuals, societies and nations alike tend to either mis-read His EWS, or to ignore and reject it altogether. As a result, they have suffered the tragic consequences …unnecessarily. So with all of our smart technologies and modern accomplishments in every field of endeavor, are we smart enough to learn from their history, or will our pride similarly blind us to lessons they refused to learn?

God’s first EWS step is a spate of prophets or ‘seers’ who are much more attuned spiritually than the average person. More in tune with righteous spiritual forces, they perceive developments within, and receive messages from God’ Spirit. Thus they are well placed, even commissioned to sound warning signals to less spiritually perceptive people. However, since evil spiritual forces may see and hear some of what these prophets see and hear, they are motivated to block, distort or nullify the messages. They accomplish this by sowing seeds of doubt and confusion about prophetic reports. Stirring up antithetical reports, views and opinions among far less or totally non-spiritual people, unfortunately, these evil forces typically win-the-day. Why? It comes down to human pride to ‘be free’ from external influences. Spiritually blind people fail to perceive external forces by which they are being manipulated for evil.

‘Prophets were in Old Testament days’, you might snap. Indeed, but The Lord gives to some believers today the gift of prophecy to edify The Body of Christ. 2 Moreover, a holy angel advised Apostle John, The Revelator:
The testimony of Jesus is The Spirit of Prophecy.
(Revelation 19:10)

Adding this insight to The Great Commission (to preach The Gospel of Jesus the world over) suggests, to varying degrees, all true Christ-believers are to walk in a prophetic role as we live before, and testify of Jesus to each other and then to the unbelieving world.

God’s second EWS step is a spate of preliminary judgments or chastisements, designed to serve as ‘warning shots across the bow’. With these, He effectively underscores the messages of righteous prophets and seers, and counteracts deceptions sown by evil spiritual forces. Thus, He allows His second EWS to sound alarms gradually, and more consistently than any set of prophets can do. But today, even these alarms are increasingly attenuated or flat out denied, then ignored …by our prideful logic, with the help of our data-driven science. Because we are prone to believe practically any message that explains away God’s EWS, we are thus left with no effective warning system at all. Imagine that!

Since Grace is the most pronounced and longest lasting strategic leg of God’s dealing with humans, His EWS is stretched out over l-o-n-g periods of time. In light of this, we typically fail to connect-the-dots, and therefore, greatly discount His EWS. Thus, we become set-up for the full weight of His harsh judgments and chastisements. That’s typically when we remember the song, Amazing Grace.
But there’s always hope…
Stay tuned for Part 2
2 See: 1 Corinthians 12:10

Is There Any Hope? (Q&A)


See the Q&A Series here

Q: The Covid-19 pandemic highlights gross and growing inequality in America. Do we have reason to hope that things will get better, or was Dr. King truly just dreaming?

A: Thanks for your question. By the way, dreaming is good, especially if it is of righteous things, and is based on the immutable promises of God. Daydreaming on these is especially good, healthy, and is encouraged. God calls this righteous imagination and meditation.

Yes, there clearly is hope for America’s under-privileged citizens, but perhaps not the kind or to the degree folks normally consider, nor the timeframe within which it is needed.

Dr. King, a theologian and pastor, artfully penned and delivered his famous ‘I Have a Dream’ speech to address the then untenable circumstances of black people in America. He urged the nation to ‘not return to business as usual’ concerning these issues. While much has indeed changed, clearly much more needs to change.

He couched America’s failure to honor its constitutional promises to black people in some of the language God used during an especially harsh upbraiding of ancient Israel for its deepening sinfulness. His phrase, ‘…until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream’, is based on God’s admonition to ancient Israel in Amos 5:24. It would help to read the full chapter, and especially the Book of Amos to understand the context within which God spoke. Israel refused God’s rebukes, continued to deteriorate in sinfulness, and paid heavy prices in judgments. If/as America continues to respond similarly, rest assured, God will continue to judge America. (See Jeremiah 9:23-24 to understand His strategic approach.)

While most people may not recognize it, Dr. King also skillfully built a bridge, so to speak, to the greatest hope yet to come for humanity when he spoke of:
--America transforming ‘to an oasis of freedom and justice’
--Hewing a stone of hope from the mountain of despair
--Looking forward to the day when ‘every valley shall be exalted: every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plane, and the crooked places will be made straight and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together.’

The Bible reveals Jesus is The Stone hewn from the mountains of failed human governance, who will first establish a millennial government of righteousness on this current version of Earth, then an eternal government of righteousness on a final, permanent, new Earth. The last point, a quote from Isaiah 40, will ultimately be fulfilled in the Millennial Reign of Christ on Earth, during which He will rule with a figurative ‘rod of iron’, ensuring Earth, for a while is an oasis of freedom and justice. Revelation 21 and 22 are predictions of the new, permanent Earth. 

Ascribing to nations and human governments qualities that only Christ will fulfill …is risky. The risk of this oratorical approach is that the average listener/reader may not understand enough spiritually to distinguish our nation’s ‘now’ from her ‘then’ (presuming America will still exist as a nation in the Millennial Reign). Hoping now for truly glorious things God promises in the Millennial Reign, or in eternity for righteous saints, while encouraging and desperately desired now, will eventually let us down. Moreover, The Bible iteratively urges us to put our greatest hope in things eternal, not in things of this temporal world. Heres why.

Carnal mankind puts hope mostly in wealth, intellect, relationships, credentials, and material possessions, whereas God says He and Christ are the only hope for humanity because ALL these things (substitutes) will eventually fail, and fail miserably. He has specifically designed life to teach us this lesson – a lesson too many of us fail to learn, however, given our core, sinful human nature.

So will America rise up, become a great nation morally, and live out the true meaning of its creed, ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal’? History reveals the consistent failure of human nature to rise equitably and sustainably to Godly righteousness. And even when the oppressed have won victories, theyve turn around and become oppressors themselves! Moreover, history reveals, even when so-called ‘great nations’ have been harshly judged for gross sinfulness, they still did not learn the lessons! Heads-up: The same thing is predicted to happen in the pending 7-year tribulation period, the fourth age of humanity.

Yet the Day of Hope shall eventually come! Earth shall be filled with the knowledge and glory of God, and the knowledge of His glory. (Numbers 14:21, Isaiah 11:9 and Habakkuk 2:14) Then and only then will He ensure justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream. Until then, let’s...
Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart,
all you who hope in The Lord. (Psalm 31:24)
Happy is he who has The God of Jacob for his help,
whose hope is in The Lord his God. (Psalm 146:5)


I usually do not write about my professional experiences,
but here’s an interesting one that fits the topic.

Early in my career, I was offered a diplomatic post in apartheid South Africa, years before Nelson Mandela would be released from prison. The offer, however, came with quite a hitch -- that I would consent to being classified by the host country as ‘an honorary white person’. At that time, all non-white diplomats assigned to South Africa had to be so classified. Congress had required all US aid to South Africa to support only legal, black-owned and operated entities that were addressing a wide range of development issues in black communities. The leaders of these private sector and NGO entities comprised South Africa’s ‘government-in-waiting’. While the prospect of playing a small role in that nation’s lengthy and arduous transition to democratic rule was very appealing, the notion of being classified as ‘an honorary white person’ was a major turn-off! I resolutely declined the offer.

Years later, I accepted a similar offer, one with no hitch. It came a few months before Mandela was to be released from prison. Without any hesitation, I embraced the chance to engage in the incredible transformation underway at the center of the world’s stage. Thus, I was blessed not only to help shape over a decade of US assistance strategy and programs in South Africa, but also to meet and work with top tier members of the USG and also of President Mandela’s government – members of his prior government-in-waiting.

For national level elections the world over, imagine the levels of effort that must go into searching for and proposing talented prospects for various tiers of government, thoroughly vetting candidates, selecting and then prepping preferred appointees as key parts of hopeful governments-in-waiting. This is typically required for each political party challenging an incumbent administration. This is also required for any incumbent administration proposing a change in top players. Imagine the levels of effort required to prepare for the chance to lead a national government for what typically is for just a few short years.

Now let’s s-t-r-e-t-c-h your imagination to perceive a much more massive government-in-waiting process, one that is not just national, but global in scope! What might the search for good prospects look like, given key differences in languages, cultures, educational systems, etc.? What kinds of vetting procedures must be developed and carefully implemented, per prospect? And what happens to prospects who fail the vetting process and are dropped from further consideration? Once qualified and politically acceptable candidates are decided upon, how on Earth could such a diverse mix of hopeful nominees be prepped for their proposed positions, should their political party win the election? This literally boggles the imagination! But now, try to wrap your imagination around the notion of a global, millennial (thousand-year) administration, not for just a few short years!!
Mind blown yet?

This is exactly what Jesus has been doing every day since Adam and Eve sinned in The Garden of Eden. On that day, He launched and began to orchestrate His government-in-waiting development process. With loyal support of holy angels, and steadfast resistance from both demonic angels and untoward humans, He has since made outstanding process! The keystone of progress to-date is the appointment of Himself, Jesus Christ, as pending, King-of-the-World, destined to succeed the wicked global leader who will govern the world during a pre-determined, 7-year period of rebellion.

But this election process is quite different from the norm. Jesus, Himself, is the electorate in this case. He elects us, quite literally, whom He fore-knows will elect Him! Got it? And trust me, there are no ‘hanging chads’ or Electoral College issues that can creep into this election. However, after He initiates His tailored vetting and preparation processes, unfortunately, some of us fail and drop out, or worse, are vomited out! 1 Yet, in Grace, He continues to move forward, applying His same general approach, generation-after-generation. We who pass His vetting and preparation processes, become part of The Lord's awesome government-in-waiting, waiting for our appointed leader to establish His long-predicted, global administration.

While He knows who will and will not be inclined to embrace Him, we don’t. So in light of that, I invite you to join our ranks. In fact, He effectively designed Christianity during this 3rd age of history, to be 'demonstration effects' of this offer! Christians' lifestyles are supposed to be His invitations. (Yeah, I know, I know what you might be thinking..) In our day, His offer is embraced by sincerely asking Father God to forgive you for your sins, and embracing His Son, Jesus Christ (i.e., His virgin birth, life, death, resurrection, and current role as interceding Savior), as God’s payment for your sins -- past, present and future. With this, you are spiritually born into His Kingdom, as a babe, just like physical births happen on Earth. His vetting and prepping processes then begin, with the objective of developing and growing you (spirit, soul and body) into a mature Christian, whom God calls ...His son, a saint. (Yep, in God’s view, we become saints in life, NOT in death by the decision of a man.) This is accomplished with help from a wide range of other maturing (not fake or Christianesque) saints, as you read and study The Bible to learn The Lord's nature, requirements and incredible plans for humankind.

To help you get started, please sincerely pray out loud this, or a similar Prayer of Salvation; then TELL SOMEBODY what you did. (Including me, please~) Look for, and connect with mature, real, sincere Christ-believers. One day soon, we will receive our diplomatic appointments in The Kingdom of God on Earth. We will be fully prepared and equipped to perform our unique roles and assignments across the world, reporting up the ranks to Jesus Christ, headquartered in a significantly elevated  and expanded Jerusalem (from the Nile River-to the-Euphrates River!!!), in a world fully at righteous peace for a thousand years.

Imagine that~ This is one of the culminating events of human historyiteratively promised throughout The Bible. Join me in believing and preparing for it by changing our lifestyles. 
3 And trust me, by a long shot, this beats the alternative picture The Bible paints for all who reject this gracious invitation to join The Lord Jesus' ...Government-in-Waiting!
1 Carefully ponder Jesus' stern warning in Revelation 3:14 - 22. Also seeHup, 2, 3, 4! Hup, 2, 3, 4! (Poem)

2 Beware of folks who are Christiansesque (Poem).

3 Also in singing about it. Much of my music is all about this predicted eventuality, including Arise! and One Day Closer!

Tribulation Age Precursors: Lawlessness (Poem)

See the series here

‘Wherever law ends, tyranny begins.’
John Locke, 1689

Across our world, lawlessness is abounding,
Societies becoming increasingly unglued.
Under corruption’s weights, governments failing,
Citizens feeling like, in life, they are being screwed.

Somewhere in the world, mass protests are exploding,
Pitting citizens against law enforcement.
Wedges being driven between them are tearing,
The social fabric called ‘governing consent’.

The proliferation of guns is now epidemic,
The result of our fears running amuck.
Fears spawned by every conceivable social pandemic,
And faith that gun barrels will stop the buck.

‘Live by the sword, die by the sword’, you’ve heard that.
‘Toward the end, lawlessness shall increase.’
Both warnings of Jesus are now a hard fact. 1
Abilities to govern now decreased.

Permanent instability in our world.
Armed conflicts feed increasing sales of arms.
Over decades, refugee crises unfurl,
As the internally-displaced folks swarm.

From the top-to-the-bottom of all societies,
The news from around the world is of lawless deeds.
Leaders and citizens, both filled with anxieties.
Lawless deeds increase as on more news the world feeds.

Ponder this…
What do you think would be the logical conclusion,
If at God’s laws we huff and shake our fists?
If against them we are increasingly emboldened,
Why be shocked at lawlessness in our midst?!?

The lawlessness that we may enjoy or enjoin,
Or that most of us gaze upon in disbelief,
Is a precursor for the coming champion,
To whom all will look for tribulation relief. 2

So by it all, let’s not be overly fazed.
Just keep it in perspective of God’s predictions.
Such must unfold toward the end of these days:
Contracting birth pangs for …the next dispensation. 3
1 See: Matthew 24:12 and 26:52
2 The final anti-Christ global government. SeeAnti-Christ (Series)
3 See: Zechariah 14 and Revelation 20. Also search this blog for many posts on The Millennial Reign.

Millennial Casting Calls (Poem)

I imagine…
When God crushed Lucifer’s rebellion in Heaven,
And cast down onto the Earth every devil,
Earth, then righteous, repulsed at their arrival,
That disrupted its part of God’s perfect creation.

In response to her cries and her sad condition,
God dispatched Jesus to set things aright.
Then, to ensure Earth would remain upright,
He created man to block further rebellion.

Man, installed as lord and god over all the Earth,
Higher than angels, righteous, perfectly, 1
With full planetary authority,
To block devils from depreciating Earth’s worth.

The ‘rest of this story’ you know very well,
How satan tricked Eve, and Adam caved in.
Now all of us grieve our chaos and sin.
On the end story, come let us dwell.

Over every continent, nation, city and town,
Every community, and family therein,
All devils cunningly now spur us to sin.
Increasingly competent, in wickedness we drown. 2

Now imagine all devils – rank and file, skilled,
From Earth locked away, from every last man,
Their evil forays, a thousand years banned.
Let’s imagine the vacuum that then must be filled. 3

To you let me portray, this massive vacuum.
Heaven incubates, and is now scrutinizing,
All candidates Christ will be deputizing.
Recruitment’s underway, from Heaven’s boardroom!

There are key differences, in positions we will fill.
Unlike the subtlety by which devils damnify,
We will have a body, our spirit to signify.
Before the flood, some devils got bodies
against God’s will. 4

In bodies immortal, and powers to subjugate,
We’ll govern the Gentile world in Christ’s authority,
And to Him alone have full accountability,
Ruling tribulation mortals who bit satan’s bait. 5

For a thousand years, Earth’s spirit will revive.
That’s a very short while in her time,
But enough to return her to prime.
Everything in the environment will thrive.

Across the whole world, no defensive arms.
To their first states, all diets returned.
To mortals, length of days, not just yearned.
Animals reprogrammed, nothing to harm. 6

Economic systems then righteously fine-tuned,
Will perfectly balance God’s ordained profit motive,
With His concern for social safety nets, supportive.
Every earthly system, to God’s GLORY attuned! 7

If under satan’s governance of life on our planet,
Brought thorns, thistles, sickness, death and life like crud,
And devils getting bodies triggered the flood,
Imagine all things then under Christ’s scepter and signet.

Over every continent, nation, city and town,
Every community, and family therein,
By perfected immortals, all life disciplined,
Restoring life systems that today are upside-down.

In filling this vacuum, for what role(s) might you qualify,
And for a thousand years with angels perform,
When to righteousness, all things on Earth conform,
And Earth, by His glorious presence, Christ will beautify?

For a role in The Lord’s millennial cast,
You must take the first qualifying steps:
Repent of sins, then follow His footsteps.
He will save you when, and just because …you ask.
1 ‘What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You care for him? Yet You have made him a little lower than God [not the angels], and You have crowned him with glory and honor.’ (Psalm 8:4-5, Amplified Bible) 
'What is man that Thou rememberest him? The son of man that Thou inspectest him?
And causest him to lack a little of Godhead, and with honour and majesty compassest him.(Young's Literal Translation)
2 The Bible affirms the rank and file of devils are strategically/militarily positioned above Earth’s atmosphere. (Ephesians 3:10 and 6:12) See: Earth's Cloaked Satellites (Poem)
3 See: Revelation 20
4 See: Genesis 6, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-54
5 In this life, The Church (mostly Gentiles) was (a) called out of worldly sinfulness to be saved and know God, (b) then sent back into the sinful world to preach The Gospel of Salvation in Jesus. The Church will later be raptured out of the world, and in The Millennial Reign of Jesus, we will be dispatched across the post-tribulation world to rule, in His authority, over mortals who will survive God’s worst ever judgments on mankind. See: Luke 19:11-27 and Matthew 25:14-29
6 See: Genesis 1:29-30, Isaiah 2:4, 11:6-9 and 65:25, and Micah 4:3. See also: When Lions Ate Straw