
Hello and Welcome~

The world is blind to these SEVEN, pivotal facts:

1. The Bible communicates Heaven’s 'Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for Humanity'.

2. There are SEVEN ages appointed for humanity.

3. We are nearing the end of the THIRD age, a pivotal turning point in this strategy.

4. A GREAT falling away from the Christian faith is predicted during the ending days of this THIRD age, as a result of backsliding, general lukewarmness and outright apostasy among the heretofore faithful. Look around and this you will clearly see.

5. Biblical prophecies have been and remain seeds of human history.

6. Yet-fulfilled prophecies, unfolding apace, are worthy of diligent study.

7. Now is the time to get and stay on ‘the right side of Bible prophecy’.


...Posts are listed in the reverse order of their publication date, so the most recent ones appear up front.

...The Topical Series section addresses deeper, strategic topics that cannot be covered in just one post.

…An alphabetical listing of all posts, and a separate alphabetical listing of poems are included at the top of the Topical Series list.

...Where possible, the Featured Post generally touches on some underlying world issue of the week. Be sure to check it out.

...Comments and feedback are welcomed via email. Your feedback and support are greatly appreciated.

…Several posts include an audio and/or video version. Search for 'version' to find these posts. More may be pending, as The Lord leads.

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Fasten your spiritual seat belts!

The Sound of Silence (Part 2)


In my exploration of The Lord’s Multi-millennial Strategic Plan for us (The Bible), I’ve been reflecting on the fascinating periods of silence in/from Heaven. Such moments often precede periods of powerful punishments! When applied globally, they appear to signal pending age-transitioning judgments. Three such events are noted in Scripture, two of which are historical:


1. Two are historical -- in Genesis 6:21–7:1, during Noah’s preparation for the flood; and in Matthew 27:46, as Christ hung on the cross.

2. One is predicted in Revelation 8:1 when silence in Heaven occurs before the 7th seal on The Lord's scroll is opened, heralding the apocalyptic judgments.


While the notion of Divine stillness - a ‘calm before the storm’ - resonates with localized events throughout Scripture, its possible application to the end of the Millennial Reign (MR) age raises intriguing possibilities. This excerpt from Mid-ages Musings (Part 5), reflects my initial perspectives:


#4. Silence from Heaven (Dreaded or Welcomed) 

Logically, silence from Heaven cannot occur when all or most of Heaven is on Earth. I intuit two scenarios where ‘silence from Heaven’ might apply during the lead-up to satan’s kingdom being released back on Earth:


1. Tolerating Growing Unrighteousness.

The Lord’s gracious and merciful nature might allow unrighteousness to increase temporarily, much as He does today.


2. Strategic Withdrawal.

There may be an interim period of silence as The Lord, His saints, and His angels depart Earth, preceding satan’s release. This could parallel the pause between Jesus’ 2nd ascension, and the arrival of The Holy Spirit on The Day of Pentecost, or the silence during Noah’s ark-building in Genesis 6:21–7:1.


Misinterpretations About the End of the MR Age

A search for articles on the end of the MR age reveals a common assumption: that the release of satan’s kingdom is part of this ending. However, these interpretations seem flawed. Here's why:

Timing of Satan’s ReleaseRevelation 20:1–9 clearly state satan’s kingdom will not be released until the end of The Lord’s thousand-year reign, not during its closing years or decades.

Uncertain Duration of the 6th AgeThe Bible provides no clear timeline for how long the 6th age will last, or when the final rebellion (Revelation 20:7–9) will occur. After a millennium of peace with no military institutions or structures on Earth, satan’s forces might require significant time to take advantage of people's pent-up frustrations from The Lord's iron rod rule, and then muster a significant attack on Jerusalem.

A Quiet, Strategic Withdrawal


Approximately 90% of empires and kingdoms throughout history have ended violently. That's a sad testament about human nature, and especially the stubbornness of national leaders. How might this insight apply to the end of The MR age? Not for a moment would I suggest it might end in defeat. Instead, I now envision the following scenarios:

The Lord’s Strategic Rationale

The Bible indicates The Lord’s overarching objective isTo harvest small remnants of saints from each age, to whom He will show everlasting Grace. If/IF salvation as we know it ceases during the MR age, it might follow that believers during that age will need to have their faith tested and proven. What if the strategic purpose of releasing satan’s kingdom back onto Earth will be intended to provide this testing, and ergo facilitateThe Lord’s separation of true saints from sinners during the last resurrection and rapture event?  Ponder why else would He reference His Book of [Eternal] Life if folks who will be resurrected and raptured to appear before Him at that time, are ALL sinners?? (See: Revelation 20: 11-15, and also Bible Raptures – Types and Timings (Series).)


Bait for the Final Rebellion
Isaiah 60 describes the wealth in, and glory of Jerusalem shortly after the start of the MR age. Over a millennium, this wealth will very likely increase dramatically, as people the world over seek to curry favors from Jesus. It may eventually become a lure for people whom satan’s forces will catalyze for the final rebellion noted in Revelation 20: 7-9. Ezekiel 38 and the respective invasions of ancient Israel and Judah by Assyria and Babylon, provide clear precedents for how The Lord baits/lures His enemies, both for their well-deserved judgments, and judgments of nations that are invaded.

Silence and Withdrawal
Silence predicted in Revelation 8 may mirror the calm before Armageddon, which will result in the end the anti-Christ’s reign during the tribulation age, and begin Christ’s reign in The MR age. Similarly, I envision a quiet, protracted withdrawal of The Lord’s erstwhile conquering forces as 'we' re-populate Heaven. * Our withdrawal might coincide with growing global frustrations, as humanity casts off The Lord’s restraints.


Divine Patience Perceived as Defeat?

If there will be silence from The Lord’s government, whether prior to, or after our departure from Earth, how might global populations perceive such silence?? Good riddance?! Humanity’s sinful nature has not changed since Adam. I intuit suppressed, pent-up frustrations from a long period of forced, iron rod righteousness might erupt, and people might equate our departure as their win, our defeat, even before satan’s kingdom is released. Feel free to send me an email to share your thoughts on this point.


Biblical accounts of silence from Heaven often precede some kind of judgments. If/when perceived, they invite us to marvel at The Lord’s meticulous planning and exceptional patience with humanity. Every pause, every action, and every reset aligns perfectly with His strategic purposes, which will ultimately be fulfilled. Though silence may infer activity or inactivity, it often heralds The Lord’s most transformative handiworks.

Ponder this:

When do you/we typically sing the song, Amazing Grace?

I perceive it's sung mostly ...in tragedies,

as if that's when we think of it mostly.

Might that infer a type of abuse of His Awesome Grace?

How might He view such?


* Matthew 25:31, Mark 8:38, 2 Thessalonians 1:7, and Zechariah 14:5, 1 Thessalonians 3:13, and 2 Thessalonians 1:10, iteratively appear to affirm/confirm Heaven will be emptied onto Earth! If so, imagine that! Revelation 19 illustrates what these above verses predict. Some believers reportedly think Christ’s return to this current version of Earth will be forever. This is clearly contrary to Revelation 20, and also to The Lord’s promises (in Isaiah 65:17, 66:22, and Revelation 21 and 22) of a new, eternal Earth and universe. To be clear, this current version of Earth is temporary, folks. It wasn't created to be eternal. Ergo, as Heaven will apparently be de-populated for the MR age, it will logically be re-populated at the end of the MR age.

Christ’s Three Stage Kingdom (Poem)

Promise Believed…
In ages past, a promise clear:
A Kingdom comes, One’s Reign draws near.
A babe was born, to be a King.
His life cut short! A brutal thing!!

Then from the grave, ALIVE AGANI!!

The Kingdom left to His 12 men.
Now nations wait, and Earth holds fast,
ALL is judged, and peace will last.

Stage 1: The First Flame…
At Pentecost, The Spirit came,
A Holy Fire, a sacred claim.
In hearts redeemed, The Lord’s Truth sown.
A Kingdom built, by faith alone.

God’s plan unfolds His timeless dream:
His Church withstanding devils’ schemes
That’s us who in The Lord delight,
His Son’s Kingdom of faith, not might. 1

Stage 2: A Stone-Grown Mountain…
From chaos wrought by judgments due,
Earth’s 5th age will come into view.
All lands will quake, all walls fall down!
Authorities shall be cast down. 2

A stone will strike both ‘iron and clay’.
Nations will fall, to clear the way.
Christ’s and saints’ Millennial Reign,
Will cleanse the Earth of sinful stains. 3

Stage 3: A Grand New Earth…
T’was long foretold, by hearts embraced.
Earth’s 5th age just a mere foretaste.
A new Earth shaped by His command,
The one He long ago pre-planned.

No tears, no pain, no stains of sin. 
All Day, all Right. No night, no end!
It’s Glory-lit, as John showcased!
We, The Lord saints, with angels Graced. 4

Promise Achieved

Through hearts redeemed, His Reign began,

Our faith, His might, will ever stand.

From The Lord’s Throne, His Grace will stream,
The final phase of Heaven’s dream.

Friends, this promise, He says is TRUE.

It’s for us who, in lifeHe knew.

If you don’t know Him as Lord and King,

Please, get to know Him, before death rings. 5


1 This refers to the current 3rd age of our history, the church age. SeeHuman History Ages (Series).

2 See: Ezekiel 38:18:23.

3 See: Daniel 2. The stone may symbolically refer to the pending apocalypse, casting down all authorities, and paving the way for the Mountain, referring to The Lord’s long-promised, global, Millennial Reign, with all His saints. For more, see: Millennial Reign (Series).

4 See: Earth’s Next Versions (Series).

5 See: Prayer of Salvation (Poem).

Which AI for You?

See the Artificial Intelligence series here

Decision-making is the engine of life. It shapes every facet of human interaction -- personal, social, institutional, corporate, national, and global. Effectiveness and efficiency hinge on how decisions are made. Yet, as we navigate a world driven by clashing belief systems, cultural upheavals, and technological leaps, we face increasingly complex and conflicting decision choices. Could this be part of The Lord’s unfolding strategy for humanity -- testing and refining us through the decisions we make, and where/in whom we place our trust? If so, perhaps His focus is most intensely on the choices that lead to eternal consequences.

Created in the image of The Creator, Jesus Christ, we are graced with free-will. Ergo we are inherently decision-makers. Scripture teaches us what history affirms -- that He tests, then judges us, not only as individuals, but also collectively, based on our decisions. Therefore, it should be instinctively clear that our decision-making is BEST when it's aligned with His purposes. 

For most of us, it likely is not. 

Even when reality and results iteratively point to and prove the flaws in our chosen approaches, still we persist with ineffective decision-making paradigms. But what if clearly categorizing how we make decisions, could help us understand ourselves and our times better, and maybe become more effective, efficient decision-makers?

Here’s one possible categorization of what I see are our AI decision-making paradigms:

1. Almighty Intelligence – Trust in the omniscient wisdom of a divine power and plan, grounded in faith-based promises of/from a Higher Being. 

2. Agnostic or Atheistic Intuitions – Strong reliance on self-determined principles and secular reasoning.

3. Alternative Instincts – Decision-making based on gut feelings, luck/chance/numbers, superstition, or family traditions.

4. Ad Interim Instructions – Frameworks learned and adapted to specific institutional or professional contexts.

5. Artificial Intelligence – Rapidly growing trust in technological innovation and machine-based solutions, even those prone to …hallucination.

The accelerated rise of Artificial Intelligence introduces a significantly new dimension to decision-making. It has already sparked a mix of enthusiasm and anxiety. How should we integrate this particular AI into our decision-making frameworks? How should we guide its evolution, and regulate its influence, especially considering the significant impacts it will likely have on decision-making decades from now?

I encourage you to review my list above, and then ponder...

...Which AI(s) for you??

Come-unity (Poem)

In hands that pull upon all beams,
Lies power to shape all our dreams.
When hearts and minds pull side-to-side,
Divisions grow, love’s bridge denied.

Feelings rise like rivers deep,
Where passions burn, and hopes can leap.
Left unbound, feelings lead astray,
And dim the light of Wisdom’s way.

Logic may stand quite firm and clear,
Its reason sharp, its path sincere.
Yet it becomes a frosty guide,
Without love’s warmth walking beside.

The Lord’s ‘Come-unity’ call rings clear.
It echoes to us who seek and hear.
When compassion and reason we embrace,
We all will know peace that none can erase.

The scales of life must balance likewise,

On logic’s strength and feelingsrise.
Together bound, they’ll find their place,
A steady path, walked in His Grace.

So grasp the hands that reach your way,
Let both then give, and none betray.
Then hearts and minds, through love’s embrace,
May heal as old wounds are effaced.

One Day soon, unity will betide,
When on Earth, The Lord God will abide.
Until then, let us seek more harmony,
From ‘come unity’, to …community.

King-rise, People-fall (Poem, Part 1)

See the series here

See the Israel series here

Across history, patterns voice their echoing messages,

Showing us repeating events from which lessons should be learned,

Alerting us to look for their likely return …‘down the road’.  

But who among us comprehends their echoing alerts code?

With historical patterns, just a few of us are concerned.

Most are busily managing life’s plusses and minuses. 


Nevertheless, key patterns remain faithful, doing their do,

Whether perceived, lessons are learned, and are expected or not. 

Only when significant ones SHOW-UP on the world’s door step,

Do we ALL lean in, pay attention, and maybe search the web.

Though patterns may repeat with generally similar plots,

Unique differences per occurrence will come into view. 


When I asked The Lord, ‘When will Your Millennial Reign commence?

He answered, ‘J!, You’ll know when, because with Me, you will return.’

He said, ‘Ponder correlations between when a king rises,

After folks were forced from their lands, then regain their land prizes.’

For Gentiles and Jews alike, that’s been an echoing pattern,

But for Jews, that should be an easier pattern to condense. 1


Let’s start with Noah

The flood waters ‘forced’, Noah and his family off the land.   

After the waters receded, back on the land they returned.

Later, in the plain of Shinar, their descendants re-settled.

That’s when Nimrod, a strongman ‘king-type’ arose, per The Bible.

He was Noah’s great-grandson. With The Lord’s plan,

he wasn’t concerned!

The Lord confused their language,

then scattered them from their land! 2


These events set a pattern for the rest of our history:

Forced evictions of people who eventually return,

To resume sinfulness that likely triggered their displacement!  

We can only perceive this pattern with long-term discernment. 

Failure to perceive it, means its lessons we might never learn! 


Lands ‘vomiting out people?! That’s part of The Lord’s strategy. 3

He foreknows His judgments won’t erase their sin proclivities.  

Allowing judged people to return to their lands?! That’s His Grace.

Ponder the times in history when this pattern can be traced.

It may be easier to trace in Jewish perversities. 

So let’s review some instances in their ancient history. 


Segue to ancient Israel

Into ancient Egypt, Jacob’s sinful family was forced,

Fleeing from an awful famine spreading across Palestine.    

Hmmm. Did they know what would be written in Genesis 15?!

Four centuries on, they returned after the exodus scene. 4

More centuries later, ‘We want a KING’, they began to whine!

Against His will, The Lord gave them a king

from The Lord divorced! 5


Later, from their lands, Israel, then Judah were vomited,

The results of folks’ gross sinfulness, mostly led by their kings!

After decades in captivity, some Judaeans returned,

To rekindle Jewish life. For The Messiah some folks yearned.

As King of the Jews, He was born! Skies filled with angels singing!!

Decades later, out of Judah, Jews were …again vomited!


Segue to the modern era

Since 1948, to Palestine, many Jews have fled.

Mostly secular and ungodly, their ancestors had left.

Mostly secular, these modern descendants have now returned,

Most unaware it’s to prep for The Lord’s Millennial term. 

When, as their Messiah and Global King, He won’t be bereft!

‘Evicted, return to the land, get a king’. Don’t miss that thread!


This time, their Messiah, the world’s King, will not lead them to sin.

Thus, some Jews and Christians think in that land they’ll be forever.

They err, ignoring The Lord’s promises of a brand new Earth!

Dead and alive, we’ll ALL experience an immortal birth, 6

And finally put this repetitive pattern …to an end!!!

Stay tune for Part 2


1 Thanks to The Bible, Jewish history is much more complete than histories of other peoples. Do you perceive why?? My reference to kings, includes any nations’ leader, no matter the titles.

2 Nimrod is traditionally viewed as a key figure in the decision to construct the Tower of Babel. His ambition to build the tower is often interpreted as an act of rebellion against The Lord, possibly aiming to unite/dominate people in an easily accessible plain under his rule, and thereby establish a name for himself, and build a large, tall tower possibly as insurance against another flood. The Lord had thrice told Noah and his family to ‘multiply’, re-populate the whole Earth. 

3 See: Leviticus 18 and 20.

4 During the Hebrews’ post-exodus wilderness wandering, The Lord inspired Moses to write the first 5 books of The Bible. This information included a conversation The Lord had with Abraham that predicted his descendants would be away from the promised land, in a foreign country for 400 years. Moses recorded this conversation in Genesis 15. It’s safe to presume Abraham shared this information with some of his descendants.

5 Saul was the first king of Israel (when the 12 tribes were still united). His reign is chronicled in 1 Samuel 8 – 2 Samuel 1, and 1 Chronicles 5 – 10.

6 See: Earth’s Next Versions (Series), and especially Forever or Until Forever? (Poem).