Our modern version of The Gospel of Grace seems to have simply erased key aspects of God’s Word, character and nature. Our resulting, rather sterile version of Christianity includes a broad ‘no-fault escalpatory clause’ that effectively dismisses any personal responsibility for the consequences we experience. Yet even Jesus iterated and demonstrated on numerous occasions that life on earth is both enveloped within, and governed by a set of clear spiritual laws, each with clear, identifiable positive and negative consequences. He also pulled back the covers on how these laws are being implemented and enforced, and He gave us a set of relevant warnings.
Mind you, these laws universally apply to ALL human beings, irrespective of our religious, spiritual, or non-religious beliefs and backgrounds. Because we may not immediately perceive and identify the consequences of keeping or breaking these laws, and because of our ‘no fault’ religious ideas, we easily/readily dismiss all of the warnings, and rather embrace an approach to life that effectively relegates everything that happens as ‘God’s mysterious, unknowable will, none of which is my fault!’ This life view suggests we are mere movable pieces on life’s chessboard, subject to imperceptible dynamics that we are largely unable to influence. Nothing could be further from Truth.
Life on earth is quite the contrary! To demonstrate and prove it, I pondered what might be the top few spiritual laws that have been designed and operationalized to govern and influence life on earth, and to understand more fully how are they being implemented and enforced. Much of this, you may know consciously or subconsciously. Given the rapidly declining state of the quality of life on earth, a review of this is indicated.
Ok, so how does it work?
God has established and gives us His spiritual laws. He sends teachers to instruct us therein. The Bible affirms and demonstrates satan seeks to trap us into breaking these laws in order to accuse us in Heaven’s High Courtroom. Once he has a case against us, God allows us Grace for to repent (time and opportunity to change our thinking and ways). If/when we do, we escape being judged for having broken the relevant law(s). If we do not repent, but persist in our law breaking ways, God, as the ultimate just Judge, must pass judgment to be carried out/executed by angels or devils (fallen angels), or by animals, microbes, the environment, etc., as necessary and assigned. If God doesn’t pass due judgment, He would have to abdicate His Throne to another, ultimate and just judge. None higher exists! Passing judgment allows executioner beings (both angels and devils) access to our lives, whose modus operandi is to carryout God’s judgment sentence. Such destruction is NOT necessarily related to the assured salvation of a sincere Christ-believer. It does relate more to our daily walk through this life. Thus, God iteratively affirms, if there are calamities, crises, tragedies and disasters, He, as The Lord over everything in His creation, is ultimately and personally behind them. (Isaiah 45:7 and Amos 3:6) After all, He is Sovereign over ALL of His great creation. Nothing happens therein without His express knowledge or approval. He’s The Boss!
So what are the priority spiritual laws; how are they being implemented and enforced; and how might they relate to crises you may have personally experienced or witnessed? Here is my take, presented in a series, based on considerable pondering of this very complex topic. Hopefully you will be inspired to do your own pondering and share your thoughts as well.
#1. The Law of Love. This is God’s overarching/enveloping law. I prefer to view it as the ‘God bubble’, akin to amniotic fluid in which all things exist. [This fluid, generated during pregnancy, reportedly has a perfect/neutral pH level of 7.0 - 7.5– the balance between alkalinity and acidity.] Within this context, God has ordained a set of supporting spiritual laws that, when respected, maintain perfect balance. When disrespected, however, life on earth becomes out of balance, highly spiritually and physically acidic/toxic (the equivalent of lower spiritual pH levels).
Within this framework, the set of supporting laws are symbiotic or inter-dependent, tightly connected.
#2. The Law of Sowing and Reaping. This law stipulates that, sooner or later, we shall inescapably reap what we sow. This is an inescapable law that governs everything in, and beyond life. It is the principal force that overshadows every other supporting spiritual law. The requirements of the other supporting spiritual laws are the ‘seeds’ on which this law exerts its force and impact. I regard it as God’s great incentive law – incentivizing us to be careful in paying attention to the details of our life’s walk. We have inverted this law as The Golden Rule - do unto others as we would have them do unto us.
The Earth realm is designed as a field for planting and developing seed, and then harvesting fruit of that seed. This is not only true agriculturally, but also conceptually and spiritually, as well. Every living thing in the earth is designed to produce after its kind, according to its physical DNA code. This is not limited to physical reproduction. It also includes spiritual reproduction. This suggests the existence of a type of spiritual DNA, which I suspect may be our heart’s motives. Whatever we ‘plant’ spiritually, good or evil, reproduces after its kind. This law assures and insures that the fruits of our spiritual seeds will redound to us, specifically and individually, whether in this life or the next.
Given the ‘seed-time-harvest’ principle, all seeds, once planted, require time to develop, and then to produce their fruitful harvest. God allows each seed sown in an individual’s life to have its own time requirement. He alone determines what constitutes ‘the fullness of time’ in allowing us to reap the harvest of what we have sown. As a result, we plant seeds (of good or evil words and deeds) and cannot easily link them to their eventual fruitful harvest. Thus, we make the serious mistake of dismissing this inescapable law.
What is the source of spiritual DNA? Consider this: